Insanity Stares at My Mouth

Insanity Stares at My Mouth

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Changefulstorm

Insanity is everywhere, I see it staring at my mouth.........


Flashes of denial campaign

undiscovered in my ears
while laughter sounds out like static
from a land where words
expose their wonder.  
What lies beneath
waves of pleading promises
that lie touching my heart
like winds of change
bring on thunder?

Has my existence flown
to find the answers
inside of years
up on the silent mountaintop
that I once called
my home?
I find that now I live with chaos
looking in my windows
at every single hollow place
it sees
when I am sitting
all alone.

Insanity is everywhere
I see it staring at my mouth
as honesty spews on everything
I deny to be,
while in all of my despair
I hear words
laughing out at me.
I breathe in deep then lift the voice
with which I write
and wait........
for my pen to bleed.

© 2012 Neva Flores Smith - Changefulstorm

Author's Note

Neva Flores Smith - Changefulstorm
Artist * Jerico Santander

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"Insanity is everywhere
I see it staring at my mouth
as honesty spews on everything
I deny to be,
while in all of my despair
I hear words
laughing out at me."

Sometimes I feel like I am insane with all the thoughts that swirl around in my head. I think one thing but contradict it with another. What seems to be truth is stirred up into my own reality so that I can no longer decipher what is what. This line, among all others in the poem, I can relate to the most. I think everybody feels insane at one point in their life.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Neva Flores Smith - Changefulstorm

11 Years Ago

Thank you for this wonderful review E.V. :)
E.V. Black

11 Years Ago

It is my sincere pleasure to review your work, Neva.


Each stanza kept me wanting more!

Posted 11 Years Ago

This is a really good poem and I really enjoyed it! :) good work

Posted 11 Years Ago

This is freakin awesome. Only a fellow poet with a troubled mind can relate to this I'm afraid. But hey..embrace it. Let this be the fuel for your inspiration.


Posted 11 Years Ago

Nothing I can say that hasn't already been said, but wonderful job!

Posted 11 Years Ago

I read the two poems above this one on you page. I note the word 'skin' is in both of them, en passant. But this title wrapped its arm around me and said 'read me deeply.' And so I did. Insanity? Hmm. Something about the word appeals. Why not? There is life in chaos, creativity, wildness. Of course this is not ideal if we want an ordered, steady life, which most of us do. And for those who embrace or are sucked into wildness, life can become extreme, unbearable. For many though dullness is worse than insantiy and can breed extreme responses. This is the best line in your poem for me at least: 'I see it staring at my mouth'. All manner of interpretations may be put on that. But I love the line however it is read. I don't think we can do all this without a little insanity in us. Not enough and we can't create. Too much and we can't live in such a way that we can harness it. I often think that szhizophrenia is the subconscious overwhlming our conscious. To experience this for 10 minutes might produce a hundred poems. But to live with it for 10 years...

Your poem touches on much. I know it is probably a very personal write, but it also seems to touch on things which are in us all, those delicate balances that ruu or ruin our lives. Is that the real use of poetry, to articulate things which others feel but can't articulate?

Perhaps the only response to this staring insanity is not to fear it but rather to study it, as you have here, to smile at it, to watch it, befriend it almost. For then it is less troubling and might actually smile back at us. Of course this is an insane way to look at it ;)))

Posted 11 Years Ago

Yet another wonderful work! The nagging sense of 'insanity' is presented in its most raw and beautiful forms; by a master poet with a magical knack for word-play!!

Absolutely wonderful work, Neva; as always!! I LOVE IT!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

The poet and her/his pen. The outlet for what? Often the poet does not know what will come from the pen. Much will depend upon the moment, the mood and to what extent the intellect is engaged. Sometimes the pen will even appear to cause a smile or a laugh. But when the soul is crying, the pen bleeds. It drips out, pours out, verbal, but extremely painful, stigmata.
That is what I see in this poem.
You are a poet.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

a deep poem! every line hints a secret about the author's life.. :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

The pen bleeds, then sanity returns. Even I feel i experience insanity at times. But the good ole pen helps express those emotions. Great poem!

Posted 11 Years Ago

"I breath in deep then lift the voice with which I write and wait.......for my pen to bleed." The imagry painted with that pen is dancing inside my head. Well written and inspired piece.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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49 Reviews
Added on June 12, 2012
Last Updated on June 12, 2012
Tags: denial, insanity, words, bleed, mouth, laughter, silence, alone


Neva Flores Smith - Changefulstorm
Neva Flores Smith - Changefulstorm


Hello, I am Neva, 4i, from Atlanta, Georgia. My latest book and videos: My latest book - Mailing Letters to the Moon rm_f1st('6','182','true','false','000000','av2j3.. more..
