The Drip From the Faucet

The Drip From the Faucet

A Poem by ColinKarr

I just thought of this off the top of my head. Hope you like it!

A leaky faucet goes drip, drip, drip.
The drip from the faucet gurgles, gurgles, gurgles down the drain.
The drip from the faucet tinkles, tinkles, tinkles into the subterranean sewers.
The drip from the faucet is one clean drop that swishes, swishes, swishes amongst mounds of muck.
The drip from the faucet rushes, rushes, rushes out into a small, putrid pond.
The drip from the faucet transfers to a narrow tributary where it trickles, trickles, trickles across a glen of grass.
The drip from the faucet enters a large river and roars, roars, roars as it makes its way past rotund rocks.
The drip from the faucet becomes one with a large ocean. Forgotten until it makes its way through the grateful gills of a small fish.
A leaky faucet goes drip, drip, drip. 

© 2010 ColinKarr

Author's Note

Reviews appreciated!

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This is great. The repetition helps get the feel for how water really is and I think really makes this poem! It's a fun and delightful poem as well. Super great job on this!

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is really unique! The repetition goes well with how you write it and the repetition of words is a nice touch. Your wording is really good too. Well done!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 13, 2010
Last Updated on March 13, 2010
Tags: the, drip, from, faucet, water, ocean, river, tributary, muck, grass



Well, I'm a Junior in high school. I write for my school newspaper which just so happens to be my favorite class (shocker right?) Anyways, I hope to do something in writing when I grow up, and ya that.. more..


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