

A Chapter by Cassie52993

This chapter introduces other characters in the book. They take place in a whole different place, no where near Samantha.


Chapter Two:



The bar was filled with old drunks who smelled like manure and booze mixed into one scent. The stench of the humans disgusted Lucian greatly. Lucian waved for the bartender, Joe. Lucian had already seven drinks and was thirsting for more. He waved once again trying to get Joe’s attention but failed like the last three times. “What does someone have to do to get a damn drink over here?!”

He hadn’t noticed a red headed beauty sit on the bar stool next to him. “Ey, Joe!” She called. Joe turned his attention towards the woman and walked this way. “Give me the usual and, whatever he was having.”

“Aye, madam.” Joe was a heavy man with scars all over his large body and face, he had one brown eye and one blue eye. He was bald and his head always had the lights glare on it.

The red headed woman had an hour glass figure. Her hair was wavy, pale skin, and her eyes were a honey brown. She turned her gaze on Lucian, eyeing him up and down. “I haven’t seen you around these parts before. You and the wife traveling?”

“I’m not married.”

“Oh.” She sat up and extended her arm. “I’m Erzsebet, by the way.”

“Lucian.” He firmly grasped her little hand shaking it then letting go. “I should go.” he stood up and nearly lost his balance.

“Wow there big fella. Joe, hold those drinks.” she stood up. “Let me help you. I have a carriage waiting outside, its raining, and I cannot let my new, friend walk in the rain.” She pulled one of his arms over her shoulder so he wouldn’t stumble on the floor while walking out the door.

“Just a ride to the Inn?” He asked.

“Well, of course.” She intended to stop at her place first, then take him home after she was through with him.


“Lucian. Lucian. Wake up.”

“We didn’t do anything Sloan, I pr-Viktor?” He shot up and was surprised to see it was just the same reoccurring dream.

“One hundred and thirty-two years, and still that night haunts you in your sleep.”

“What? No. She got it all wrong, I never slept with Erzsebet, it just appeared that way.” Lucian was trying to explain to Viktor, his girlfriends older brother.

“No need to explain.” He stepped back a ways. “The stars are shining bright and the moon is high in the sky. We should head out soon.”

Lucian sat up on the old tree branch that he rested on. “You might be right. Wake the others.”

Viktor nodded then vanished.

The night was cold and silent out. The leaves that were attached to the tree limbs gently swayed back and forth to the silent whispers of the wind. Bright stars had filled the night sky, the moon was half full, and clouds had already vanished from sight. It was a clear, silent night.

“Aww!” A woman’s scream was heard in the distance coming form the nearby town, where the group had decided to creep into the houses and feast upon the delectable blood that they longed for, for they had not had a meal in nearly a week.

He had chosen to ignore it for it was only a human. He sat still on the limb while he listened to the continuing of screams, but from many humans now. “Lucian.” He looked into the direction from where his name was being called. He saw Sonja perching on the tree limb next to where Lucian was sat. “Are we not going to check it out?”

“No.” He stood up.

She also stood up and folded her arms. “But it could be something not of our kind, plus we need to feast.”

“If it is something not of us, we may not have a chance in slaughtering it before it gets us.” He gazed into the direction of the town. He inhaled a deep breath. “You smell that?” He took in another deep breath and exhaled in disgust. The other two, Viktor and Jericho, had appeared next to Sonja and also took in some air.

“Canines.” Viktor said. “Do we avoid them, or go after them?”

Lucian was thinking it over. He had to think fast, the town was three miles away. They either can go in s different direction in search for food, that was nearly one hundred miles away or so. Or, they could risk their lives and rid the earth of them.

“Lucian?” Viktor said.

“Lets go.” Lucian had ordered and jumped from the tree he was on to the next heading for the town. “How many Jericho?”

Jericho is the silent, observant, smart one. He can trace a monster nearly three hundred miles away if he tried. Sonja and him are a pair and have been for nearly seventy-two years. His eyebrows narrowed and his eyes turned a dark grey as he focused on the amount that were there. “Two. Male.” He continued as they came to a stop atop of a roof of an empty house. “Young. About two hundred years. Not too dangerous for our ages.” His eyebrows released and his eyes turned hazel, their natural color.

The towns people were scattered everywhere like ants, but no sign of the two. “Split up.” Lucian ordered. The four of them went separate ways in search of the beasts.

