A Chapter by Bonaventure Onuabuchi

Humility, according to dictionary definition is the quality of not thinking that you are better than others; the quality of being humble (Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary 8th Edition).

          Humility is a biblical virtue taught and practiced by Christ himself. Humility is all about placing your standard low no matter how high it is, in the consideration of others.

Among all the commandments of God, love takes the lead but humility is in the apex to obeying them all. None of the commandments can be obeyed when humility is absent. All the commandments of God based on being humble. Yes, for you cannot love when you are not humble neither can you obey or respect others when you didn’t first humiliate yourself by considering your higher position as nothing.

          Humility must be applied to every area of our life for a successful outcome.

Christ himself showed us the way and needs of being humble in all aspect of his life. Here are some biblical lives and teaching of Christ that laid emphasis on humility.


First, we learned from the bible about the call from God to send among his angels who will come and die for the world. Despite his position as the only son of God, Christ admitted to come and die for others. Christ here is trying to define humility in another aspect to us. He is making it known to us that humility also entails using our higher position to the benefit of those we are better than.

          Humility here is defined not based on personal gain or a successful result, or the regard to be called a humble person. No, for if Christ view humility like that He would have not admitted to die. Like some who will practice the virtue humility when it comes to a juncture where they expect something positive in return. This I label misinterpretation of the bible verse that says “those who lift themselves will be humbled, and the humble shall be lifted”

Practicing humility anticipating a lift is just like being proud, it is not humility as revealed by Christ. People summiting themselves to order when it comes to life business where they looks forward to having a raise is a casual understanding of the bible verse. And Christ definition of humility considered that null and void. Rather we should use our acquired lift to the interest of others expecting a humiliation as the successful result.

          The humiliation we get will make us resemble Christ himself who disregarded his position and came to this very world, suffer all kinds of humiliation and die for us. After that glory was his, and the same will be to all humble being for that is why Christ said “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”


Christ again taught humility with another example and a similar aspect when he placed a little child high in front of all and told them that unless their hearts to be like that of the child, heaven is not for them.

Wait a minute and ask yourself, “What is Jesus trying to point here? “how is the heart of a child?”

          We don’t need research to tell us that little children have greatest percentage in the practice of humility. A child had nothing against anyone, has neither self-esteem, neither thought nor plan to make life better, has nothing about how to get ahead of others nor even himself. These are things that makes adult to be into being proud which at times result to evil deeds.

          By having something against anybody, you are lacking humility because you are no more subjective to your creator and lord.

Having self-esteem is not always bad, it depends on how you view and follow it. But at times, it leads to neglect and disregard of others of lower rank which is proud. And we all know that being pride is sinning against humility.

As the light and darkness had nothing in common, so is pride and humility; to embrace humility is to reject pride.

Planning for a better life is another thing the child lack that makes him or her holder of humility. The zeal to make it to the top gives the inclination to cheat, steal, and sometimes kill. And these all are neither being submissive to the law maker.

The worst of it all is planning to get ahead of others, not regarding where it may lead to, it is a vivid pride. It is not humility no matter how it is practiced. Some will say that nothing is bad in trying to achieve more than others rightly, but I put it to them that as far as the topic “humility” is concerned, it does not allow for both unworthy and genuine target of getting others lower to you. This will be best explaining in the following example.


Christ laid another emphasis about humility when he said, “ …instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant and whosoever wants to be first must be a slave of all, for even the son of man did not come to be served but to serve…”

         Let’s use this passage to explain that what I mean when I said, “humility does not allow for both unworthy and genuine target of getting others lower to you”

          Here Christ is referring to his disciples when they were grumbling and were annoyed with James and John. What did the two brothers did? James and John went up to Christ and ask for a favour. They asked Christ to make it that one of them will sit in his right hand and the other at his left. This request did not at all form an opposition against other disciples, they did not ask Jesus to make it impossible for other disciples to be with him in heaven. Just that they wants to be at his two sides, then others can be with them too. Why is this Pride? They are trying be outstanding among other disciples which is an enemy to humility.

