Solemn Harmony

Solemn Harmony

A Poem by Sira YR

Happy Weekend everyone!!1


Solemn word breeds Sorrowed tears

And hollowed face spawns grotesque fears

Life drips


Fades into nothingness

And vessel once filled with emotion


Into oblivion

Mournful wails turn immortalized

As voices of plenty 

Wail...and cry

And as final tears fall

And body rests in peace

The heavens shed their sorrow 

In saddened symphony


Solemn word breeds sorrowed tears


Let them flow like rivers

© 2019 Sira YR

Author's Note

Sira YR
I had a hard time coming up with a title for this one...don't really know if it suits the piece. Tell me what you all think. :)


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Featured Review

Good rhyming and fresh images here. Also sharp psychologically, with the mention of the relationship of solemn words and tears. Philosophically, it seems to combine Ecclesiastes with Marcus Aurelius. Actually, I think another title might reflect the poem's meaning more accurately. Since the solemn words and tears device appears more than once, perhaps a title incorporating it would be appropriate.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sira YR

4 Years Ago

Thank you so much John the Baptist...I'm going to be changing the name of it so I'll take what you s.. read more


read ur mail on here i sent you two messahes

Posted 4 Years Ago

Good rhyming and fresh images here. Also sharp psychologically, with the mention of the relationship of solemn words and tears. Philosophically, it seems to combine Ecclesiastes with Marcus Aurelius. Actually, I think another title might reflect the poem's meaning more accurately. Since the solemn words and tears device appears more than once, perhaps a title incorporating it would be appropriate.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sira YR

4 Years Ago

Thank you so much John the Baptist...I'm going to be changing the name of it so I'll take what you s.. read more
I love this poem amazing work

Posted 4 Years Ago

Sira YR

4 Years Ago

Thank you for your review, midnight. I'm glad you liked it :)


4 Years Ago

yw yout poems are amazing
This poem is awesome. The title suits it well. Good job here.

Posted 4 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on November 23, 2019
Last Updated on December 10, 2019
Tags: funeral, sadness, crying


Sira YR
Sira YR

Lorman, MS

I'm just the lonely writer expressing her thoughts through the art of the written word. I find that writing and art to be a special way to express myself in a forum with people who are like mysel.. more..

Phoenix Phoenix

A Poem by Sira YR