Life Lessons That They Never Teach You In Middle School, Even Though That's Where You Learn Them

Life Lessons That They Never Teach You In Middle School, Even Though That's Where You Learn Them

A Poem by Pen The Willows

Yes, it has a really long title. I also has a really deep meaning.


When I entered middle school

Along with my best friend

And my newest friend

I thought everything would be great


Sixth grade was pretty good

My best friend got a boyfriend

My newest friend got other friends

But they still had time for me


The classes were easy

I liked my teachers

Lunch wasn't too early or too late

It felt just right


Seventh grade was okay

We started mixing with the eighth graders

I made a lot more friends

But there was a bit of drama


My best friend got boyfriends and broke-up with boyfriends

My newest friend had two 'stalkers'

And we weren't as close as we used to be

But it was still fine


The classes got a bit harder

I started noticing guys

We attended the big dance (I helped plan it)

And at that dance, I 'crashed and burned'


Eighth grade was bad

We were the new leaders of the school

Everyone expected great things from us

And we tried to meet their challenges


The classes got harder

My newest friend and I fell apart from each other (Her friends started to hate me)

My best friend and I weren't very close

But we were there for each other


Then came the drama

A friend and I fought over a boy

A friend hated me

A friend couldn't keep my secrets


I was alone


Nobody saw

Nobody listened


My world was turning upside down

Nobody helped me

People acted like they cared

I saw through their lies


Well, eighth grade isn't over

And I'm alone in the crowded hallway

Even when I'm surronded by 'friends'

But at least I am sure of myself


And one day

I will be great

And then they'll want to be my friends

Or my loves


But I will have moved on

The trivialites will be behind me

But I'll never forget how I was treated

And I'll never forget who I am

© 2010 Pen The Willows

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Featured Review

This brought back a lot of memories. Eighth grade was the worst year of my life. I have felt exactly like this(except I prefer girls). You used a good free-flowing style throughout this poem. You used a good variety of words to describe your feelings. I also liked the title of this poem. It sent a rush of spine tingling memories through me before I even read it.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I loved the fact that this was in chronological order. You really described how most kids feel about middle school.

Posted 14 Years Ago

This piece transported me instantly 13 years back in time to my own days at the end of middle school. While middle school teaches you a lot about how to handle the cutthroat world of teenage society, it really doesn't prepare you for the brutal world of high school. But never fear...a few short years from now, you will rise to every challenge life throws your way and you will look back on these days with fondness for the simplicity they contained.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This brought back a lot of memories. Eighth grade was the worst year of my life. I have felt exactly like this(except I prefer girls). You used a good free-flowing style throughout this poem. You used a good variety of words to describe your feelings. I also liked the title of this poem. It sent a rush of spine tingling memories through me before I even read it.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on April 8, 2010
Last Updated on April 8, 2010


Pen The Willows
Pen The Willows


I'm 18 years old and I'm in my sophomore year of college. Most of the writings archived on here are from when I was in middle school and high school, and they aren't really very good. I wasn't going t.. more..


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