A Poem by Chloe Madison Taylor.

Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition.




She'll disguise herself as a bottle of liqour, in a sad attempt to make it past your lips.

The backup plan curled up in her whiteknuckled fist still burns,

but not quite as brightly as she once did.


She was coughing up cable television, brainpoison spilling and spewing

staining the carpet and the innocence of her little sister

Like the incubus following her from dream to dream.


So she went home before s**t started moving again,

So she could sit on her cold bed and count the spiders on her wall.

Gravity was there waiting, sitting silently just inside the door.

he explained that she would always fall, and he wasn't surprised that she was surprised


She had never gotten back up, afterall.


She'll be beneath this bus you threw her under until further notice.

Love is a battlefield and you've both run out of bullets.

Things continue to move awkwardly in front of her eyes,

I don't think her eyes ever quite adjusted to the violent rays of love and hate.


I know the thoughts I do not suppress will surely consume me.

She's fucked up on something,

And it has to be you.



I guess this is growing up.



© 2008 Chloe Madison Taylor.

Author's Note

Chloe Madison Taylor.
So this is what happens when I skip school on tuesdays.

I wana be your fever just to know I make you heated.
I use my lungs for everything but breathing.

Use your chemicals and take this to your grave,
the boys you left are men you didn't raise.

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"i guess this is growing up."
that short sentence pretty much summarizes your work, my work, and about 66% of everyone else's work on this site. we just don't realize it yet. or at least they don't anyway.
i do as of now.
this poem has to be the best you've ever written and the most meaningful that i've read in a while. it not only gives imagery and clever word play, but it actually incorporates deep meaning in with everything and finishes it up with realiziation, enlightenment, a metaphor, and a bottle of wine for the road.
absolutely brilliant, and the type of wrting i blindly scan through here everyday looking for and never finding.
at least today was worth it chloe.
thanks for that, whatever it may mean to you.
favorites? look out, here you come. :)

may-ray jane

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


If you dont' write a poem about me soon we're breaking up,
you sonofabitch.


Posted 15 Years Ago

Great word choice. A remarkable writer can use a term in a new way or describe something genuinely unique while maintaining an emotion and you did that through out the poem. I love this.

Posted 15 Years Ago

coughing up cable television- I can see that happening

So I went home before s**t started moving again- lived thru this just recently

The entire penultimate stanza is a collection of cliches but you make it work. your poems read like unguarded, real moments. with time and continuing effort (discipline-i know you hate that word), you will mature into a great writer. Z

Posted 15 Years Ago

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"i guess this is growing up."
that short sentence pretty much summarizes your work, my work, and about 66% of everyone else's work on this site. we just don't realize it yet. or at least they don't anyway.
i do as of now.
this poem has to be the best you've ever written and the most meaningful that i've read in a while. it not only gives imagery and clever word play, but it actually incorporates deep meaning in with everything and finishes it up with realiziation, enlightenment, a metaphor, and a bottle of wine for the road.
absolutely brilliant, and the type of wrting i blindly scan through here everyday looking for and never finding.
at least today was worth it chloe.
thanks for that, whatever it may mean to you.
favorites? look out, here you come. :)

may-ray jane

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 30, 2008
Last Updated on November 1, 2008

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