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One Girl loves One Boy

One Girl loves One Boy

A Poem by Cree Nations

One Girl, One Boy




Long ago was a time of hopes and dreams

Though oft as not things would never be as they seemed.

It was a time for young hearts to take bloom

How could they know that love to them had come too soon?

He made no promises and she asked for none

That was foolish to them it seemed.


The world they lived in would soon set them apart

Futures had been set in motion.

Without the thought of love or devotion

How could they have known the tune of their hearts?

When their souls touched, a promise was made not to part.


Souls cannot mate at the direction of the heart

It happens long before a word is spoken

The love that’s felt is just a token.

Neither would know, or give it a thought

Time was precious, a war to be fought.


Days grew dark and nights darker still

She watched him leave, terrible pain for her to feel

In silence soft words poured from her heart

But no sound did he hear

Only a smile on her lips, and a few of her tears.


Time did pas, and time went on

And silence was their souls song.



Neither had known, or thought to know

Their souls had joined though paths would take them a world apart.

Along with him he took her heart.

Shadows of silver, bars of brass.

A lonely soul with no looking glass.


There is no death for a soul you know.

A life will go on with other loves, and many new songs

But the memory is there, a secret of the heart to show.

The soul does remember where it belongs.



One Girl One Boy


A soul will choose, a soul will mate.


Kisses remembered, why were they wrong?

She wrote of a moonlit night and silver stars


Happiness seemed such a simple thing

A girl a boy shared such innocent dreams.

Each wondered what their future would bring.









Written 2/13/2002

© 2013 Cree Nations

My Review

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Very candid and sweet Ms Che Davis . Wish I could write like you . I love what you just said here - a soul never dies and its memories never fades . Though the endings of every stanza doesn't rhyme It flows life a river. Superb writing !

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on July 29, 2013
Last Updated on July 29, 2013


Cree Nations
Cree Nations

Houston, TX

Hello, Where to start? I always have trouble with this part for some reason. Texan that's me. Religiously speaking I don't fall into any denomination. I believe in God and have the highest regard for .. more..

Dignity Dignity

A Poem by Cree Nations