Does He Love Me Still?

Does He Love Me Still?

A Poem by Serenity Faith

Torn between a past love and what you believe is true love...

Does he love me still?
I'm not so sure...
He has this girl now
well, not really, he's waiting..
waiting like I did for my love
hmmm, my love
Does HE love me still?
I don't think so...
not anymore
he hurt me so much
and yet here I am...
loving him and caring for him
hmmmm, him
Does he love me still?
he used to...
he used to follow me
find me in the hallways...
and held me like no tomorrow
Does HE love me still?
sometimes he does...
sometimes he's so sweet
he'd tell me how beautiful i am...
but then he'd hit me like yesterday
Does he love me still?
the boy i used to know?
or Does HE love me still?
the boy i know now....

© 2013 Serenity Faith

Author's Note

Serenity Faith
I wrote this poem about four years ago...kind of ironic, I've truly been kidding myself for years....

My Review

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It was a good poem I enjoyed reading it Emily:) Read again but felt a song, Idk id want a boy hit me, Sure ant a man!

Posted 10 Years Ago

The poem was crazy good. Kinda like you, crazy. Anyway, I like this. Well done.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Oh man. That did just happen. Wow. Hmm, I deny everything. lol jk :)
Serenity Faith

11 Years Ago

lmao!! mmmhmmmm :P wuv you too Jeremia!

11 Years Ago

Do you? Prove it! I never hear from you anymore. :(
great poem that shows the power that love can hold

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Serenity Faith

11 Years Ago

Thank you for the review. It's a bit of a mess, but yes a powerful mess at that.

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3 Reviews
Added on June 8, 2013
Last Updated on June 8, 2013


Serenity Faith
Serenity Faith


If you truly must know, write me....i promise to write back ^_~ more..
