Stowed Away

Stowed Away

A Story by Calibaster

i just had to write something for adventure!

         Jamen looked up at the mast of the ship, it was huge! He hugged his small satchel close to him, was he seriously going through with this, he'd always wanted to go out to sea, experience a sailors life, but .... as a stowaway? It was the middle of the night, they would leave right in the morning, he wondered what he would do if he was caught as he crept towards the ship.
         He grabbed a rope that hung down close to the saltwater below, and began to pull himself up, hand over hand towards the creaky looking railing, his feet pressed against the ship for balance. When he finally pulled himself over the railing, he dropped to a crouch, hoping the man in the crows nest wouldn't notice him as he hurried toward the stairway that he hoped led to the hold. He had watched this ship all week, he knew that the captain, Lariss, served the king with a vengeance, and was extremely loyal. He would never allow street scum on his ship, even though all Jamen wanted to do was help. He opened the first door in the hallway, only to find himself looking into a room full of swinging hammocks and snoring sailors! He hurriedly shut it, and tiptoed to the next door. This time, he only opened it a crack, too late he saw light beneath the door, here he saw two men at a table in a rather expensive looking room. He closed it quickly, but not before one of them glimpsed him! What had possessed him to open that door?!
         He ran to the door at the end of the hall, and opened it, he went inside, and ran through the darkness, blinded by it, he saw nothing, causing him to trip over his own feet! He fell heavily to the ground with a loud crash! " Oh great!" He muttered as he got back up hurriedly. He rushed around a barrel, hearing voices outside calling to each other. He Jumped into a half full barrel of black water, the water swirled up over his head, so he stood up grabbed the lid, and went back down into the barrel, taking a deep breath first, and let the water cover him completely, He heard the door open, and froze, though through the water he couldn't really hear anything, but bubbly voices. He looked upward at the lid in fear, then almost gasped when it opened, but of course he didn't! A light swirled above him, a lamp! Then he heard," Nothing .......... water," What did that mean? The lid closed again, and as it did, he realized how badly he had to breathe, his lungs were screaming at him, and his vision was starting to go black around the edges! Finally the light above his head shut off, and he heard the door close loudly. He waited a few more seconds before he grabbed the top and lifted it out with his head following, He gasped as quietly as he could for a moment before finally letting out a slow sigh. He was on, barely undetected. He kept on breathing slowly as he extracted himself from the barrel, he was so elated he could hardly contain himself! He had stowed away! He was on a ship, one that was leaving in the morning! After letting out a little squeak of excitement, he finally collected himself, and now fully out of the barrel, put the lid back on and considered his wet state. ' Well,' he thought,' I could sleep, but could get caught in the morning, so ... I'll stay awake!' He happily sat down behind a barricade of barrels, and, well, ... sat. And sat, and sat! Then he inevitably fell asleep, now a bona fide stowaway!

© 2013 Calibaster

Author's Note

I got bored, so I wrote a random story.

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Added on September 1, 2012
Last Updated on March 6, 2013



Springville, UT

It's been a while since I've even touched this site, but it's such a big part of my childhood and growth in writing that I could never bring myself to delete anything I've posted. If I thought tha.. more..

Worth It Worth It

A Story by Calibaster