Important Things

Important Things

A Poem by avant security guard

just living life


They want to talk about

important things.

They want to write about

important things.


It's hard for me,

almost impossible,

to be serious.


When I think of

the meaning of life

all I come up with is,

avoid crowds, and

crime doesn't pay.

The merit of a

sidewalk cafe

is that you get to watch people.

If you see me

you'll notice

much of the time

I'm by myself.

Sure, I get lonely.

Doesn't everybody?


The funny thing is,

I like to be around people.

© 2013 avant security guard

Author's Note

avant security guard
feel free to chastise me on grammar, spelling and punctuation

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Featured Review

Interesting prose. In a weird sort of way, I can relate. I like the presence of people, but yet I fear them. I have anxiety in social situations, yet I don't like to always be alone, "a bit of a conundrum of course" the moral of your writing is simple. Hence the title, so very appropriate, we are complex creatures by design, but our needs and wants are more often than not "the same" as anyone else's. Why overthink anything if we can just accept it at face value.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Very relatable ... Nice punctuation.....

Posted 10 Years Ago

Interesting prose. In a weird sort of way, I can relate. I like the presence of people, but yet I fear them. I have anxiety in social situations, yet I don't like to always be alone, "a bit of a conundrum of course" the moral of your writing is simple. Hence the title, so very appropriate, we are complex creatures by design, but our needs and wants are more often than not "the same" as anyone else's. Why overthink anything if we can just accept it at face value.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nice. Quirky, unusual take on what's important-- it simultaneously conveys the intimacy of personal understanding and a sense of alienation for being different.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on August 1, 2013
Last Updated on November 15, 2013
Tags: purpose, meaning, people, girl watching


avant security guard
avant security guard

Atlantica, NY

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