          But Christ let them know that pride goeth before a fall. That those with such ambitions will definitely be reduced to mere servant to others.

He gave himself as an example that he was not on earth to be served but to serve (explaining how humble he is)


Now away from Christ ways of describing and showing humility, next to consider is how we as human beings can be humble too by understanding what really humility is.


Humility is accepting Christ and following his footstep: We just discussed about Christ teachings and practices on humility. We are urge as Christ ambassadors not to be only the listeners of the word but also the doer. We too can be humble by just doing as Christ has directed us. Jesus meant the same thing when he said, “take my yoke  upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart”…so , let’s practice humility by learning and doing as Christ.

Humility entails using your greater opportunity to add a boost to the life of others.

          When we understand this, we can be able to live our life to the benefit and betterment of all, both friends and foes alive. Just as Christ set before us.

Humility is being sorry even when we are not suppose to just for peace and humility sake:  Proverb tells us that the tongue of the wise brings hearing, also that pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. To practice humility, you are required to be always ready to put forward soft words when it is called for. We should not be ignorant enough to pay less for kind and gentle words when it is needed. Some words like, “I’m sorry”, “please” have some power to penetrate the heart. So we are called to always use them both when it is of us to say or the opponent.


Humility is admitting being wrong when you are not, in order not to give the devil a ride.

Why entering into an argument when all it requires to resolve an issue is just to say, “ I did it but I’m sorry”? it does not remove anything from you neither does it add any negative to you. Rather, it multiplies your happiness, add to your peace of mind, divide your burden and subtract from your trouble. It is pride to always try to reach to the end of a case just to show the forces watching that you are right.


Humility is humanity and respect to humanity.

Among the ten commandments of God, three is only what we owns to God and the rest seven centered on man’s humanity to man.

          We have to keep it as an order from above to live in harmony and peace for the well being of human and the entire society.


Humility is not Ego �"centric:

We have to show interest and concerned in the importance of others.

Not always thinking and showing ourselves more important. This is ego-centric which we all know is a brother to pride the greatest enemy of humility.


Humility suggest we live as the kids,

To be humble simply means being once again a kid. Take a look at the children, how obedient they are, submissive, and without any taught of evil. He cares not about anything, and opens to embrace anybody who is willing to carry him.

Humility insists that we have agape love on others:

By playing, accommodating and sharing things with others, we show humility. There is love in sharing, and there is humility in love. Let’s be humble, pay less to pride.


The excess practice of anything calls for reaction in the direction. Even Christ who built the foundation for humility cannot deny being humiliated.

          So as human beings practicing will be ready to face with courage some unwanted attitudes from the opposite direction.

But in all, assimilate and believe that there is no single disadvantage of humility, and always remember Christ’s promise to the humble. Below show the three sure to come challenge you encountered when practicing humility.

Humiliation: humility itself is all about humiliation. You are sure to lose some of yourself respect and self-esteem in the course of being humble. The pride will consider you a shameful someone and you will look stupid in their eyes.

          Christ still the best example, instead of his throne he was beaten, given sour wine, insulted, and worst of it all was nail. So, the humble should be expecting things like this with hope that the end justifies the means.

Hatred: As earlier said, the practice of anything arouses reactions in a different reaction, being humble will definitely create enmity between you and the pride.

Deprivation: Since being humble is to admit wrong even if you are not. This automatically means that you will forfeit certain things of value to you in order to be in the favour of humility.


These are some of the problems among others encountered in the course, but the course itself has no disadvantage. Is true you meets problem when doing it, but nothing good, worthy and great commeth easy.

          Instead, it is pride that is bound with disadvantages. And that I’m going to give a highlight of some of its numerous disadvantages.


Pride leads to failure: It is the one of the most common saying of all ages that, “pride goeth before a fall”

vIt is a sin punishable by God

vIt makes us ignorant of asking forgiveness which has its own negative consequences.

vIt separates us from the love of Christ.

vIt creates an atmosphere for self-esteem that can develop to other evil did.

vPride deprives its holder of self- obedient that result in lack of interest in anything worth doing. Pride can deprive you of learning and gaining of other favors.

vIt leads to murder and other social vices

vIt creates room for development of hatred and enmity

vIt denies the heart of its happiness at last.


