

A Poem by Poe Redd


Inverted horror story. Self-destruction.
Dusty table, ditto windows cursed by finger hexes, grimy design. Thirst on the menu, stomache not overly enthusiastic- counter critters, mud pies. Earthen ale in chipped mug, swallow a clot of clay. Here, fancy hostess- look at the girl!
Crimson, crimson. 'Round rain-cloud eyes and lips not tainted, dry. Broken hair sweeps over high brow and flirts into her mouth. But here, see here and there, where the body is bare, crimson and crimson and pus. Where skin should be strips of skin are not there. Ragged flesh scribbles, markings of a morbid martyr. Fresh scars wet with viscous yellow, white; swollen skin red. She cringes with every step. Sets before me my platter and, reluctantly, the cutlery, knife a little dirty.
Her eyes are hungry as I should be, but, the food is tough and I dare not swallow. Its utter tastelessness is bitter and my throat detects salt- cold blood and everything rises inside of me. Shaking panic. Thin ragged white strips and what sauce is this? This meal she placed before me I push away and spit. But she makes me eat it.
She makes me taste her wounds.

© 2012 Poe Redd

Author's Note

Poe Redd
Don't ask. Just tell me if you lost your appetite.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Sounds like the menu at Burger King to me.

Posted 11 Years Ago

This has me begging, asking for the story behind it. Na, lol I didn't loose my appetite, but cause I don't loose it easily anyway.
Great imagination, as always Poe

Posted 11 Years Ago

What great imagery....albeit of an offbeat nature....
great work :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

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That sounds delicious o_o..i mean it was...revolting ._. yeah....gross..haha XD I love how you used Lovett's picture for the poem with all the yucky icky grossy non delectiable (I didn't spell that right nor do I care haha) food. Great poem! :D

Posted 11 Years Ago

Very strong description create vision of raw and nasty food. I like the use of the language to make the reader taste and see the food with words. Thank you for sharing the excellent poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on December 5, 2012
Last Updated on December 5, 2012
Tags: yummy, yum, eat, mmmm, food, good stuff, pie, pasta, then we go, blood, wound, dark, horror, disgusting, mwa haha


Poe Redd
Poe Redd

Ontario, Canada

I'm back!! Will update all this nonsense soon. Much new writing to arrive shortly. Not a place for children. more..

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