A Conflict of Consciousness: A Tale of Two Hands

A Conflict of Consciousness: A Tale of Two Hands

A Story by Charlotte Flores

The story is about a conflicted right hand that holds the wedding ring, witnessing the heartbreak of its owner's failed relationship and contemplating the balance between reason and love.

Let me tell you, I am always up for a challenge. Difficult tasks and decisions are my forte. But the left hand? Well, let's just say it's not exactly the hardest worker. It's content to sit back and let me do all the dirty work. And you know what? That's exactly what it deserves. Without me, my owner would be lost. It's me who takes care of the tough stuff and keeps everything moving smoothly.

Now, don't get me wrong. If it were up to me, I wouldn't have made the decision my owner did. But he made it with his heart, and his left hand - which always agrees with him - was on board too. They're like two peas in a pod, those two. Always thinking about one thing: love. But me? I prefer reason. The brain should be on the right side of the body. It just makes sense, you know?

I've always wondered why God split the brain into two parts - one left and one right. Love can't solve everything. And from the moment my owner fell in love with that girl, I knew we were headed for trouble. He's a bit of an idiot, you see. That girl didn't deserve him - she didn't have any qualities that made her worthy of marriage. And my owner deserves so much more than that. But his heart blinded him to the truth, and he went ahead and proposed anyway.
I knew it was a mistake from the very beginning. That girl's behavior was ugly, and I could tell she wasn't cut out for marriage. But that heart of his wouldn't let him see it. Two years into their friendship, she finally rejected his proposal - and that's where we are now. My owner was devastated. He lost his job, and turned to alcohol to numb the pain. And now, he wants me to help him shoot up.

Left: But let me tell you something. This right hand may not have feelings, but I know my worth. I hold the wedding ring - the symbol of love itself. They didn't entrust that job to the right hand because they don't understand what love really means. And the left hand? It's always jealous of the important tasks I'm given. It likes to hit me, but I don't let it get to me. Because in my opinion, life without love just isn't worth living."

When my owner fell head over heels for that girl, I never could have predicted the heartache that would follow. I had hoped to establish a cordial relationship with her left hand, but alas, it was not meant to be. However, I must admit, she was truly a remarkable and deserving individual, a fact I recognized from the very start. I remember vividly the day my owner knelt before her, presenting the ring with great fanfare. But when she uttered those soul-crushing words, "We are not meant to be," my heart sank. It was a sentiment all too familiar to the rational and logical right hand. My poor owner had every right to feel crushed and seek solace in alcohol.

Our owner was devastated, believing that no other girl could compare to the one he lost. I couldn't understand why the right hand hesitated so much. All I wanted was for our owner to follow me, to listen to my independent identity. The right hand always strived to be reasonable and obedient to our master, but I knew that there were times when intuition and instinct should take the lead. And yet, the right hand continued to hesitate, to hold back. I was growing impatient, waiting for the right moment to take action. Finally, the time had come. It was time to hit my vein, to take control and rid ourselves of this torment

© 2023 Charlotte Flores

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Yikes, now this is truly ingenious, spooky, and freaky. I love the personification of the right and left hands. I'm left handed myself...mostly. It's the right side of my brain that controls most of everything I do. I make a lot of my decisions through my heart. Most of the stories I write are romance junk.
I like what you've written, and you've done it quite eloquently. It's a neat concept...right versus left.
I've heard that if you split one half of the brain from the other by cutting the corpus colostrum, which is sometimes done with patients who have severe epileptic seizures, one side of the body will battle the other for control.
It's a weird thing.
Love your work.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Charlotte Flores

1 Year Ago

Thank you so much for your comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the story and found the concept of right ve.. read more


Yikes, now this is truly ingenious, spooky, and freaky. I love the personification of the right and left hands. I'm left handed myself...mostly. It's the right side of my brain that controls most of everything I do. I make a lot of my decisions through my heart. Most of the stories I write are romance junk.
I like what you've written, and you've done it quite eloquently. It's a neat concept...right versus left.
I've heard that if you split one half of the brain from the other by cutting the corpus colostrum, which is sometimes done with patients who have severe epileptic seizures, one side of the body will battle the other for control.
It's a weird thing.
Love your work.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Charlotte Flores

1 Year Ago

Thank you so much for your comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the story and found the concept of right ve.. read more

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1 Review
Added on March 14, 2023
Last Updated on March 14, 2023
Tags: love, heartbreak, decision-making, introspection, relationships, perspective, inner voice, self-awareness, conflict, addiction


Charlotte Flores
Charlotte Flores


Hi there! My name is Charlotte Flores and I'm a 23-year-old aspiring writer living in West Virginia. Writing has always been my passion, and I've recently taken my first steps towards becoming a profe.. more..
