The Victim

The Victim

A Poem by Brian K. Walters

This poem is dedicated to the thousands of children who suffer from child abuse. Please help put an end to their nightmare. Don't close your eyes, lend a hand.

The Victim
Slipping into the darkness
her cries go unheard
there is nowhere to hide
from a monster so close
There are those who suspect
yet remain silent
allowing her to live
in her hideous nightmare
She lives in constant fear
of waking the monster
she mustn't do anything wrong
she has to be perfect
In the safety of her peers
the monster demands silence
Their laughter puzzles her
Don't they have monsters too
Another night comes
careful not to leave a mark
the beast strikes again
her nightmare continues
Just another night among many
she weeps in the dark
wondering when if ever
someone will open their eyes

This poem is dedicated to the
thousands of children who
suffer from child abuse. Please
help put an end to their nightmare.
Don't close your eyes, lend a hand.

© 2008 Brian K. Walters

My Review

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I feel this poem could also go out to women in an abusive relationship. They have monsters they don't wish to wake as well. Until I got to the end, that's how I perceived this.

Quite the picture you painted. One that I can relate to and feel that "haunting" coming back to me. What amazes me is how you were able to place yourself in this position.... effectively playing the role.

Great write!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


The poem is powerful. There is no excuse for abuse. You painted a very sad picture with your words. A excellent poem. Thank you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

That was amazing, my eyes welled up with tears the second they hit the line "There are those who suspect
yet remain silent" in the last reviewer, I am a survivor of an abusive relationship, which everyone remained silent and I could relate to this writing. I also felt that you put yourself as the protector and the one who would fight for every child who has been abused. Great job. Will add as one of my favorites

Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi Daddy =]
do i know who this is about?

Posted 15 Years Ago

People see what they choose to see, hear what they choose to hear. Some of us hear the cry because we know what it sounds like.
Again, very well written with a great point perfectly expressed.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I feel this poem could also go out to women in an abusive relationship. They have monsters they don't wish to wake as well. Until I got to the end, that's how I perceived this.

Quite the picture you painted. One that I can relate to and feel that "haunting" coming back to me. What amazes me is how you were able to place yourself in this position.... effectively playing the role.

Great write!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on August 5, 2008


Brian K. Walters
Brian K. Walters


I have always loved to write.I have been through a lot in my life yet I don't feel I should limit my writings to being just about me. Although some of my poems are about me and my own personal experie.. more..
