Soul to Soul

Soul to Soul

A Poem by Cree Nations

Soul to Soul

Once upon a time…                             Your soul touched mine.

Was it indeed so long ago that our souls did touch?

Entwined forever, feelings were born with a rush.

Had we known our paths would part

Would I have let you take my heart?

Thoughts of prevention never entered in,

And you went where no one else had ever been.

Hearts break and even mend.

But souls will mate to the bitter end.

Was it indeed so long ago when my soul did weep?

For the keeper of her promises left her to sleep.

Then silently she drifted deeper still

Ne’r to waken fearing the pain she would feel.

Oh heart of my soul where have you been?

You’ve gone away now we’re far apart.

But each remains the center of the others heart.

Sweet songs of melancholy are there to mend.

Miles of miles stand in the way

But which of us would dare to say

That hearts must part

And bring love to an end?

When in the wind a tree might bend,

With no thought or intent to break.

Firs love, only love, is dealt by fate.

But fickle is that old lady fate.

Holdfast the dreams of your youth

Your heart will never know the truth.

One day your faith will be repaid,

And remember promises the soul did make.

In days when love ran strong

And young hearts thought nothing could go wrong.

Bitter is the enemy time

Hearts will love and then may break.

But the soul has left to search for her mate.


© 2013 Cree Nations

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A soul mate must first have a soul to be one. Some have no heart or soul and leave a sea of broken hearts and promises in their wake. Good poem.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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Your words are so very true, the heart of the young will learn from their past.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Come to me little sparrow, Away from the pelting rain;
Tell me of your sorrows and I'll tell you of my pain.

Come perch upon my window sill,
And rest your weary wing;
And give to me the meaning
Of the beautiful song you sing.

Teach me how to be happy behind these concrete walls;
Now give to me the reason for your early morning calls.

How I'd like to soar the heavens
And fly about so free!
But I am here in prison,
So you take wing for me.

'Tis God who taught you how to sing,
And gave you wings to fly;
'Tis God who sent His precious Son
For sinners such as I.

So off you go, little sparrow, out into the pelting rain.
Take with you all my sorrows and give wing to all my pain.

Fly away, little sparrow,
But soon come back to me;
For as I watch you soar the heavens,
I find, I too, am free.

Poem by Richard Ryan

Posted 10 Years Ago

First time in my life that I would cry reading someone's poem. What makes this piece so special is that it reminds me of a classic love story played by Christopher Reeves . The title of the movie was " Somewhere In Time ". If you have seen this movie you would know what I mean . Your love and affection Ms The Davis for your soul mate was as classic and timeless as the most precious diamond . How I wish I will find someone that that would love and thought of me like that . What a beautiful and tender heart you've got . Thank you for opening the windows of your heart to us . If true love has eluded you in this life . Perhaps in some other place or somewhere in time . You'll find your true love divine !

Posted 10 Years Ago

Ms Che Davis I felt every words uttered in this poem. Its true that if Mathematics is the universal language of. Science and Music is the universal language of the soul ; Poetry is the universal language of the heart . I can feel tears of pain and heartaches and heartbreaks oozing out from every pore of this sad but lovely piece . You poured out your heart and soul on this poem just like you cry out and lamented of the lost of your soul mate

Posted 10 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on August 19, 2013
Last Updated on August 19, 2013


Cree Nations
Cree Nations

Houston, TX

Hello, Where to start? I always have trouble with this part for some reason. Texan that's me. Religiously speaking I don't fall into any denomination. I believe in God and have the highest regard for .. more..

Dignity Dignity

A Poem by Cree Nations