

A Poem by Chase Weik

Expressionless gaze, blank stare to blank page
Dawn this plaster mask that no one could faze
Colorful paint, deceptive in purpose
Makeup like this belongs in a circus

Lacking in progress, my pen undisturbed
Absence of it leaves my teacher perturbed
Trying to hide the absence of comfort
Wondering whether work’s worth the effort

Hoping one day I’ll know what my muse is
Won’t have to make up pointless excuses
I need to step up, it’s time to face facts
No more blatant lies or putting on masks

For now I’ll turn in the work I have done
Self revelation has only begun

© 2017 Chase Weik

Author's Note

Chase Weik
I am open to any constructive criticism! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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Added on June 2, 2017
Last Updated on June 2, 2017


Chase Weik
Chase Weik

Litchfield, CT

I am an aspiring writer living in CT. and attend Wamogo Regional high school. I have always believed in writing as an escape or way to express myself, but I also just love to tell a good story here an.. more..

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