Chapter 0.7

Chapter 0.7

A Chapter by Free Spirited

It had been a while since he had slept in his armor, but he quickly remembered exactly why he shouldn’t do that, his body was very achy and sore, joints hurt as he grouchily stood, and tried to stretch, which wasn’t easy in a full suit of armor. This burden had been bothering him more and more lately, ‘perhaps he should go without it for a while?’ He thought. ‘No, no that’s a bad idea, i’ll just have to get more used to it.’  That was his reaction to any real kind of inconvenience he would just have to get used to whatever it was. It worked for him, but it was kind of a hassle, he usually wanted to deal with whatever it was, but that wasn’t always the best thing to do. His eyes drifted to the bed, Klau had shifted slightly in her sleep, but still seemed out cold. Wait, she was asleep right? Something was wrong. Gadreel quickly, achily and quite loudly scrambled over to her. He was right. Her chest wasn’t rising, she wasn’t breathing.

Her skin was white and pale, he put a hand on her arm and it felt cold to the touch. He shook her gently, as if to try and wake her but it wasn’t working. He shook a little harder, and her head flopped lazily to the side. Her face was quiet no sign of any emotion. Panic filled his being, his hands shook, sweat began to collect on the top of his forehead. His eyes searched her face frantically as he placed a hand on her shoulders, gently at first on her wounded one, but thought different of it and grabbed her tightly. His fingers dug into her wound.

All of a sudden her face erupted with emotion a pained scream split the air. Klau’s eyes flew open and tears threateningly formed. Her face, contorted with anguish, faced Gadreel. He had jumped away in utmost surprise but he was not thankful that she was alive. Her eyes searched him for an explanation. All Gadreel could do was stammer as he watched her body rack the newfound pain. It was torment to see her in pain. Pain he had literally just inflicted onto her. That was the worst part about it. He had once again hurt her.

I I I..thought you w w weren't going to wake up. I’m sorry Klau. I’m sorry I hurt you again. Are you okay? Do you need anything?”

Her face was gentle toward him but she looked so tired. Her breath evened out and the pain dissipated from her face,

“It was a prank, I was going to play being asleep until you turned around or something, then shout and scare you.” She giggled slightly, wincing at the pain etching at her shoulder, “Why on Heyna did you think I was dead?” Gadreel breathed heavily, kneeling close to her, taking on hand into his and stroked her face with his other hand.

“Well you weren’t breathing, or it was very light, I was kinda too panicked to tell, I’m so sorry I hurt you. Are you okay? I am really sorry, Klau.” He was panicked and it obviously showed when he spoke to her, his voice was amusingly high pitched with worry. Klau tried not to laugh because he was evidently very very worried, but she couldn’t help it. The whole scenario was just so funny. Her little giggles lifted his spirits, and they both knew everything would be alright. There was just something about Klau’s happy behavior that seemed to make him happy as well, it seemed to brighten the world around him, like sunshine in the morning.

He busied himself by running to and fro around the tree house, collecting leaves she said would help the pain, getting her food, playing with the energetic pups and grooming them over. It wasn’t to Klau’s liking, she didn’t much care for sitting around all day and especially not being cared for, but there was a slight peace that there was nothing she had to be doing, Gadreel was there to  help her. It was so peaceful.

She tried to force him to let her get out of bed and try to be busy with something, but he refused, making her lay down and relax.

“But why can’t I just get up? I don’t want to just lay here!”

“Well I can’t have you going about and hurting yourself. This is for your own good sweetness, understand?”

Her face went dumb for a few seconds as she reran what she just heard back through her head. “Did he just? Sweetness? What just happened..” Gadreel, glad she seemed to accept the scenario, stood stunned that he had just said that. “Okay, maybe she just didn't notice? Yeah.. I’ll just play it cool, don’t bring it up. Be cool man..”

He turned and knelt down by the work station, the pups were fighting over a wooden stick scrap, their playful growls filled the awkward silence between them.

