50 Let PobedyA Poem by Cole Hayley50 Let Pobedy Have you heard the one about the 50 Let Pobedy? It’s a real icebreaker. You were sold after that line commence the fifty years of victory a communion as tough as that vessel braving the harsh sea; we are the titans of industry, see from Prudhoe Bay to the tip of Russia, Murmansak. Where we drank Moscow mules and mulled wine over murmers of another vogage, then another - when we finally retire we’ll travel to somewhere warmer and become a cruise vessel for new lovers on exciting adventures. So know the core of this thing is nuclear the product of intensive work done by a collection of scientists over multiple years. Also know that this was what started our universe and it exists in the middle of stars too. So have you heard the one about the 50 Let Pobedy? And its half-a-century of continued excellence? Heralding the advent of arctic exhibitions, breaking glaciers in half and how it barley made a sound doing so?
© 2018 Cole HayleyAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on February 14, 2018 Last Updated on February 14, 2018 Author![]() Cole HayleyMontreal, CanadaAbout25 / Canada I'm back ;) New series: "Name one thing in this photo" 1. Grocery list and a Love letter 2. Went Wrong 3. 24 4. The Pacific Theater 5. A SATA cable frayed 6. One Thing 7. .. more..Writing
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