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Welcome to The New World DisOrders -- They Are Legion.

A Story by Carol Maric



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© 2008 Carol Maric

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Wow! So this is coming from the heart, huh? I have to admit, this made me laugh, not because I was genuinely amused, but because I've kind of been saying exactly the same thing for absolutely years. To be quite honest, I thought I was the only one...
That said, I have to agree wth some of the other reviewers, and whilst I agree whole-heartedly with what you're saying, you do kind of take a shovel to this one and beat the reader round the head with it, you know? From my point of view, I didn't mind (did I mention I agree with you?) but some of the 'sheep' are obviously going to have problems. Thanks for making me smile, though.

Posted 17 Years Ago

10 of 10 people found this review constructive.


Reading this raises some questions for me? First, who is labelling geniuses autistic? Is this a new theory? A now commonly held opinion in America?

Also, I can see why Americans would just turn the box off. The way programmes are shown in America is incredible. The way that ads interrupt any hope of continuity, it's surprising anyone bothers to make quality programming at all. Although as far as I can see, the only Channel to do so is HBO. Here in the UK we are lucky in that out advertising is more tightly regulated, and we seldom see the types of advertising that Americans are exposed to daily i.e. the ads that tell you, you are ill. "Got slight back pain, you must have spine cancer!! Buy this new miracle treatment, or else!!. All about greed, and just terribly sad. But hey, that's Capitalism. So far in the UK we have been spared these types of scare campaigning, but for how long?

As for the over prescription of pharmaceuticals, frightening. It is incredible, as you say that developing minds should be exposed to anti-depressants etc. Question is, what, if anything can people do about it. Amazing that America has sunk so low, in such a short history. Don't get me wrong, this isn't about America bashing, far from it. The fact is that the UK is experiencing all the same problems, but on a smaller scale. Question is, what can we do about it?

Posted 17 Years Ago

10 of 10 people found this review constructive.

Excellent piece. The pill is the arbiter of consciousness these days. I agree with the idea that genius and madness often coincide. It is a shame that the eccentric is seen as an abnormality. The people and artists I am drawn to are those that eschew convention for something deeper. It is why I would prefer Bob Dylan to Brittany Spears. No matter the medication, the mind has plans of its own and whatever facade we put up, medicated or otherwise cannot keep the mind from bubbling up its own disturbing stew. The hope is that the person isn't so leveled out that they cannot create at all. Art, at some level is always about a disturbance, the prophets bones burning with a message that cannot be contained, the comedians sharp eye for the absurd, the musicians ability to find harmony in dissonance.
I have been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and I take my pills, but instead of leveling, I find that I am clearer in thought and able to take the jumble and make something out of it. Maybe the pills aren't working after all. I applaud this piece.

Posted 17 Years Ago

10 of 10 people found this review constructive.

I must say this is refreshing to see someone else who thinks along the same lines. Though personally what's always bugged me about the experts is while they try and make "normal" people believe they understand everything because they deal with their patients day in and day out and hear this and that from them. They themselves have NO first hand experience or knowledge. I've always wanted to go to a psyciatrist (well actually been there done that, never again) and have me be the only patient he or she has and whatever drug they put me on THEY have to take it too and that way we can compare notes and be like "See, this isn't doing s**t, and we're both flat broke because this stuff costs a fortune. So lets talk this one through logically shall we?" Because trust me after 10 years in and out of therapy and a dozen medication all with no "desired result" or even a temporary quick fix out of the deal except for numorous ungodly side effects (that they don't bother telling you at all, which is why on T.V. since millions of people see it they side with caution cus if they knew that in person they DON'T tell you these things they'd be sued left and right) I can honestly say these "experts" don't have a F'ing clue what they're talking about or even doing for that matter.

Posted 17 Years Ago

10 of 10 people found this review constructive.

Oh no! I seem to be addicted to reading works about how mass culture is brain washing me into buying pills! I must go take some more pills to purge myself!

Hahaha, I enjoyed this very, very much. Keep it up!

Posted 17 Years Ago

8 of 10 people found this review constructive.

Carol, this is only another system at work. Drug companies are part of the system. Drugs are part of the system. We are part of the system. The system gets out of order, but in time it will right itself. Either that, or the Sun will enlarge and engulf the Earth one day, so who gives it s**t right?


