A Story by Chloe Madison Taylor.

I believe this calls for a rewrite.


18 pews. 100 people, 1/5 of them are children.

One youth minister, one balding man preaching, 5 members of the band, and a statue up on a cross keeping the meaning to this place.

The balding man in the front asks everyone to keep some unfortunate girl named Kate with Cancer in their prayers. I think the girl sitting alone in the back deserves a prayer or two. She always valued other prayers more than her own. Like maybe she was sending the letters, but they kept getting lost in the mail. Or maybe she keeps trying to make the call, but theres no signal in this hole shes found herself in, only to fall through deeper into a bigger, darker hole.

Shes almost jealous. Almost jealous of the kids in the pews with their parents on opposite sides of them, who probably went through hell and high water getting them there. Forcing them to get out of their warm beds so they wont go to Hell. Maybe they'll make better decisions. Maybe they'll decide not to smoke so much pot, drink so much liqour, or have so much sex.

Or maybe they'll just decide to never come to church again.


So theres a girl in the back watching their eyes glaze over. She listens to every word and wonders if she believes it. She wonders if she could ever really believe it.

© 2008 Chloe Madison Taylor.

Author's Note

Chloe Madison Taylor.
yeah, I go to church alone.
yeah, I count heads.
and prayers, too.

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i wish i could hug you
consider yourself squeezed.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 11, 2008