Not for Sale

Not for Sale

A Poem by AprilRN1210



“Get in where you fit in”

---another ‘dime a dozen’

what once was now begins

to show just what it wasn’t.


Distant dreams…and fairytales

with every lie you told

…..dissipate inside this jail

explaining truths you never sold.


O N E lonely buyer…trapped

kept in this empty cage

slapped with every tear I’ve wept

upon this… fractured page.  


Flames fading before they ever were

in a fire… that will never be

proving the passion your lips once swore

to be nothing more than make believe.


Melodies of primal pain

now play within my mind

ravaging with each refrain

on a track I can’t rewind.


I’ve learned to live behind these walls

reined by demons of doubt

they keep me from further falls

and fortify this house.


Who knows what the future holds

for this lost and weary soul

but my dreams and loving heart

---- can’t be bought or sold.

© 2015 AprilRN1210

My Review

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Featured Review

Wonderful. Such a softly spoken piece (in my mind anyway) that slowly lifts into wonderful last verse that captures the moment perfectly, of knowing those words once heard, now sound hollow and empty.
Thank you for sharing this. I really enjoyed it.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you so much for this lovely, insightful review, I am glad you enjoyed..


Thoughts well expressed with just the right edge; not overdone or underdone. I enjoyed it very much!

Posted 5 Years Ago

Hi. I was browsing and came upon this and noticed that my old mate alifeacoustic had commented. I like the way you've written this. I like the close to rhyme style that sometimes rhymes but is close enough, and what does it matter anyway. I like the flow. And there's something about the declaration you make and its background that is sort of bitter sweet. It's not out and out angry or putting up all defences in some knee jerk way. It's sort of more measured, more a sad reflection that's become a resolve. BTW I think the 'Flames .... believe' stanza is really really strong.

Nice job!


Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Thank you. I love to follow my friends reviewed works and see not only what they've interpreted but .. read more
The best of you so far well done

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Thank you Tate, it's nice to see you. Hope you're well :)
Awesome! When I read it out loud, it read very well.

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thank you for review.
The words, honest and true. Nothing bought is love earned and kept. I liked the quote and the amazing poetry. Thank you April for sharing your work.

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thank you :)
Coyote Poetry

7 Years Ago

You are welcome my friend.
I am so endeared to this powerful poem! It starts out broken sad then fades to emptiness then ends on a small note of hopeful determination. Great work.

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thank you for the kind review.
Once burned, or twice... beautiful, sad and so relatable.Love this.

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thank you, I appreciate your time and lovely review.
A determination here that is fitting for any fighter for love's honesty.


Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thank you for your time and thoughts :)
On notice!
I really like this piece, from the first line it grabs you and yet it has soft quality to it. You found a way to express a certain outrage, to draw a line in the sand sort of speak, without shouting or making a scene. A true stand with integrity!

Posted 7 Years Ago

i love this !!!!
superb job !!!
thanks fro sharing

Posted 8 Years Ago

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36 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on September 8, 2015
Last Updated on September 9, 2015




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