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Compartment 114
Compartment 114
There Is A Story

There Is A Story

A Poem by Annebelle Ashire

...and the pages never cease to turn themselves...


[There is a story of a girl
and a story of a boy.
There's a story of a woman
and a story of a man]

That girl grew up
she turned into a woman.
That boy grew up
he turned into a man.

[That girl] went through hell to get
to a place of contentment.
Once she was there,
she began to trust
. . .
But little did she know
that her trust was taken for granted,
Not once, not twice,
but over and over again.
She swore she'd never trust again.
Two years went by,
she trusted one other person,
He stomped on her heart and left it there
to wither away in the dust that is betrayal.
Somewhere along the way she just didn't care
She was walking
but hardly breathing
hardly comprehending.

A friend she thought she'd never have
a soul linked with her own,
stared back at her one evening,
Longing to destroy the wall she hid behind.

[He was that boy]

She didn't understand his persistency
to just "know" something about her,
He thrived off of her smile,
lived to hold her,
And his very being was what was holding her
keeping her from deciding on
"the end"
That boy left more than once,
each time he promised he wouldn't go.
But every time he became close,
he ran from what was clearly inevitable.

When he returned from what he allowed himself to do
he changed a bit from the boy that he was,
And she from the girl that she was
. . .
He gave her his word this time
as she did her own.

In love with a soul
that neither knew both couldn't live
At night,
far past the evening hours,
she would wait,
and he would come.
Sharing stories they've told to
non other than their very selves.
Exchanging glances that required no
explanation, but a smile and a tear
or two, of which he would wipe from existence.
She spoke in a way she's always longed to
though there hasn't been one other person
who might understand it,
Until that boy.
He spoke in a way that made her wonder if
he could hear himself.
Riddles were that boy's favorite,
at times, she saw him hiding behind them.

He told stories of pain
and let her see past the mask
he managed to weld on.
He blocked so many from who he was,
who he is.
Willing them to just run the other way.
He told her the same thing,
that it would make things easier on her
if she were to just leave and forget about him.
But something kept her hand in his,
something kept her from letting
"this" love go.
No promise of another tomorrow,
no promise of waking to a new morning,
he taught her that.

"anything could happen, all it takes is one
blink of an eye, and it could all be over"

But one thing made her doubt his words;
the simple thought of
Hope; that those wonderful things would come.
Hope; that the next night they should meet again.
Departing from his side was the utmost hardest of
all things in her world.
Saying goodbye to one another, left an empty feeling
in her heart, that at that moment, those last goodbyes,
could be their final words.
So he kissed her lips with a passion known non other than
to themselves, and left with a longing in his eyes.
Each night she would wait, at times she would fall asleep
and wake to a note written on her window,
saying that he just could not wake her from her sleep,
and he was gone.

Other times she would write by candle light,
and when she'd least expected his heart-racing presence,
he appeared, the only other light known to her eyes,
swelling with tears as she thought of where she might be
without him there to comfort all of her pain.
Even though that boy took in the torture of her tears,
he held her tightly and told her it was okay to cry,
fighting back tears of his own.
For so long, practically a year, she was afraid to
tell him how desperately in love with him she was.
But he could read her expression each time she looked
at him and that was all that would cross her mind.
He answered her unspoken words with an
"I love you, too"

She melted then and there every time, with every word
he spoke.
She could never figure out why she was so afraid,
maybe it was fear of rejection . ? .
fear of betrayal . ? .
fear of timing . ? .
It was fear of loving too deeply.
But it was too late for that now.

June 15, 2005
outside, beneath her window,
she looked into his eyes when he asked
"what are you thinking"
and smiled.
"I love you, and I always will"

"I love you, and I will never leave,
I give you my word",
he held her close under the summer night sky.
That night,
that girl grew up.
That night,
that boy grew up.
To this day, now two years passed,
they both have kept their word.
She turned into that woman,
and he turned into that man.
The two souls, that they've always been.
This is their story
I love you

© 2008 Annebelle Ashire

Author's Note

Annebelle Ashire
Written - Nov. 5th 2007

My Review

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Oh, this is absolutely beautiful.

An amazing love story, "A friend she thought she'd never have ... a soul linked with her own." It is not easy to find that special one, some say its impossible. But my heart smiles knowing that someone has found their other half. It gives me hope, that one day, I will find mine.

Posted 16 Years Ago

I loved this poem. It tells such a wonderful and clear story, that you can't help but fall in love with it. I love how you capture the human emotion in this wonderful story. I can't find any real faults with it, it's really quite amazing that you can write something so elegant and yet at the same time slightly rough.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on April 18, 2008
Last Updated on April 26, 2008


Annebelle Ashire
Annebelle Ashire

Loves Park, IL

Find some of my older work at: You may consider my being as "just another writer ", and I don't mind that so much.. The thing that tends to rather annoy me most... more..
