Minding the Heart

Minding the Heart

A Poem by BWOz

Heart ache is a lonely venture. Maybe it is "mind over matter".

The heart wants what the heart wants
you've heard that, yes?

Nearly blind, Heart sees only one frame at a time
where a hundred birds flock to a fence
Heart feels the beating of only one wing.

Mind is envious, yearns for what Heart feels.
Step aside, Mind thinks, let Heart be felt.

Heart does not heed Mind; all minutiae Heart says.
Arbitrary thoughts carry no weight, deplete emotion.

Eventually the brittle heart -- tender we say --
shatters into shards of glass, stabbing inward.

Heart cannot repair from that; Mind steps in
tells the heart, Come on -- let's get out of here
go over to my place, I'll brew some solitude

I've been beat up so many times no one bothers me there.
I have a collection of old stories to show you
later we'll come back, clean up this mess.

The heart wants what the heart wants?
No. I say the hearts wants its own collection of old stories.

© 2020 BWOz

Author's Note

I use capitalized 'Heart' and 'Mind' to imply personification, the lower case 'the heart' and 'the mind' are the general meanings.

My Review

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Well written. Heart without mind is reckless; mind without heart is cold.

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Years Ago

thank you John

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1 Review
Added on October 7, 2020
Last Updated on October 7, 2020



Tucson, AZ

A retired jet aircraft mechanic (though I still work in an office setting), a self taught musician (guitar mostly) and of course wannabe writer. I write prose, poetry some flash fiction, and yarns. I .. more..
