The Tempest

The Tempest

A Poem by Andrew Gleeson

A heartwarming tale of Hurricane Andrew

There's a storm coming, Love,
a tempest down south.
Let's get back inside
and we'll ride this thing out

Hidden in the bath tub
as Andrew hits hard.
I knew it'd be bad,
but it's gone way too far.

A tragedy strikes the Bible Belt;
it's the most alive that I've ever felt.

To keep myself breathing,
I'll be the man I hate.
You hold on tight, dear,
I'll open the flood gates.

Wash out the loathing;
the doubts, let them die.
The Tempest smiles wide.
It all ends tonight.

A tragedy strikes the Bible Belt;
it's the most alive that I've ever felt.

© 2011 Andrew Gleeson

Author's Note

Andrew Gleeson
As always, constructive criticism is appreciated.

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Added on April 22, 2011
Last Updated on April 22, 2011