The Manor

The Manor

A Poem by Ebb and Flow

Written just because


The sinister wood as cold as a cave is deep and a restless phantom lurks about.

The patch of death lies just beyond the dead murky pond, where the stones stand sentry over their master souls.

The apple orchards once so buzzing with life, now fallen as demise walked through and sucked the vitality out.

A ghostly haze ambles upon the rumpled gardens chasing out the life that's left.

The webbed creations envelope the once vibrant and beautiful rose bushes, but as time went by so did they, a small token they pay for living on these lands.

Time seems to have ravaged this once brilliant place.

Fractured ports of a decrepit manor study the marooned courtyard.

The manor waits with patient eyes for the day when man will restore its elegant beauty and replace its lost name.


© 2009 Ebb and Flow

Author's Note

Ebb and Flow
Do whatever!!

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I like the images each line presents, but I agree with Legion. I think there is a story here that could be written, is asking to be written. Nicely done.

Posted 14 Years Ago

day when I man will restore - did you mean "a man"

This is a very well written poem for a "just because" piece (or any piece for that matter). I like it. Flows nicely and tells a saddened tale fabulously. I think you may have the beginnings to a great story if you decide to write more to this. I can see all kinds of possibilities with it. Kudos on a job well done.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 29, 2008
Last Updated on March 26, 2009


Ebb and Flow
Ebb and Flow

Milton Mills, NH

The names Krystina Michelle Walters Poetry is one of my soul passions in life. Without its passion I wouldn't understand the beauty of the written word or that beauty of this world. "Words have.. more..


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