A Story by Hawksmoor

(Flash Fiction) 101 words, necessary words, "Heat" & "Summer". Thoughts?


Summer  again. Under the overpass of the burned bridge of Life to stimulate war. Dad & Seamus aren’t here to raise the Neighborly Hostility bar. Dad’s plunge into the bottle drowned him & hacked Seamus away from us.

“I’m not going to end up like Dad,” he whispered.

A year since the last Battle of West Avenue. Bad eggs & rancid meat in the fridge bottom. Ma’s too sick to force the old determination into pitches, but her spirit isn’t too weak to belch laughter.

The day’s heat will crisp black eggs upon porches, cook crawling veal on driveways.

Glorious stench.

© 2010 Hawksmoor

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Thank you SO much for the read, Helix Woman. Just received an email from the man running the contest. I was off tow word. Luckily, he, unlike so many others in his position, informed me of this mistake, which I rectified immediately.

You really think I've grown a bit, eh?

Coming from you, this is HUGELY welcome news. I'm trying. I've not been here in a very long while, and to be honest, I only posted this bit here in order to have a link leading him back to my original work, as this is required and I can't find my own blog, which I've not used in a dog's age. Lol.

How long have you been back here? I think I shall find my way here more often. Enough time has passed since the last great screw-up, and after all, this place always inspired me to write, to strive to be better, which I need.

Post here often?

I reckon it is time I strutted on over to your page again.

I didn't at ALL expect any response of ANY kind, so yours is a welcome surprise.

My buddy.

Hawksmoor...From The Bleed.

How are you, Time, the pups?

Hawksmoor...From The Bleed.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I like the imagery of black eggs. this is neat different from your usual { or what I percieve as your usual,} diggin the growth.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 9, 2010
Last Updated on August 10, 2010



BRILLIANT! Hawksmoor...From The Bleed. more..


A Story by Hawksmoor