A Public Apology

A Public Apology

A Story by Avia

An apology for disappearing all this time.


I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry for just disappearing. The truth is that I ran away. 

After everything that happened in 2020, I struggled with my mental health like never before. It was horrible…

Last year was a stressful and challenging time. A couple of updates:

  • I completed my 5-year engineering course and had an existential crisis.

  • I have a job now �'�🏻, well, an internship, but it's a start.

  • A friend asked me to write for her podcast; it has been a life-changing experience.

  • I STARTED A BLOG! (I'm so proud of that).

  • I've had a lot of new experiences and I'm learning about myself every day.


  • My mental health took a nose dive.

  • I lost meaningful relationships.

  • I thought I was in love and got heartbroken a couple of times.

  • I realized that some people don't change no matter how much I want them to.

  • A lot of crazy traumatizing things happened in my country.

It's been a lot, but I'm not excusing myself. I should have said a proper goodbye, made an effort to keep in touch with the friends I made here. For that, I apologize. 

Unfortunately, I can't promise to come back here. I have a lot on my plate, and I don’t think I can keep up with being on here. I wish I could go through all the read requests that have piled up over the years, I’m sure I would have enjoyed reading every one if them. 

I would love to connect with anyone who wants to 🙂

Just send me a message, I’ll respond as soon as I’m able to. I’m going to miss this place so much. This is not a definite Goodbye, but I don’t want to just disappear again. 

I wish everyone all the best. I love and appreciate you all more than you know ❤️❤️❤️.

A link to my blog:

© 2022 Avia

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Added on September 7, 2022
Last Updated on September 7, 2022




Taking this life's journey one step at a time with faith. I love to write and I enjoy reading beautiful pieces of writing. Follow me on Instagram: hikky_avia more..

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