Twisted City            Part two

Twisted City Part two

A Chapter by Coyote Poetry

All deeds good and bad are tattoos on our hearts. We will pay for sins one day in hell. Some poor souls must pay in life and death.


Twisted City part 2

(Old Native American wisdom. If you look quick enough. You can see Death waiting on your left shoulder.  Old Native American Naguals don't teach the men with hate and violence. For the Nagual can see in the souls and spirit of men. )

Tom told Coyote to sit down. 
He looked around and see big screen TV's.
A stereo system on every wall.

A loaded bar filled with the best liquor.
 Drugs and cash on every table.

His anger increases because he knew the young girls made money for the scum.

He remembered what Susie told him.

 It was her fault Peggy fell into prostitution.
She brought Peggy to Tom. 
Coyote could hear the screams of Peggy.
 Susie watched him drug her and rape  her in the condo.

The song sings in his head. So much to do and no time to do it.
So much to do and no time to do it.

Tom turned to Coyote.
Demands to know where is girls are?

Tom drink his whiskey watching Coyote.  Tom told him. "These girls are nothing. Just flesh to be used. F**k up world control by hateful men. I have 12 girls on the street. I'm a rich mother f****r. I see the hate in your eyes. You ain't nobody. Men who love hate and don't give a s**t are in charge."

He smiles and told him they will be here in a minute. 
Tom come face to face with him.
 Whispered " I will kill you if they don't come soon. "

Coyote reaches in his back pocket.
Pushes off the safety.
He reaches around and shoot the needle in the back of Tom neck.

Tom yelled. "What the f**k did you do.!"
He falls down and reaches out like a baby.

 He yelled.  "What did you do to me? "

Coyote walks slowly around him.
He bend down and whispered.
  "Most of us will  pay for our sins in hell.
You are lucky.
 You will pay for your sins here on earth and in hell.".

Coyote walk to the front door and locks it. Come back to Tom.

He ties the hands and feet up.

Tom is begging to be release.

He tries to yell. " I will kill you". Only a whisper can be heard.

Coyote whispered into Tom's ear. "Did you release the young girls you drugs up?

You rape and murder innocent young girls.

You are black with hate. You will be in hell soon."

Tom eyes are large and he was shaking with fear.

He realized he was with someone more crazy then him.

  Coyote walks into every room till he found a bags of cocaine on a bed.

He found a set of knifes from Africa on the dresser. They were beautiful. Old strong steel.

The blades were sharp and he could feel the energy of a skill knife maker.

He take the knife set and cocaine to Tom shaking body.
He sits on his chest and told Tom.

"Life is a fair journey. Many ways to die.  You gave a lot of pain in your misery life. I wish I had more time. I would give you a Apache death. Days of great pain. Not allowing you to die.  You are lucky. Your death will come quickly." He take the first knife out. The 12 inch blade shine in the light of the lamp. He planted the knife near the  heart with light force. The blade slide in easier. He thank the skill artist for the powerful blade. Tom is froze with fear now. He begin to beg for mercy. "Please allow me to live. I got money. I got a lot of money, Please don't kill me."

The second blade he planted in the stomach. Tom was trying to scream. The third and last blade. He planted in the groin area. Tom was trying to reach for Coyote. The knife were set to create great pain. He sat and watched Tom agony.

He begin to sing. So much to do. No time to do it.

So much to do and no time to do it.

After a hour.

He begin to force the drug into Tom's mouth. 

He  fell in and out of a  coma.

Coyote sings so much to do and no time to do it.
So much to do and no time to do it.

He stood over Tom's shaking body.

He slammed his boot into Tom's face.

Forcing his nose structure of his face into his brain.

Tom was dead.


Coyote goes to the bathroom.
 He shaved and washes up.

He cleaned the sink. He knew he was losing his mind.

He shake it off.

He walked around and collect all the cash.

He sat down and drank a whiskey and counted the money.
 He laughs as he has almost $10,000.

 He looked around and goes to Tom's body.
 He kicks him and smiles.

Coyote felt good as he left the apartment.
He locked the door and wander into the street of Angels like a ghost.

Los Angeles was peaceful in the morning.
He decide to find a place to rest.

A Mission was close by and he wandered in.
A Native American man was at the counter.
He bows and told him  to find a place to rest in the back of the building.
If he was hungry come back in a hour for lunch. 
He thanks the man and found a  cot to lay down on.


His dreams were always the same.
Death was talking to him.
Death has
a woman face. 
She told him it was time.
He has to stop.

Old friends praying for him.

He saw their faces.

Wishing he could see them.

 Then his dream would change.
Old Naguals surround him in a circle.
Talking as one telling him he cannot keep killing.

A Nagual was to heal and create medicine.

He awoke by  a gentle taps of the old Native American  man.
  "Time for lunch."

He shook Coyote hand.
Told him. "My name is Taylor. Welcome and this is my shelter. Go wash up.

I believe my daughter Ambrosia is in the back. She can give you a toothbrush

and some clothing."
They walked to the lunchroom and everyone told Taylor thank you and hello.
 Coyote knew the man Taylor has a good spirit.

 He felt the warmth of his heart when he met him.
Taylor told  him we don't have much.

Coyote found a young woman. He told her he was sent for a toothbrush and fresh clothing by Taylor. Her dark eye gave him a hard look. She told him. "Your clothing are clean. I will give you the toothbrush and point you to the wash area."

He washed his face and went to the lunchroom.
Ambrosia brought the soup and bread to him. Told him.
  "Enjoy the soup and bread. We lost a lot of donations. Hard to maintain the shelter now. So many desperate people." Coyote could free her kind spirit.

 He ate the soup and bread and was thankful. 

