Crawling Suicide

Crawling Suicide

A Poem by M. Lumiére

That blue tower, so all-encompassing… its inhabitants are lost to themselves.

Crawling Suicide

Indulgent is the arrogant lady,
dwelling in the blue tower
her every habit shady,
a cigarette draws she from the drawer.
Still so, only a few inside shiver
as bones undergo decay,
like arrows from a quiver
the rolls are picked up - day by day.
Her many lovers, advice they offer
yet of words are they bereft
as opened is; the coffer
many a man has long since left.

Even though her blood runs rancid
a black color it took upon,
overclotted, dancing acid
masquerades the devil's horn.
Cadavers, left in to lay -
to many gods and saints, they pray -
Alas, their minds, they all have rotten!
Revelations long forgotten
in this tower of blue -
deep inside, she knows it true.

Sighs and quarrels now resound
between women; direction bound
petty rage and vanquished truths
falling from the greyish cliffs
shrieks and wails the fallen muse -
a victim more, not wanting this
impending mad-self homicide,
closer is brought, with each short bliss;
this sprawling, crawling suicide!
- leading her into - the Abyss.

© 2019 M. Lumiére

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Added on August 20, 2018
Last Updated on October 27, 2019
Tags: poetry, commentary, pretty damn edgy mate


M. Lumiére
M. Lumiére

Let's all drown in absinthe together. more..
