Three Things

Three Things

A Story by Archia

There were three things that I wanted to tell him


There were three things I wanted to tell him. Three things that took my breath away each time I went to say them. I twisted them, the easiest first, hardest last. Then there was the one in the middle, that one that sat between relief and misery.

Somehow, sitting on the swings before dusk took the light away, I found my breath for the first time.


“Yeah?” He swung back, the air pushing a gentle lock of hair away from my face.

“I’m going back home on Tuesday.”

He looked at me, and I forced my head to return the gaze. “Home?”

“Dad needs some help looking after Grandma, the stress is getting to him too much. I’m scared that he’ll just give up on everything James.” I couldn’t look into those eyes any longer. My head turned away, I knew it wasn’t any less hard for either of us. And it was me that was doing it, me that was splitting us up. “It won’t be forever. I’ll come back as soon as things are sorted.”

“How long have we known each other?” The question took my eyes back to him.

“Two years give or take.”

He nodded. “So that makes seventeen years without you.”

“But two with. And anyway, they’ll be many more years to come. Remember, when you’re married and living in Africa with your family, I’ll be here with two kids working as a teacher.” I brought back the dreams we had shared those days ago, so long ago it seemed now.

“That’s not going to happen Maddy.” There was something in his voice, something I had never heard before. Something I didn’t want to hear.

Still though I tried to be light. “What, did you change your mind? Do you want to take up that job as my personal chauffeur, you’re always driving me around anyway.” I chuckled, but it was not returned. “James?” Reaching out I grabbed his hand.

“I’m dying Maddy.”

I’m dying Maddy.

“I have cancer.”

I have cancer.

“Two weeks, that’s what they said.”

Two weeks, that’s what they said.

“Say something, please.”

Say something, please.

I realised I was just looking at him, my mind captured in his words. None of my own could come out. Especially not the second thing I had planned to tell him.


“Why?” But I wasn’t asking him, I was asking whatever did this to him.

He lifted himself from the swing, coming to kneel beside mine. “I’m sorry Maddy. I should’ve told you, but I couldn’t, I just couldn’t. But now since…” He left it there.

“I’ll stay. Dad can wait, he’ll understand.”

We sat there together, as dusk took its final step in. I had told him the first thing. Yet I did not know how I could tell him the rest.

The second time I found my breath we were in his house, gazing round his well-kept room.



“I’m picking up law next year.”

He dropped the hand he had been holding. “Law. What about teaching?”

I sighed, though hoped he didn’t notice. “I just think law would benefit me more.” Consideration in each word.

“Your dad wants you to study law. Don’t do this Maddy, do want you want to do.”

“But in the long run-”

“You want to be a teacher Maddy. You’d hate being a lawyer.”

I tried to find a compromise. “I’ll go, and flunk out after one semester. Dad can’t do anything then.”

“We both know you won’t.”

Silence. I had no arguments left.

“Maddy.” His voice softened. “Do what you want to do with your life. We both said we’d follow our dreams, so follow yours. If not for yourself, then for me.”

“Okay.” I hoped he knew I was sincere.

I left the hardest for last. And for two weeks, I couldn’t say it.

He now lay on the white-washed bed, tubes stringing life into his body. I occupied the single chair, the room silent except for the constant beeping. Each one a heartbeat.


“Yeah?” He opened his eyes, the weakness shown in those blue globes.

My breath was lost amongst those eyes, lost amongst him. I sucked in, nothing coming, no voice speaking out.

There were three things I had wanted to tell him. Two things where I had found my breath. Hardest last.

I reached out to grasp his hand. His fingers were warm, strength rising slowly to return the grip.

“James.” A single tear floated across my check, dropping onto my hand, slipping to his. I couldn’t tell him, my breath stolen.

I felt his hand begin to slip, the beeping machines taking a dim noise. And it was with his last breath, that I found mine.

“I love you.”


© 2012 Archia

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A painful and hearfelt read. Lovely storyline, sensativity is used throughout.
I felt it could of been longer, like you should play with those two weeks a little more, make the reationship more clear between the two characters and how much there life depends on the other.
Your description is creative and spot on you feel for the characters in the same way they feel for each other. Fantastic work

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


this story is so awesome! it's so sad, but i still love it! great work!

Posted 12 Years Ago

I love this! The echo of his words was great and really added to the impact.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is such a sad story!!! The writing flow was amazing. I love it!

~*Jasmine Thousand~*

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Oh my god! This story is awesome! I was almost in tears after the ending! Great now I'm crying. Anyways, great story! I loved it! The style of writing was amazing! though the story is sad, I'm happy that she found her breath at last. Keep writing!
and ->to my Favourites list

I loved it!

Posted 12 Years Ago

“Do want you want to do with your life. We both said we’d follow our dreams, so follow yours. If not for yourself, then for me.”
A very good story. Life isn't easy for no-one. I like the flow of the conversation and the very good ending. Thank you for the outstanding story.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I'm seriously about to cry. That was literally amazing! You are most definitley an amazing writer!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Oh my god, it's so sad!! D: and good!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

wow AMAZING...this is the best sad love story EVER..YES! I HAD FUN reading this...but it was very..sad..:( *tear* *tear*

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is a very moving piece. I should have read it before, when I had more time. But I'm glad I caught it now.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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29 Reviews
Shelved in 7 Libraries
Added on May 4, 2012
Last Updated on June 29, 2012



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