Rainy Ending

Rainy Ending

A Poem by Blaines Baby

Somehow I knew 
I would be the one
It was all new
Now it's nothing more 
Than a painful scar
Just like the one
That will be on 
Your heart 
When you realize 
The mistake you made 
And I won't be here 
Cuz I'm not gonna 
Feel sorry
For myself 
I'm gonna pick up 
the pieces
And move on 
To something better 
And it won't be a 
Rainy Ending 

© 2011 Blaines Baby

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Wonderful write, beautiful

Posted 12 Years Ago

Such a beautiful poem, heartfelt and full of emotions! I love the ending! "You tell him girl!!"

Posted 12 Years Ago

good one , read mine too " QUEST OF LIFE".

Posted 12 Years Ago

heyy, i loved this!! really emotional and i could relate to it entirely! like Chris said maybe you could expand it a little bit more, but regardless i really enjoyed the read!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Hey, neat little poem here. I could feel the emotion of being spurned and left alone. I like the lines: "Now it's nothing more that a painful scar just like the one that will be on your heart." I think it would be cool if you did a part 2 of this poem and expanded on the idea of a Rainy ending as a cleansing of one's soul.
I enjoyed the read. Please take the time to review one of my pieces as well.

God Bless

Posted 12 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on September 7, 2011
Last Updated on September 7, 2011


Blaines Baby
Blaines Baby


I'm Gabby and I'm a Senior in high school. I love to read and write. If anyone reviews my writing, i will try my best to go and review theirs. And please don't hold back on the comments, i wanna know .. more..


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