The Search

The Search

A Poem by Brian K. Walters

The Search
Show me the way
to a place I've never been.
Free from all this pain
where my soul can soar.
To taste her lips upon mine
as I finally feel her touch.
Oh, just to see her smile
with eyes warmed by love.
Take me away,
safely within her arms.
Convince me she's real
not simply a fools fantasy.
I have never seen her face
outside of my dreams.
Yet in my heart,
she must exist.
For if not..
What would be the purpose?
This is life.
Do we not only walk once?
The wounds are still fresh
inflicted by the pretenders.
Yet they are all I have found.
So, Who is pretending?
Why must I search
through years of pain?
Surely you must know
time is not endless?
Will I fade away
a man with an empty heart,
whose infinite journey
was sadly in vain?

© 2008 Brian K. Walters

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I want to say so much- but I'm short on time- soooo...

I agree that this is sad, but there's still hope in the romance of this piece and thats good to see. because not everyone can go through what you've been through and still believe in love.
I will also add that I've read EVERY Piece you've ever written and there's no way your journey is in vain. I've learned too much from you to let you go on thinking its all for nothing.

You're one of a kind!!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Great poem! I feel sure that everyone who reads it can relate to your words and the questions asked. Yes, we only walk once - this is our life and it is what is made of it! Very touching...thank you for sharing.

Posted 15 Years Ago

DAMN. I have an entire collection of poems that you have summed up in this ONE. Incredible. Exactly what Im trying to say. Love it.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I want to say so much- but I'm short on time- soooo...

I agree that this is sad, but there's still hope in the romance of this piece and thats good to see. because not everyone can go through what you've been through and still believe in love.
I will also add that I've read EVERY Piece you've ever written and there's no way your journey is in vain. I've learned too much from you to let you go on thinking its all for nothing.

You're one of a kind!!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

We all seek the same thing and sadly stumble from one pretender to another each time convinced that maybe this is it. What separates them from the one and why is it our hearts are so easy to fool.

A poignant evocative write.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A sad lonely yet very romantic poem. Thank you for sharing. Debileah

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on July 23, 2008


Brian K. Walters
Brian K. Walters


I have always loved to write.I have been through a lot in my life yet I don't feel I should limit my writings to being just about me. Although some of my poems are about me and my own personal experie.. more..


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