Deadly Game Of Love

Deadly Game Of Love

A Poem by Alicia Hirshey

"One in five people in the United States has an STD."
"Two-thirds of all STDs occur in people 25 years of age or younger."
  " One in four new STD infections occur in teenagers."


Mysterious happening
It never accrued
I was always so healthy
No it shows up
With my baby on the way
I’m so confused
I hurt so bad
I want to waste away
Low birth weight
Is the only way
As long as he is healthy
I can fight this away
Easy to cure
Is what my doctors say
It doesn’t stop
The embarrassment
I feel along the way
How do I tell anyone
Should I let it slip away
If only you knew
How bad I feel today
Many women have seen it before
But why should I feel
Like nature isn’t keeping score
It hurts when I pee
The pain is killing me
It can’t be
What I think it is
I haven’t had intercourse in 14 days
His man parts are swollen
Mine are discharging
I hate feeling this way
I thought it was an infection
It would have been my first
Now I’m facing something
Far, far worse
Just a bump
Nothing less
I threw caution to the wind
Now I’m filled with dread
Horrible outbreaks
Are commonly said
I deal with this everyday
It is what my mom said
Itching is normal
A side effect
There is no cure
I’m stuck with it.
Deadly infection
Caused by sex
Does it not matter
That I could die from this
No transfusions
No life changing sin
Either way I’m dead
I can’t escape from it
Giving up hope
There will never be a cure
I hate what this has come too
But it has to be done
This is it
No longer can I have kids
The virus has spread
Now I will lose everything because of it
My heart is aching
My feelings are lost
But that doesn’t matter
It was his fault
Both to blame
I can’t get away
All my hopes and dreams
Are flushed down the drain.

© 2011 Alicia Hirshey

Author's Note

Alicia Hirshey
~Bacterial Vaginosis(BV)- Any woman can get it. Some women with BV don't know they have it because they have no symptoms. Women who have never had sexual intercourse may also be affected by BV, and it is common in pregnant women. Having BV can increase a woman's susceptibility to other STDs. Pregnant women may deliver premature or low birth-weight babies.
~Chlamydia- Most people who have chlamydia don’t know it since the disease often has no symptoms. Chlamydia is the most commonly reported STD in the United States. Sexually active females 25 years old and younger need testing every year. Easy to cure, chlamydia can impact a woman’s ability to have children if left untreated.
~Gonorrhea-Anyone who is sexually active can get gonorrhea. If they occur, symptoms in men and women vary depending on what part of the body is infected: Gonorrhea can affect the anus, eyes, mouth, genitals, or throat. This disease can impact a woman’s ability to have children if left untreated.
~Genital Herpes-Genital herpes is a common STD, and most people with genital herpes infection do not know they have it. You can get genital herpes even if your partner shows no signs of the infection. If you have any symptoms (like a sore on your genitals, especially one that periodically recurs) laboratory tests can help determine if you have genital herpes. There is no cure for herpes, but treatment is available to reduce symptoms and decrease the risk of transmission to a partner.
~HIV/AIDS-Having an STD can make you more likely to get HIV. If you have an STD, get treatment because persons who are infected with STDs are more likely than uninfected persons to acquire HIV infection. There are many steps you can take to reduce your risk of STD and HIV. Find one (or more) that will work for you.
~Pelvic Inflammatory Disease(PID)-PID can lead to serious consequences including infertility. PID occurs when certain bacteria, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, move upward from a woman's vagina or cervix (opening to the uterus) into her reproductive organs. Women can protect themselves from PID by taking action to prevent STDs or by getting early treatment if they have any genital symptoms such as vaginal discharge, burning during urination, abdominal or pelvic pain, pain during sexual intercourse, or bleeding between menstrual cycle. Prompt and appropriate treatment of PID can help prevent complications, including permanent damage to female reproductive organs.

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This is such an inspirational, but also heartbreaking poem to read. It is true, many teens and young adults suffer from STD's in the United States and everywhere around the world. I also like the way you pointed out that you don't know what you're facing, until you're against it. A very powerful and conveying write!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


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Posted 3 Months Ago

This was so powerful and inspirational but also heartbreaking. People need to read this!!!!
♥ Ta'Shandra

Posted 13 Years Ago

such a powerful poem great job
-Meja Malina

Posted 13 Years Ago

Very serious topic, and quite good to know!!! :D I'll keep this in mind

Posted 13 Years Ago

You captured the pain, worry, and heartbreak very well.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Any teenager that thinks they'll never possibly get an STD needs to read this.

Posted 13 Years Ago

So powerful and deep. Really heart wrenching!
You got the point across.

Posted 13 Years Ago

You are brave to write about this Ali Gay and I applaud you

Posted 13 Years Ago

Oh my...this is sad ): but it's deep and real, and I've never read anything like it. I love it though. Reading about that kind of stuff usually just bores me but you found a way to make it interesting and it worked out great (:

Posted 13 Years Ago

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12 Reviews
Added on May 10, 2011
Last Updated on May 10, 2011


Alicia Hirshey
Alicia Hirshey

Hartford City, IN

Short&&to the point -Aliciaa//Smitten//Mother more..

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A Poem by Alicia Hirshey

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