

A Chapter by C>C

Dear Elizabeth,

I often think a mirror reflects a thing deep in ourselves, something that humans hide.

When I look into the mirror, sometimes I don't recognize the person reflected.

Those eyes, they are so dark, and they pierce into the very reaches of me.

The overwhelming feeling of being watched.

I've seen her, through the corner of my eye.

The mirror me, she looks on silently but when she thinks I'm unaware I can see her smile.

So slight, but you can feel her leer and it grabs a hold on me.

One day she will have me, she will whisk me away.

Elizabeth I am frightened.

The others, there are there, their evil decent upon us is unknowing.

One day you will find me dead.

Sister upon that day you must run, for they will be after you.

They will go to the ends of earth to find what I have stolen.

Be safe.



Elizabeth gripped the paper in her hand, shaking slightly.

Two days ago she received a notice, that her beloved sister had passed.

Though the causes unknown.

If her sister Catherine had indeed sent the letter, then what secrets had she kept hidden?

She knew her sister studied to occult and supernatural, but what had she discovered that would be so deadly that it would end her life?

The oak chair she was sitting on tipped over with a loud bang as she stood suddenly.

Holding her head in her hand she threaded her fingers through her mousy brown hair.

"I want to scream, and scream so loud the blasted neighbors can here me!"

Tilting her head upward she started to laugh maniacally.

"My stupid sister is dead, and for what? "

"Just she can prove the devil's advocate?"

"She leaves me here alone to be."

Tears formed in here eyes and she tried hard against the heavy pain of holding back.

They fell off her face anyways.

She bent down to pick up the fallen chair, letting it scrape against her dark wood floors.

"I'm going to get some coffee," she said decidedly to herself as she pushed the chair away and descended into her white walled hall.

The hallway had many windows, to see the garden views, it was quite the lovely scene.

Elizabeth remembered when she asked her sister her sister to live here with her, and she would have no part of it.

"Catherine please come live with me here, its lovely and beautiful.

We can live here peacefully for all of our lives, never having to worry about frustrations or hunger!" Elizabeth pleaded to her sister.

"Sister I will not! As it is your new husband Ackley is not fond of my eccentricities.

 One day I assure you he will have enough and leave, and it will be I to blame."

Catherine was right, though as sad it as it was.

Ackley wasn't fond of the strange, and often grew wary of the adventures I had with my sister.

He was proud and opinionated, never one to let others better him.

During my sisters visits, he often grew tempered and angry.

They argued long hours with such familiarity.

Sometimes I wondered if they were once lovers, he bitter because she rejected such folly and romantic notions.

I asked once, but she wouldn't say.

We tried to better our marriage with a child, but one never grew.

Then one day in the mid morning of may he was hit by a car.

With his death came my increasing solitude, and in my sadness I stepped even further away from my dear sister Catherine.

Tracing my thoughts I continued down towards my bedroom, the door's intricate designs carved great beauty onto its light frame.

Reaching for the flowery sliver knob I entered my room.

Light cream walls etched upon in soft gold traces surrounded me as I entered.

I am quite proud of the work I had put into this room.

Large French windows that let in the light, you could see a pond and great green in the distance.

I went to my wardrobe to change.

Grabbing a simple dress, took my time changing.

Today was quite a day.

Though I felt such bitter sorrow, the day continued to glitter with perfect radiance.

"Honestly, why is it so cheerful, I wish it would rain."

Slipping on simple brown sandals, I assessed myself in the mirror.


I walked back through the hall and towards the living space.

Grabbing a light sweater from it's silver handing by the living space door, I began towards the exit.

Just as I was about to leave, there was a small knock at my door.

I opened the door curious to who would be here at this time without notice?

Peering out I said " Yes? May I help you?"

There is a girl outside, large doe eyes and golden hair cascading around her in messy curls.

She stands and gives a letter, I reach to take it curious to her odd behavior.

Reading it states,


Elizabeth Anders is hereby stated as guardian of

 Edith Lunell until she is of age.

Edith Lunell is the only child of Catherine Lunell, as stated in her will Elizabeth will care and protect her child.

Half of her inheritance will be given to her sister and the other half to her daughter.

Any property held by Catherine Lunell will be inherited by her daughter when she comes of age.



© 2016 C>C

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Added on October 14, 2015
Last Updated on March 30, 2016



Los Angeles, CA

Um... I love reading, so I thought hey why don't I write my own story. I've never really written anything before and that's probably why any stories I write might be a bit awkward :D I have a cat and .. more..

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