Scorpion Curse

Scorpion Curse

A Story by Celia

A girl longing for love and a kiss is in the arms of her boyfriend. But she cannot kiss him nor return his kiss. The consequences are to dire if she does. She's forced to let him go.


My life has always been  forever a foggy wintered place with short intervals of chequered spring sunshine.

Right now I am in the sunshine place, touching his face, but afraid to go any further. If I touch my lips to his, he’ll be dead in a blink of an eye.

 In my short life of eighteen years, I have taken the lives of two boys; two boys I loved with my whole heart. Love with its hopes and dreams, that everything always works out for the best. It has never given me reason to believe. I carry the memory of them in my heart, the image of them dying in my mind, the pain of the loss imprinted in my soul, lest I forget how deadly a kiss, my kiss can be.

And a kiss, a kiss meant to seal the love, to quench the thirst of two beloved, turns out to be my doom of ever sealing any love with anyone.

Day and night, I am haunted by their faces. There was a time I despised myself for who I was, what I was, the dark poison flowing in my very veins. I have learned to accept and love myself for who I am, with difficulty. But is loving myself enough love to go around? Is it enough for my heart? It’s not. My heart needs more, it needs to be filled with a lover’s love, caress and laughter.

Taking the lives of these two boys had been unintentional; I am no murderess, I am just a girl longing to be loved, longing to be kissed, to be normal and able to give love back in return without any consequences.

With a kiss on his forehead, my hands fall away from his face and I turn away from him.

This is my secret buried deep within me, in a dark lonely place no one can ever touch or know.

 I am a girl living with the scorpion curse.

© 2011 Celia

Author's Note

Please let me know what you think. Does it potray enough emotion? Grammar?

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Added on September 3, 2011
Last Updated on September 3, 2011



Vienna, Austria

Mother of two, enjoy reading and writing, music and knitting. I'm an assitant nurse by profession. more..
