On the curb

On the curb

A Poem by Bobbiegirl

On the curb in front of liquor store that sells rolling papers and a vast variety of pervy mags.


A baby food jar, in it a candle. There are a number of those Santos candles too.


The flicker of lights illuminates

A flower,

And then a bunch of flowers.

Some hastily expressed sentiment is written with a sharpie on the torn apart shards

of a card board box.

Another sign says “We miss you.”


Also mylar balloons. One is shaped like a heart “I wuv you”.


All of these make shift memorials are at best sad, at their worst cheesy.

A life reduced to the type of stuffed animal one buys at the Save-On thrift store.


I hope I never die in a car accident.

© 2009 Bobbiegirl

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good job!...keep it up, beotch

Posted 14 Years Ago

Wow. This is very touching in an almost harsh way. Your matter-of-fact wording matches the image of "A life reduced to the type of stuffed animal on buys at the Save-On thrift store". Your words are almost cutting with the harsh reality. I wish people would think of this before they get in their cars after one drink too many.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Your endings are always a delight
but nix on the C.A.///

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on November 17, 2009



Pine Mountain Club, CA

Hi and thanks for being interested. My name is Bobbie and I am suffering from empty nest syndrome and would love to make new friends. I like to write poetry, and short stories. Earlier this year I tri.. more..