Lucian had headed for the far end of the town near the mountains where the wolves were likely to go after they had feasted. Viktor went on the far east. Jericho had stayed on the rooftop sensing them, their scent lingered everywhere so it was tricky to find their exact locations. And Sonja had wandered off into the west side.

Sonja was casually walking when she heard heavy breathing in a dark corner a few feet in front of her. She stopped and smelled the air. Human blood and wolf saliva, not her favorite mixture of smells. She focused her eyes on what she saw to be a male wolf devouring a little child. The child’s face was frozen with the expression of fear on it. Her lifeless body was limp in the monsters arms.

The sounds of bones being crunched would of made a human want to puke and run away, but she was no human, she was the immortal vampire. (Vampires are not really immortal seeing as they can be re-killed by many ways.) Sonja was reaching for something in her coat pocket, but paused as something big was standing right behind her, breathing down her neck.

“Aren’t you a pretty little vampire.” Just as she was about to attack, she was attacked first. The male had struck her with his gigantic paw in the head. “Looks like we have yet another snack, Aaryn.”

The other werewolf that had eaten the little girl came out of the shadows and knelt down by Sonja; she had fallen onto the ground. “You’re certainly right, Navarone.” He took his nail and grazed her face. (Grazed is used in this term--a grazing; a touching or rubbing lightly in passing) “Too bad she isn’t one of us, she would make a wonderful mate.” His nail found its way to her navel. “To bad we have to kill you.” He pulled his arm back and as it came towards Sonja full speed, she rolled over making his nails go through the pavement of the floor. Navarone also came at her after Aaryn’s claw was currently stuck in the ground. He swung at her but missed as she jumped up and landed behind him.

She ran at him, leaped on his back and reached for his neck in an attempt to twist it. He was moving far too much for her to twist it. She was too busy to notice that Aaryn had released himself and was now standing behind the two of them. As Navarone was moving Aaryn made his move while she was distracted, his long claws grew longer and he swiped them across her back. She released his neck, her mouth was gaped, and she fell, falling at least five feet, hitting the ground hard. She was infected from the werewolf. She was moving in pain, she lay crouched, holding on to her knees. Her back arched and she let out a scream for her back was burning, she was in a great deal of pain.

“Sonja.” Jericho heard her scream, leaped to the ground, and ran with great speed to where he heard the scream come form. The others had also heard the scream and headed that way. The three vampire males stood at the end of the street as they saw the two looking over her stiff body. “Sonja!” Navarone and Aaryn looked at the three. Growling could be heard from their throats as they backed away slowly. Jericho kept his gaze on his love. In anger at not sensing any life in her, his eyes glowed green, veins could be seen on his neck and his arms as he clenched his fists together. The wind had started to pick up as his eyes began to glow, and thunder appeared in the sky.

The two sniffed the air with their noses at the end of their snouts. “What’s he doing?”

“Lets get out of here.” Aaryn said then they both booked it, but not in time. They were lifted into the sky and were being asphyxiated of their air. They were gaping, trying to take in as much of the little air as they could. “P-please…s-stop…”

He was slowly taking the air from them, causing them to have a slow death. Jericho’s hand was held in the air, his hand open, fingers extended, slowly closing into a fist. Once formed into a fist, all the air that surrounds the two will be no longer there, and they will no longer walk the earth.

“Mm..” He heard Sonja. He peered at her, then released. He appeared next to her and searched for where she was hurt. He turned her over to see four deep scratches on her back. Her clothes were ripped, and you could see her bones from the cuts; there was no blood for she was already dead once and had no blood under the layer of already rotten skin. Navarone and Aaryn were choking on the floor next to him. Lucian and Viktor had appeared in front of them, their teeth were elongated, their eyes were like crimson, and their nails were creeping out from under the skin. Navarone smiled, then the two vanished. Their scent was still lurking in the town, but they were far away gone, back to their own kind.

“She’ll be fine, she just needs your healing touch and some rest.”

© 2009 Cassie52993

Author's Note

This chapter was written in quite a hurry, so it was not completely finished or how it was going to be originally written. Your reviews are greatly appreciated, good or bad.

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Added on August 10, 2009



Sorry, cant tell you , AZ

Im sixteen and I love to write! I read, write, draw, and sculpt. I love animals very much and want to be a veterinarian or even a writer when I am older, both would be great too! ^_^ There are many ot.. more..
