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About Me

Hi I'm Vivian Wallace and I'm 17 :) My friend Randi and I plan on becoming published authors, so we are working on our skills and just having fun by writing a silly super hero story together (S.H.O.V.E.L.) She is themostsplendiferous on here. Other than that, I like manga, I find dandelions fun to kick, and Pringles are pretty good.

Eeeek so read requests will probably take foreverrrrrrr for me to get around to reading because I just don't have a lot of time now that school has started back up. High school plus three college classes, oh my!

If you're reviewing my stories, please be honest about what you think. You can criticize all you want, rip my story apart if you think it sucks, etc., so long as you are constructive about it and point out what could be better. Thanks! :)

Warning: If you message me I'm prone to give long and detailed replies and I don't know when to shut up.

I seem to be developing a pet peeve on here- I'll point out a mistake and the person messages me saying, "Oh how right you are! However, I don't feel like changing it right now, so oh well." Do people not want to improve their writing? Do they not care that writing isn't just for yourself, but for other people? You're sharing pieces of yourself with the world when you write, do you not want the world to appreciate it? I don't know, this just really bothers me.
Sorting Hat Quiz
Your Result: Ravenclaw

Congratulations! You are a Ravenclaw. Qualities of a Ravenclaw are smart, creative, and witty. The mascot of the Ravenclaw house is an Eagle. Colors are blue/bronze or blue/silver.

Sorting Hat Quiz
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Everything You Want People to Know

Full NameVivian Charlene Wallace
DOBJuly 16
Eye colorBlue-ish. Some say green.
Hair colorBlond
Right or Left handedRight
Your WeaknessCute things, indian food, books, anime, oh there's so many that I have..
Your Fearzombies, ghosts, being forced to eat peppers
Your HeritageGerman, scottish, irish, welsh
Most Overused Phraseummm... what?
First Thoughts Waking UpWhat day is it?
Time You Wake UpFor school: 7. For summer: 9.
Most Missed MemoryFloating on my bff's pond and talking. This was when I was ten or something.
Pepsi or cokePepsi
McDonalds or Burger KingBK
Lipton Ice Tea or Nesteano tea
Chocolate or Vanillachocolate! is that even a question?
Cappuccino or Coffeeewwww both are nastyyyy!
Cat or Dogcat
Republican or Democratindependent
Up or Down...up? higher ground is the place to be in a flood, I suppose...
Is the Glass Half Full or Half Emptyeither way, I'm drinking the rest so it's only getting emptier
Blue or Greengreen
Red or Blackred
White or Purplepurple
Rock, Country, or Raprock
Big or Smallsmall
Tall or Shortshort-ish
Fat or Skinnyskinny, definitely
Hairy or Smoothsmooth
Poop or Peeuhhh people do both. if not you need to see a doctor!
Night or Daydaytime's pretty great
Drink Alcoholnastyyyyyyy
Stealonly from my siblings, and it's only candy
Singwhen I'm home alone
Shower Dailyyup!
Want to Get Marriedsure
Want Kidsadopted ones
Think You Are AttractiveI do, actually
Get Along With Your Parentskinda sorta
Like ThunderstormsYes! Summer's the best for those :)
Play An Instrument, if so what oneI used to play the autoharp, dulcimer, guitar, and piano, but I'm not very musically inclined
BandAhh so many to choose from!
SongPain by Three Days Grace
MovieGladiator, Spirited Away, How to Train Your Dragon, Pan's Labyrinth
Foodlamb curry
Candythis strawberry gummy candy from canada
Alcoholic Drink*gag* alcohol can go die
Non-Alcoholic DrinkDr. Pepper
Time or DayTime: six or seven p.m. Day: saturday
Gamethe dot game where you make squares and whoever has the most wins. Fable's pretty great.
Alcoholic Beverages you've Tried4, but I counted the many wines as 1
Movies You Ownten, maybe
Stolen Items in Your Roomnone
Brothers and Sisterstwo brothers three sisters
Emo cuttings on Your Bodynone
Drugs You've Takennothing that wasn't prescribed by a doctor or like allergy meds
CDs You Owntwenty-ish
Piercingstwo- ears
Drank Alcoholtasted a margarita
Been on Drugsnope
Stolen Anythingnah
Been DumpedI do the dumping
Been Skinny Dippingnope
Eaten Sushibleh, no way
Madeout with the SAME sex , oppisite sexnope, I kissed a guy but that's not really making out
Broken the Law, Been Arrestednope
Been Beaten upby a car
Been to a Real Party.. non of that B-day s**tno
Been Molested, rapedno
Been Cheated onnot that I know of
Been Emono
a cheaterat monopoly
a virginyes
a s**t/man w***enope
wigger/wiggetI don't know what this is...
a drugyno
Somedays Wanting to Die.. howno, I've wished it on other people though
Tell us YOUR answers to this survey! Click HERE!
Created by [email protected], taken 741 times.
Created at - Kwizzes, Polls and Surveys!


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Posted 12 Years Ago

zomg, I'm so proud of you-- being up way pass your bedtime and all. Oh, the joys of all-nighters :3

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Selkies are mythological creatures who are seals with the ability to come ashore and shed their skins, becoming human. Hence why I would want to know what one tastes like :P

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Posted 12 Years Ago

people or seals? are selkies an actual food product or something then? you're strange :D

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Thanks for your reviews! I'm trying to review your work, but it may have to wait until after my finals are over. Thanks again!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Lol thank you for the review!!


Actually no, the poem is not from Ed to fact, I kinda hate EdWin. XD I just liked the picture because it was cute, and as you can see I kinda have a thing for Edward *points to avatar*

The poem was from me to this guy I like thats all serious and what not, and I dont know if I should say anything or not.

[send message]

Posted 12 Years Ago

Awaken and Empower You. Arise and Liberate your Natural Joy. Life is a Creation and You are a Creator. Create Positive Change and Eternal Love. Awake and Arise for the Future is now and You are Beautiful.

( Micheal Teal / The Ancient One )