Klau was glad Gadreel was turning away, because then he would see her face bright red with embarrassment. She really liked that he just called her sweetness, but she didn’t quite understand why. It was just what friends say right? A nick name. Yeah

The day went on slowly, Klau stayed in bed, bored out of her mind, and Gadreel exhausted himself trying to either convince her to stay down,  or running around trying to keep the puppies in line. Thankfully, Klau had medicinal expertise that extended past his quite considerably, and with her help and supplies he was able to keep a healing poultice fresh and ready for her. It stung on first appliances, but it helped exceptionally well to heal her injuries. He would sit beside her bed, and they would chat like they normally would, and throughout the day, she was getting stronger and more restless. The wound was quite serious, but that was nothing to slow down her spirit. Gadreel thought to himself worringly, yet happily, “If I wasn’t here to keep her safe in bed, she would be out there having fun and being reckless.” His inner mind trailed off as he added sadly, ‘If I wasn’t here, then she wouldn’t have been hurt anyways’ He stared sadly into the distance as the sun began to tuck itself into bed beneath the hills. Sunlight spilled through the open window spots and random holes in the walls, littering the ground with sundrops. A beam of light spread directly across Klau’s eyes, making them a piercing grey with tiny pupils, she looked so fierce, brave, and beautiful. But as they began to droop with sleep, he realized how exhausted and frail she looked.
Her entire life had just been her in the woods along, nothing to do, no one to really live for. An existence purely just to survive, unsure really why. Gadreel couldn’t help it but to feel very sorry for her, why would she continue this way even though there was no point?

Through his life, he had many days were he wished that when he laid his head down in a random inn to sleep, that he wouldn’t wake up. He was reckless purely so that he wouldn’t have to be alone anymore. Gadreel was very sad, and lonely..

But at the moment, he was also very tired. It had been a strangely long day, lots of worry. He had assembled the pups a little bed in the work corner out of blankets and fluffy things, they loved it and fell right asleep. Gadreel on the other hand had forgotten where he was to sleep. It was a bit odd, but the bed Klau had was more than big enough for them both, earlier that day she had suggested he could lay with her, but Gadreel was too embarrassed to push the matter any further, and they let it end without decision. Well, now he had to sleep to keep his strength to take care of Klau. And he couldn’t go all the way back to the cabin to sleep, what if she needed him in the night? There was no telling what could happen.

‘That’s it,’ he decided.’I’ll just rest on the edge of the bed, she is the one that offered it, so she cannot get mad.. Right?’ Gadreel looked around at the now dark room, and sighed. He reached around his body, undoing all the many clamps, grabbers, and hooks that held his protective armor together. He laid each piece separately on the ground in a neat pile and stood back to over look any damage. He had never really examined his armor, but it was very abused and dented, rusted and old. It displayed plain as day that his past had not been easy.

Gadreel splashed some water across his face, trying to clean up a little, it was obvious that he wasn’t the best smelling thing in the room. A small mirror hung above the water pot, it was less an actual mirror and simply a shard of one, but it did the trick. You could tell it was you you were staring back at. He looked over his scar and ran a bare hand across the scarred skin. It had turned pink while healing and stayed that way ever since. He had never thought of himself as attractive, and constantly put himself down about it. But something seemed different, he noticed that his eyes weren’t so dull, they seemed almost alive with the same spark that Klau was infected with. It pleased him, but then he quickly shook away the notion and walked away from the mirror.

Gadreel stood in front of Klau, armor gone, only in his underpants that he wore under his armor. It was so revealing, and he felt so very embarrassed thankfully she was asleep. She turned onto her side and clutched the blankets close to her chest, her face contorted in a painful grimace, then he saw something. It scared him and sent a pang of guilt down deep into his being. In the nook of her eye, there was a tear. Klau was crying, and the wound on Gadreel’s side began to burn. Attempting to comfort her, Gadreel without thought climbed onto the bed area near her, and sat with his back to the wall, He lifted her gently and placed her head on his lap. In the back of his mind, He remembered someone doing he same thing for him when he was sad, his hand began to brush gently through her long hair.