Humility which is the quality of humble is not worthy research telling us before we believe that it is full of merits with zero percent regret. Let’s look at these few importance of humility.

Humility is a Virtue: Humility is an attitude that shows high moral standard and acceptable by God and humanity. With humble heart, one is a well recognized son of God and to society at large.

     This is a primary aim that any reasonable person will always be pursuing. It gives an access joy to the heart to be in union with God, and the refleshing of the soul is not left out, and being in peace and with a pure heart is another medicine to human quandary.

It leads to success in all human Endeavour:

Being humble allows you to take correction in life business. A humble student who pays attention to the teacher’s lesson, and the joy of the teacher goes up to 100% when seeing that his lesson is being responded positively to by the student. These give the teacher the inclination to teach and attend to the student with a clean heart, which benefit the student in many ways, Which among the benefits is the reason why he came to the school that will be achieved. He will be successful in his educational careers.

In the business field humility is the best skill required of a seller.

There is a saying that customers are always right. No matter how a customer looks like or behaves just be humble to them. It is being humble that you can best attend to customers which will give them the utility before consuming the goods.

     Lets do a little life example, How do you feel as a young boy that is addressed as “sir”, my dear”, by a nice lady who is above your age just because you are a customer? Or you are offered a greeting by an elder shop attendant, which indeed you are in the position to great him or her.

     Without doubt, base on how you are been attended to by a seller you can buy more than what you need and will be ready to come another day.

So humility is to be apply for success to be achieved in all financial institution.

It pave way for peace and development:

When all men can understand and ready to put their foot in others shoe, they will be peace among all. And the bible let it clear to us that whenever there is peace, development is sure to be there.

If human nature can embrace humility and live in peace, there will be communal sharing of things, ideas that helps rationalize man’s aim of existence.

     Two good heads are better than one, and that only exist where men forbid pride. Pride makes you think of your own success, and makes you not to be in companion of others.

Building up your self-ego and thinking of your very self important will contribute immensely to denying peace and development to you and to others too.

As a child that base on your parents for feeding and other aids humility helps you get your parents help easily when you need it.

Consider yourself a parent who had children, will you be able to deny your humble child whatever worthy he asked for, if you have it? It is not possible. So being humble help us get close to our parent and get their help. The same is applicable to God and man. If we are obedient enough to him, he will not like to deny us anything valuable we asked for.

It builds your self-esteem: these who are humble are them that don’t regard themselves nor pay attention to self-ego in attending to others. But Christ makes it known to us that those who humbled themselves will be raised. So building of a stronger and higher self-esteem by God lies in being humble. God lift the humble at last and place them where they never thought of being.

A humble person pays less to life worthless issues:

Hatred, gossiping, discontent and evil thought are not found in them. These are some of the characters of the pride that is leading them to unrelaxation throughout their life.

When you bears hatred against another person inside your heart, it’s you that is bearing the pain and killing your personal peace and soul nourishment.

Humility gets you free from some troubles that you are having in life: With humble spirit and mind, you can get some helps from people. Men can be persuaded through kind and humble words.

There can be certain time in your life that the situation might not be favorable. If you are a pride, you can’t have the gut to let people know that you are down. But the humble know the best way to do that and therefore can be able to get help from others.

humility cost nothing, but can buy you everything:

in summary, being humble cost you nothing. All that is required of you is being obedience and submissive to both God and man. There is nothing like financial resources in the practice of humility. Your academic intelligence is not here needed, neither is your strength nor any form of skill. It does not call for adequate learning nor study before it can be practiced.

          But with it, you can get all the above mentioned.


© 2013 Bonaventure Onuabuchi

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Added on July 27, 2013
Last Updated on July 27, 2013


Bonaventure Onuabuchi
Bonaventure Onuabuchi

Ohaozara, Ebonyi, South East, Nigeria

A young writer/poet from Nigeria. Want to know more? Contact me then: more..