At the door of the mission was a donation box. He put all the money in his pockets into the slot.

Coyote left the mission.

So many hungry people.

He didn't have the cure.

But he could do a little to help.

He  went to a local grocery store.
He asked the owner do they deliver food?
A young Mexican told him we could if the order was large enough.
Coyote told the man what he wanted and paid him.
He watched the truck drive to the shelter with the food. 
Taylor saw Coyote from  the distance.  He bow to him and gave him a prayer.

Coyote disappears into the city.

The police were called to a condominium.
They called in the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Tiffany Grey received a call.
They told her a case which fit the description of the roaming serial killer in LA.
She told them don't touch nothing. 
 I be there in 4 hours.

She packs quickly.
She knew her drive time would be 4 hours.
She knew she has to get there quickly before all the evidence got screw up.
She was pretty. 
She has  flowing brown hair and blue eyes.
 She works out often as she could.

Her mind was racing.
She wonder was the killer in the city still?

She got to the crime scene and police were everywhere.
A young Officer told her.

 Whoever killed him took his time.
 He sat in that chair and drank a whiskey.
He washed up and shaved.
This man must be brave or damn crazy.

She told him he isn't crazy.
 He know how to kill and leave no evidence. 

He killed for reasons that are not off the wall.
Never a good person.
Only drug dealer, rapist and abuser of children.

She asked the officer any witnesses?
He told her some of the girls that works for him shows up.
 Not too much grief for this man Tom Walker.

He was a well known pimp who was known for abuser and having the younger prostitutes.

Tiffany told him to dust everything.
 Find any witnesses and pray for a break.

Coyote is waiting for his bus for San Francisco.
He decided to go home to see his beloved girlfriend of many years Beatrice .

 She been with him for a long time.
 She never complained when he disappeared for 3-4 months trips.
She kept his records and she  was his accountant. 
She was with him since his first book of poetry was published 15 years ago.

The bus ride to San Francisco was beautiful.
 He allowed his mind to wander.

Coyote was 50 years old and in pretty good shape for a old man.  

He thought
 of Beatrice.
 He met her at the pier in San Francisco.
 She was so beautiful and 18 years old.
A perfect body and so intelligent. 

He went to her and they became friends quickly.

She came to a poetry reading and fell in love with his words.
She been with him since that day.

Coyote arrived in San Francisco in the evening.
The sun was falling into the sea.

He went to her small condo facing the bay.
He open the door and heard the shower running.

He sat on the bed and waited.
She walks out and without being afraid she saw him sitting there.
Her towel drops and she fell into his arms.
She tells him. " I miss you and take a shower now."





© 2011 Coyote Poetry

Author's Note

Coyote Poetry
Part two. I hope you find it interesting. Any comment or repair would be helpful.
Keep reading. I will add a new chapter tonight.

My Review

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Very good chapter. Interesting in how you introduced new characters. Shows his good and bad sides. His visions are his conscience. Don't know that I would have him shave at the place he killed. If he is suppose to not leave evidence behind then the hairs from his shaving would leave DNA. If he leaves no hairs how did the cop know he shaved at all? On to the next chapter...

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


Showing us the consciousness of your senses..Well done.. I recognized your style right away.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is facintating. I saw an episode of NCIS where a girl was killed by her pimp. He sat on her chest and forced coke through her nose with a funnel. A god-awful way to die. Completely terrifying and painful. This reminded me of that. I agree with others, the pimp should've died slower. Shallow cuts across his chest and arms? Breaking each bone in his body one by one? Cutting off his "you know what"?

Regardless, another great chapter. I really like this. :D

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I wonder what religion he is... He seems to kill in the name of God but then there are other "gods" and "goddesses". A little contradictory... But oh well lol, that's the way life is. I honestly say Tom made it off easy because if I had written this or been the one to kill the b*****d, pain and suffering would have lasted longer than the few hours of pain and suffering he experienced here... My torture methods would have been more painful too and he woudn't have had a quick and relatively painless death... I would have had him bleed slowly to death so he could think about his mistakes as he took his last breaths of life.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

now this is very good. I am glad coyote killed Tom. and coyote made it home to his woman.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

really, this is good so far :D

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Very good chapter. Interesting in how you introduced new characters. Shows his good and bad sides. His visions are his conscience. Don't know that I would have him shave at the place he killed. If he is suppose to not leave evidence behind then the hairs from his shaving would leave DNA. If he leaves no hairs how did the cop know he shaved at all? On to the next chapter...

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

I am still enthrawl by the two line writing, it entrances me drawing me further into the story somehow but im really liking how this is progressing, im almost sadended to note that the next chapter is that last

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

The flow of this story paused a while as you went into the dream,. there we read the reason why - the core, perhaps, of this tale Then you move into another dimension about Beatrice; in other words from the revenge murder of Tom you shift into the man Coyote is, so, -perhaps - only my thought, we can understand him more.

There are spelling errors in this and the grammar is a little awry at times .. but personally I approve because yours is the voice speaking such an extraordinary tale .. to make it pukka English or whatever would completely spoil the atmosphere you've wonderful created.

Now for the next chapter..

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I'm liking, it's an enjoyable read. I'm not sure if it's intentional or not, but I noticed some odd verb tenses. "ask" where I would have expected an "asks" for example. It's a minor thing, but one I though warranted mentioning.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

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This is a great heroic story... I found that "wisdon" in the first line should be "wisdom".

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

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35 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on December 15, 2009
Last Updated on June 22, 2011
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Coyote Poetry
Coyote Poetry


A Poet and writer who love to read and write. My pleasure is reading about the bad and good in a life. Also to honor the Poets/Writers of the past by reading their words. Remember .. more..


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