She seemed to stir and whimper, her mind raced as a bad dream plagued her. Her body fought all it could, trying to wake her up, she thrashed and pawed at the air, fighting invisible monsters. Gadreel couldn’t just let her suffer so he gently shook on her shoulder, and bent down to whisper in her ear.

“Klau wake up, You’re having a bad dream. It’s okay. Wake up.” He repeated gently and she was brought slightly to the worl d of the conscience.

Klau’s mind was still in sleep mode and couldn’t really comprehend the world around her. But she didn’t care about anything. Only that she was on Gadreel’s lap, and it was warm, and she was safe. She lifted her body up by pushing off her arms and sleepily looked Gadreel in the eye. He looked at her worriedly, but she didn’t really notice. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and hugged his as tight as she could in her weak state. He didn’t know what to do so he just stammered and patted her on the back, she brought her legs under her, and crawled into Gadreel’s folded legs, she easily curled up and nestled her head against his broad chest. Her side burned from the motion, but it was all okay. He was there, she had somebody. In her sleepy mind, it was all a dream, there was no point to fight back. So she let the tears flow, all the sadness she experienced, all the loneliness drifted away, it was hell for all those years, but it was all worth it because she felt safe now. It was all going to be okay.

Her body shook as the quiet sobs racked her body, Gadreel wrapped his arms tightly around her small frame in his lap, the tears became cold as they ran down his chest.

She was so strong for so long, but something broke her. She didn’t have to pretend anymore. She could be happy.

Gadreel held tightly onto her figure as she fell into a peaceful sleep. He laid his head on top of hers and closed his eyes. Enjoying the peace and soft emotions between them.

Days passed, and they stayed up the the tree house, waiting for Klau to heal to be able to move around again. It was torture for Klau having to stay in the same place for so long, doing absolutely nothing beside wait around. She had to be doing something, something fun, something useful, something at all! But there was a bright side, she got to stay and talk with Gadreel all day, he did things around the house for her.

The pups were absolutely adorable, innocent little things that had nowhere else to go, they froliced around the rooms, play fighting with each other. Klau had agreed with Gadreel that they should keep them, and try to raise them. He chose the smaller one, and named it Sciath. He was pretty cute, kind of frail but very bright. He had two different colored eyes one blue and one brown, he joked that each color had matched one of their own eyes. The other one was bigger, meatier, but not very smart. Klau had watched him, so many times, run straight into walls, derp around with a goofy look, and he was just a silly little boy. She named him Terya, he had more white fur tucked in along with the wolf red coat. They were both beautiful and even though they had just been through alot, and their wounds were still healing, they were so full of life and joy you couldn’t help but smile when you watched them roll around and play.

The days went on, and Gadreel finally let Klau get up and move around the place. She played gently with Sciath while Gadreel took Terya outside to do some doggie business. She twirled him around with the flick of her wrist, he was so cute, staring intently at the piece of meat in her hand.

Oh Sciath, I don’t understand all this.” Klau admitted to the pup who pawed annoyed at the fist around his treat. “I think there is something, some new thing.” Sciath was completely uninterested in her words, he growled and nibbled on her pale fingers. Tiny puppy teeth scratching into her skin. She again pulled the treat above his head and watched him jump around to try and reach it.

Unbeknownst to her, Gadreel had come back inside and had stopped at the door. He wanted to hear what she meant. He stood silent, holding Terya securely in his arms to keep him from running back in. He listened intently, watching through the crack of the door. She was so cute lying on the bed, her head lolled over the edge and her long hair hung down to the floor. Her hands taunted the pup while she laid on her back.

“I don’t know how friends are suppose to be, but this doesn’t feel like it’s that simple. Whenever,” She paused, seemingly embarrassed. Her hands lay flat on the floor and she let Sciath have his much longed after treat. And he gobbled it up with much delight. I feel so happy, like I want to show off and make him… proud? I think that’s the word. I don’t know Sciath.” She picked up Sciath, who was nibbling on her twiddling fingers, growling playfully, and held him under his arms in the air. Klau lowered him and Sciath licked her nose, she smiled and confessed, “ I think I really like him..”

