Walkways of Ice Cream

Walkways of Ice Cream

A Poem by Judas Hammer

The Busways in Van Nuys were my escape from myself


Walkway of Ice Cream Dreams


I glide through Moonlight alleys

Trying my best to forecast what is

Around the next corner

Hoping it is neither: death or his brother destruction


For the moon is a better spectator than bodyguard

The potholes seem like craters

From the view of my semi lucent night vision

For this is the time of werewolves

And cat burglars


Yet here I am

Navigating the catacombs

 Of the Valley.

Disturbing the alley dwelling homeless

Sleeping on piss covered mattresses

and broken American dreams

I ignore them knowing their gaze

Will turn me to stone

Eye contact is not a luxury


I stare at the graffiti on the wall

The barrio hieroglyphic

Retelling the tales of ghetto warfare

The slain and unworthy


I point to God

To make me see

He still has me


The sounds of rocks beneath my feet

Sound like big men chewing bran cereal


The guy from the harbor city

The man from the east

The dreamer from the river city

Again walking through the alleys


Plotting a course of failure

Plotting a plan almost certain to fail

Because his mind has left him

His senses dulled


His only energy fueled by the fumes of

Past dreams and delusional fantasy

I think I saw a werewolf

© 2013 Judas Hammer

Author's Note

Judas Hammer
werewolves are beautiful.

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Great mental "blink shots". You could do a whole series of writes on the busways of cities. Nice concept. But..... I think you can leave off the last line, bit of over kill since you already mentioned werewolves earlier and much more poignantly than in the last line, it's obvious, you already saw werewolves... just my take. Nice stuff.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Judas Hammer

11 Years Ago

Thank you for the read and review as usually my friend. Great words of advice. Thanks again.


From the title my mind went immediately to New York City and the Good Humor men. As I read this piece I related so much to it I felt I had written it myself. My kind of poetry, down and dirty. Gritty. Down and dirty gritty . . .

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Judas Hammer

11 Years Ago

Thank Jerry. I like Gritty and dirty. I like to see another writer who likes to get his mind messy. .. read more
This is an amazing piece of work. It really transports you to that setting. I don't have a lot to add that hasn't been said. You're clearly blessed with a keen sense of observation. I loved the "barrio hieroglyphic," line. That's how I've always viewed graffiti. If our civilization were to abruptly end, I always felt graffiti would be some of the most compelling remnants. They would provide those who follow us with an unparallelled view of the human condition. Very good read! I'm looking forward to delving deeper into your material.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Judas Hammer

11 Years Ago

Thank you that means so much. I am glad we could connect through words. thats what its all about I b.. read more
having spent 16 months on the streets, i know this malady forward and back. your descriptions are accurate and so brilliantly metaphorical in description. i am continually impressed with your urban ghetto depictions and your magnificently gritty writing style. this is phenomenal prose here, Judas. excellent!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

i would like to encourage you to seek out a good publisher...i really think you have what it takes t.. read more
Judas Hammer

11 Years Ago

Thanks Quinn. That is really positive and I thank you sir.

11 Years Ago

believe in yourself......good luck
Why is it we don't like to look at the homeless. I think because we may feel guilty for not doing something to help or because we are scared we will become them. This poem takes you on a journey through someones mind as they are thinking. I like the whole poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Judas Hammer

11 Years Ago

thank you very much. Yes I think the answer would be shame....
Poetic Beauty

11 Years Ago

You are welcome. I enjoyed the story line in this piece.
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Were you on a skateboard?

The bran cereal line.....nice

This piece was really original.

There are a lot of words spelled wrong. Fix them cuz your work is worthy of being shown in the best light.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Judas Hammer

11 Years Ago

LOL no but there are biker and boarders. thank you for the read and review and the heads up. I fixed.. read more

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15 Reviews
Added on March 24, 2013
Last Updated on March 28, 2013


Judas Hammer
Judas Hammer

The City of Angeles, CA

I like to write, live in La and write and make short films. and more..


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