This reminds me of "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest". McMurphy versus Nurse Ratched. That's about when the world changed. We've become these f*****g automatons. We've been juiced. We've been lobotomized like McMurphy. McMurphy wasn't afraid and so they sucked his f*****g brain right out. Old Chief tore out the water fixture and threw it right through the wall. He couldn't take it anymore. That was McMurphy's spirit, I think. Busted right out. What a great movie....but back to the topic at hand.

We're all afraid to feel, to think, to step out of line. Your worth, my worth is defined by dollars. Money. Traded, sold, whatever....it's a plutocratic society. Plutocrats are in charge now. We live in a plutocracy. Democracy is all bullshit. It stinks like s**t, but we continue to plunder on in hopes of something better, until one day we won't even realize it. Our perceptions will have changed and we won't even be aware of our fucked up situation. We'll have another one. We'll be trying to figure out how to fix global warming because it will be snowing in Mexico City, or tidal waves will wipe out Hawaii. It'll be like the scene in "The Time Machine" with the crabs and s**t. It's all fucked, and in the end I'm not sure any of it matters.

There someone that is alive right now who will live to be 200 years old. In about a 100 years, living to 300 won't be out of the question. We'll be going to Mars and people will need all kinds of s**t to stay sane in space. When you're in outerspace there is no North, South, East or West, just endless sky with crazy colors and s**t.

I'm done rambling on.

You're post got me thinking a lot. Thanks...

Posted 17 Years Ago

8 of 9 people found this review constructive.

The drug companies are just trying for profits. They haven't our best interest in mind. If they did, things like "restless leg syndrome" would not be flying off the tube tonight.

Americans, fall quite low on actual health rates, as compared to their status as the biggest market for pharmaceutical consumption worldwide.

Very appropriate essay.

Posted 17 Years Ago

9 of 9 people found this review constructive.

Brovo! I'm glad someone had the guts to say it! Your right and I was just talking to my dad the other day about all the drugs they advertise on TV and all the side affects they had. You may as well drive a car off a cliff and get it over with!
Kelley Frost

Posted 17 Years Ago

8 of 9 people found this review constructive.

corporations got you down? pharmaceutical industry pissing you fired up i see! lol this piece reminds me of a book i read about artists before our time who if diagnosed today would be considered bipolar. the message being, if you are bipolar you are in grand company. what frightens me about one of the issues you brought up here is a future in a world where the minds which should have developed were reworked by chemicals into ... what? compliant, uncomplaining, taxpaying consumers, instep and easily manipulated?

Posted 17 Years Ago

9 of 9 people found this review constructive.

I would have to agree with the particular fact that this is a pop-a-pill-to-make-it-better america. Neverminding the fact that there is more money in it for the drug companies to make than there is in finding a cure because it's better for the economy to forestall the problem instead of solving it. Righteous anger is appropriate in said cases because I personally would rather break than further a cycle of degradation to humanity and the beautiful things that are human flaws . A flaw is a hurdle to overcome and in doing so better oneself putting you farther down the evolutionary chain as far as enlightenment is concerned . After all , we need to learn to use more of the brain's resources and not numb those resources out . As far as the corellation to genius, my opinion might differ because history proves that there is a fine line between genius and madness . This is a good thing because it forms a balance creating a better oppurtunity for co-existence. It does'nt allow those who are too smart for everyone's good to get too far from humanity and limits them to what fanaticism they can invoke in others.

Posted 17 Years Ago

9 of 9 people found this review constructive.

Oh, and as for the drugs doctors prescribe to stunt their patients' mental growth, The Lurker was right - show me a street that doesn't have dustbins overloaded with empty pill bottles and I'll show you a happy neighbourhood. "Mother's Little Helper" - it's ironic when you think that Keith Richards (and Mick Jagger) wrote that song.

Posted 17 Years Ago

8 of 9 people found this review constructive.

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91 Reviews
Added on April 2, 2008
Last Updated on December 2, 2008


Carol Maric
Carol Maric

And then went down to the ship, Set keel to breakers, forth on the godly sea, and . . . Ezra Pound (TCOEP).

" My life goal? Literary Immortality--without compromise. " " I would rather be skydiving while writing a book. " philosopher & polymath Author of the unpublished masterpiece PROTEAN NotUnTit.. more..


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