Terya wormed around in Gadreel’s arms, uncomfortable by the armor and fairly bored with just waiting for whatever reason. His armor shifted and gave away his presence with a loud rattle. The pup flew down to the ground, and ran excitedly to his brother who smelt of fresh treats. Klau blushed as Gadreel entered behind him. She turned over and watched him come into the room. She had to get the attention away from her tomato face, hopefully he hadn’t heard anything she said.

“You guys took long enough. I’m bored, why could I have taken him huh?” Klau pouted and sat up against the wall cross legged.

“You may be feeling better, but you are were very injured, I can’t in good conscience let you out there just yet. Be patient for a few days okay?” Gadreel reprimanded.

“A Few Days!! Gadreel It’s been weeks, months, Ages!” Klau erupted in protest to his request. She scrambled sorely from the bed and walked over to stand directly in front of him. He didn’t know what to say. Gadreel couldn’t help but feel sorry for her, he was taking away her fun times outside, but he reassured himself that it was what’s best for her. She released an exasperated sigh and fell backwards onto the bed, arms spread in a trust fall. Her hair gently cascaded around her face and over her shoulders, strands fell over her soft features.

He blushed looking upon her figure. He would never get over the feeling she gave him, but he had to conceal it. Gadreel felt Sciath fall against his leg as Terya tackled into him. The sunbeams filtered through their soft young pup fur, Gadreel stood and realized, so much had happened to him. He met Klau, got attacked, fought a monster, pups, tree house, elf. So much happened in a matter of weeks, but he smiled when he realized that they had been the most exciting and happiest weeks he had ever had. Gadreel crossed the room and undressed from his armor, placing each piece like they had been the other night, and the night before, it was becoming a routine.

Klau jumped up from the bed and walked to several boxes, gathering things as she went. Lit a fire, threw out some scraps, and set herself in the working room corner to chop up somethings. Gadreel sat on the edge of the bed, watching her. He poured in meats, odd herbs and a bit of liquid that had a strange texture to it. Gadreel had never really seen someone get so into cooking, her eyes darting between her works. It was interesting to watch to say the least.

A sweet aroma filled the air, he felt his stomach growl loudly and he realized just how hungry he really was. She skipped around, the pups rolling around at her feet. The sun dipped how behind the land and night was setting. Suddenly, Terya got under her feet just a little too much, and Klau stumbled. Gadreel stood to help but she quickly regained her balance, he couldn’t help but yell out,

“Boys! Stop that.” Klau stopped a little but smiled at his reprimands and continued in her cutesy way with making dinner. The pups heard his angry tone, and settled guiltily on the floor, their ears back and heads on the ground. Gadreel stood firm before them and knelt down, softening as he patted their heads and said

“Just be careful okay?”  

He stood, hands on his hips and seemed to sigh heavily, klau turned to him with a look of concern. He chuckled to himself and looked on as the pups went across the room; romping in play.

“Geez, I feel like a dad, scolding our kids.” His face turned bright blush when he let the word “Our” slip carelessly from his mouth. “Not that I mean, kids,.. I meant.   Oh gosh.” His flustered speech made Klau giggle as she rapped a wooden spoon on the side of the bowl. He nervously scratched the back of his head and sat backwards on the bed. Klau turned to him with a puzzled look, then was turned to a form of embarrassment and she tried to focus solely on the food before her. Gadreel rested his elbows on his knees and ventured to ask,

“What are you thinking about?” His face hung heavily on his hands. Klau slurped on the tip of the spoon, testing her dinner. Without much of a pause, she bluntly said,

“Where to human babies come from?” Gadreel’s breath caught in his throat,  it was completely random and out there. His voice tugged at the breath stuck behind,

“Well, umm.. Why? .. uhh.   People  well.. do “things”. Finger quote around the word things seemed to clear everything up for him, but Klau came over to the bed and sat next to him toying gracefully with the spoon in the fingers.

