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Hawksmoor...From The Bleed.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

What up?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

It's still a very compelling piece. I keep thinking back to your introductory story of that strange town with the asylumn, and that big black dude who saves those guys from having their asses kicked. I wonder how many of your stories could be tied together.
As for fixes, yes we all have things we're trying to chase out. My classes at the university have helped me immensely, but from time to time I have trouble deciding where to put time breaks. Afterall, readers don't need to know that Kane went to the bathroom.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

haha sweet;) !

talk to ya soon!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

That sounds a bit crazier than me and my brothers. Well, at least crazier than me. My older and younger brother used to go out into the woods and hunt racoons with baseball bats. Some of those things were pretty mean. We lost 27 chickens one year.

Thanks for the encouragement anyways. The gals in the theatre all say the same sort of things. I guess I'm just at that point in my life where I feel I need to find someone before it's too late and I'm old. I know it's the spring of my life, but then again, I already have a bent spine, cysts forming in my throat, and weird ailments that resist antibiotics. I'm beginning to feel like the reaper might have just missed me on his first swing.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

LOL, that actually sounds alot like me and my brothers growing up. I remember "barnyard" basketball, "barnyard" soccer, and even "barnyard" football. If you're wondering, "barnyard" meant that we could hit, kick, tackle, trip, and stomp eachother during the game. It was fun, but usually didn't last very long before someone was bleeding and we had to take a break for bandaids and iodine.
As for the mojo...not so much. The theatre girls are nice, but I'm not into any of them. The date went well I thought, but shortly afterwards she sent me an 'e-mail', saying that she was starting something new with another guy. I replied that I was happy that I could help her make up her mind. I guess I should have gone with my better judgement.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Lol, I think everyone's a novice when it comes to acting. Afterall, we were all of us acting when we were children. Some of us were astronauts, some were firemen, or policemen. I remember being a powerful warrior mage, fighting off demons in the backwoods behind the cornfields with a wooden sabre, and armor made from cardboard, glued to old socks.
The whole acting thing for me has just been a hobby. I'm in the Reedsburg players right now, and have had a few leads in musicals and plays from which I have been warmly recieved by our meager audience. I actually had a good practice at the university. I had another nice talk with that old English lady, Margery, who had a ridiculously prestigious career in British Theatres, Operas, and Ballets, as a costume designer. She's only with us right now by chance because she's retired and living here for the moment.
After practice, I went out with the girls and bought them all dinner (As a simple chivalrous gesture) and we all talked for hours until the restaraunt started to close. It's kind of fun talking with a group of gals. It gives a fascinating insight to their gender.
On that note, I may have a date with a pretty young woman from my Shakespeare class. She seems intelligent, but a little rascally perhaps. I'm not sure of her intentions at the moment. Usually I can read people, and I think I have her pegged, but I don't intend to write her off without getting to know her.

Anyways, I'll type ya later brother...


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Actually what you said about that makes alot of sense. I suppose I'm trying so hard to be hyper aware of everything around me that I at times forget to be still and think about how I see myself. Thanks for that.

As for me, well the play is coming along, as much as I dislike the script, the acting, and especially the directing. I really shouldn't have tried out, but it's part of the class I stumbled into and I need the credits.
Everything else is about the same. Still scraping the bottom financially, and taking meds for my mystery ailment. My kingdom for a competent doctor!
How about you brother? How are things on the Southern side of the continent?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I guess I've always known that bro, it's just a big pill to swallow you know? I don't like being on that pedestal. I don't like people "thinking" I'm a hero. But I guess there are worse things...
Anyways, I'm hoping to get alot done this break, even with the play practices in between, so I'll be dropping in from time to time. Take care and God bless.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Unfortunately, no I'm not done with it yet. My writing still has a bit to go I think. I'm trying to "tighten" up all of the loose places, but I'm moving through it. Working on chapters two and six at the moment.

As always, your reviews are encouraging and much appreciated. I'll talk to you later brother.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I'm a bit under the weather this month. I finally broke and went to the VA clinic, and the doc put me on some antibiotics. I forgot what she said it might be, but I don't really care.
Physically I"m still fine. I'm bumping up weight this week in the gym, and repping in the mid 200's for now. The old war wounds still bother me lol, but on the whole I think it was all worth it.
Chapter two is coming along. I've been working up a basic idea for the layout of Nordik. I like the idea of a city only accesible by dirigible. It would make it easier to defend. But they'll still be pumping pheromones through the sewer vents to keep the flying and burrowing bugs away.

How about you man? How's work?