Swan Song

Swan Song

A Poem by Ashira Macy

Dedicated to my love for the stage.


She drags cherry stain across puckered lips,

Orchestra sounding in Overture.

The stranger staring back through the mirror,

Pale and beautiful like the moon.


She takes her leave down the darkened stairwell

Straight on to center stage,

Crimson curtain shielding her from eager stares.

Eyes closed and palms sweating she breathes in…


And out.


And out.



And as the curtain rises and amber light engulfs her

She feels the battered wood beneath her feet

Vibrate with pregnant anticipation.


Her breath comes out in melodious soprano,

Woodwinds painting her a sorrowful scene,

Brass ripping at her heart with harmonies,

And strings tying her to the spot.


A tear forms in her painted eye

As her ballad crescendos in climax,

And rolls down her cheek

At percussion’s final beat.


The roar from the audience

Falls on deaf ears

As the spotlight fades to black.

She bids her old friend a watery


© 2014 Ashira Macy

Author's Note

Ashira Macy
Thoughts? Suggestions?

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Featured Review

A truly beautiful and moving piece my friend...I've been to many plays and even a couple of operas (inlcuing Les Miserables) and I've always preferred stage acting to movies by an overwhelming margin...I always wonder what it's like behind the curtains amid the shuffle of wardrobe changes and everything else that must be going on down there, and I wonder what's going through their minds between scenes...lovely work :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ashira Macy

9 Years Ago

Thanks so much Steve, I am so glad you enjoyed it! There is honestly nothing more exciting for me th.. read more

9 Years Ago

Haha I'm sure it is...it must be such an odd dynamic, but that's what makes stage actors great...the.. read more


I know your notes ask for Thoughts and Suggestions… but I see nothing here I would want changed,
You paint with a gift, images form as true tribute to the depth of your love and admiration of one past.

Thoughts and Suggestions? Keep writing, I’m a subscriber now
Thank you Ashira

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ashira Macy

9 Years Ago

Oh wow, thank you Nevyn! You are too kind. I will certainly check out your work as well, if there is.. read more

9 Years Ago

no, not kind (if i don't like or feel, i don't leave feedback;)

no... not so much, I do.. read more
Ashira Macy

9 Years Ago

It'd be my pleasure, I will take a look. =)
And as the curtain rises and amber light engulfs her

She feels the battered wood beneath her feet

Vibrate with pregnant anticipation.

great lines here.

i love this...you really capture the feel of an actor who conjures up from within to play a role...but loves acting so much that she is able to lose herself entirely within the role, while at the same time being an ultimate part of the character herself.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ashira Macy

9 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your words, what a wonderful takeaway you had. I think you discovered somethin.. read more
Great write Ashira, you paint a picture flawlessly.
Good-byes are always sad, particularly when it's someone/something you love.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ashira Macy

9 Years Ago

Thank you dear! I completely agree, it is never easy to let go of something you truly hold dear.
Matching Socks

9 Years Ago

Just as lovely as the first time. ;)

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33 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on July 21, 2014
Last Updated on July 21, 2014
Tags: stage, performing, sadness, farewell, music, acting, drama


Ashira Macy
Ashira Macy

Martinez, CA

I am 24 years old and just getting back into writing after not using the skill for a few years, so I am a bit rusty. I am excited to share my new work as well as some old with this community and would.. more..

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A Poem by Ashira Macy

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