Things?” She inquired, copying his finger quotes. “What kind of things? I know that animals go crazy for each other in the spring and summer, but I don’t know much about what they do, I just see them go into the den, or climb on top of each others and bam. Then there are more babies.” Her innocence was making this entire conversation so uncomfortable, he could just tell her that they have sex, she doesn’t know what that is. There had to be a delicate way he could put it.

Well when a male finds a lady friend, they fall in love. And then.. They get uhh  intimate.”

“Love?” she deviated from the babies topic. “What’s that like? Show me.”  Her eyes were bright and excited, she was learning so much about the other world.

Gadreel looked confused, “How do I put this.. Love isn’t something you can see. It’s an emotion, like happy or sad.”

“Emotion?” She began to question more.

“Yeah. An emotion is how you feel, It’s what makes you do something. Like when you’re happy you smile. Or when you’re sad, you cry.” Instantly, her eyes narrowed and looked cruel, her voice seemed to snarl and she hastily spat

“I do not cry.” Gadreel scrambled for words as she stared into his eyes, daring him to contradict her in anyway.

“Okay, well. Um . i meant that when you’re excited, you’re energized.  It’s just a word to say how you feel.” He scrambled for words, but managed to save his explanation. Klau was diverged from the icy stare and thrown back into the wonder of human emotions.

“Have you ever been in love?” She looked down at her hands that entwined then devined from each other, almost nervous. Gadreel looked around the room, ‘did he really have to think about it?’

“No, I have never loved anyone.” He words were cold and he felt weird saying them. He turned to Klau and looked into her wandering eyes. “I can’t trust a person enough for that.”

They sat in silence as Gadreel turned away from her and stared intently at the dancing fire. The pups came to Gadreel’s foot and Sciath pawed at him. They began to whine at the two on the bed.

“And Klau, Love is the most important thing you’ll have to find in life. I believe that it’ll be a time for every man, or girl, to prove that really are worthy of such a thing. I hope one day to find the person  I would gladly give my life for.” Gadreel stood and began to separate people portions from the pups’ supper. Klau watched and contemplated what she had just learned. The babies wolfed down their supper and took refuge in the soft bundle they called a bed, with tummies full and energy exhausted, they fell asleep. It was finally quiet again.

In time, the two finished supper as well and began to clean up. Nothing was really said between them, aside from idle chit chat and instructions.

The night was windy and cold, but inside the tree was warm and homey. Klau flopped down onto the mattress, Gadreel winced.

“You’re still hurt, I wish you wouldn’t be so rough on yourself.” She rolled her head to the side and stuck out her tongue as he sat next to her and traced a finger around her injury. “And I wish you would lay down so I can get some rest.” He looked at her and smiled, he wondered out loud,

“Do you like it when i’m here?” His heart sped as she propped herself on her elbow and began to trace invisible prints onto his chest. Shivers ran down his spine, her head rested on his chest and she pushed him onto the soft bed surface.

“I really do, it’s so much warmer.” Her voice was solid and sincere, she truly believed her own words. They lay on the bed, his chest rising with each breath, Klau’s arm hung around his midsection and her cheek on the crook of his shoulder. She nestled against him and fell quiet. The darkness surrounded him, the embers in the fireplace showed no light but he could hear the dying crackling sounds. Her hands were so cold so in instinct, he moved his hand onto hers around his waist, entwining their fingers. It was so warm and peaceful, and just as he drifted into sleep, he felt her fingers grip around his and a smile pushed against her cheeks.

© 2016 Free Spirited

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Added on August 16, 2016
Last Updated on August 16, 2016


Free Spirited
Free Spirited

Mesa, AZ

I am a high school student who just likes to get lost in the words of writing. I have always dreamt of becoming a real author one day, and hopefully i can make that come true. more..

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A Poem by Free Spirited