The Voice of My Soul

The Voice of My Soul

A Poem by Cree Nations

The Crying Voice


I hear a voice crying all alone at night…

                              Is it my voice I hear?

Filled with sad dreams and mingled with tears

My heart cries out ‘What did you do?

That wind whispers your name,

                              Is it your voice I feel?


                       Alone, alone…My soul doth weep and mourn…

                       My mind scoffs with taunting memories and scorn.

                              Foolish girl! How could you think his love would last?

                              He’s left you here, a part of his past.

                                               Young girl you foolish twit,

                                      Those shattered dreams are all you get.

                            What made you think he’d come back for you?

                       See him there in his Navy Blue?

                              Time was when he would hold you, but time has passed.

                              Only true love will stand the test, do you think yours will last?

                                               Sad words…if only I had told you.

                              Silver stars with their silver light…

                                             Star light…star bright.

         Who is this girl in the looking glass?

        Silver bars have turned to brass.


Trusted mirror…fickle fate

               You’re just a memory that is much too late.

How could he know I’d mourn and wait?

               Oh the sweetness of a young girls dreams

Such an innocent thing.

               His memory is such a vital part,

        Of every other beat of my heart.

Thoughts of him drift in again                         saying

               Don’t you wonder where he’s been?

Making me think back to days of old

               How could a young boy be so bold?


        To walk right up and step right in

        Where no else had ever been.

In his eyes I saw my own

               Love full of sweet abandon.

                                      An oil well derrick, and silver stars

                In the back seat of his car.

                               Silver stars to military bars.


        Leaving only dust behind

        And silent dreams are hard to find.


Alone I wait for nights bathed in silver starlight

               A gentle breeze will blow and I’ll long for his sight.

                I dared to dream…

                               Such an innocent thing.


How sad but tis true, of his future I had no part

                              So I hold him here, locked in my heart.

Winds come bringing clouds of gray

I call his name…but he doesn’t hear.

He’s lost in his dreams and can’t find his way.

        So listen and listen close

                       His memory now is my …companion ghost.


Time brings change and change takes time

And thus you ask can my love stay the same?

Ah ‘tis true they say how some things may never change.

Silver stars entwined forever with military bars.

               Savor the touch of loves first kiss.

How could we have known it would lead to this?

               My heart cries out ‘you should have known’

Then silence cries, ‘you should have told him’.

               Sweet love, first love, only love

        Are precious gifts from up above.

                       Treasure them well

                       They’ve secrets to tell.


Memory wanders with questions unasked

               So go ahead and ask yourself ‘did his love last?’

                       See that girl in the looking glass

                                      Time has passed much too fast

                                      Too soon your present became his past.


                              Silver stars entwined forever with military bars.

                              Oh how and why could you not have known me?


Now the secret I chose to keep haunts me still

               And sweet memories are all I feel.

Silver stars are mine to hold.

               With silver bars for a boy so bold.

Silver stars, and oil well derrick

               One girl, one boy and one black Chevy.

My night ends and a new day is born

               Only when souls meet will we feel love’s sweet touch.

And words too late are never spoken,  silence is such.

This love is like a rose with all its thorns.

               The day will pass, and night will come

And once again dreams of him enfold me

                              The day slips away and darkness envelops the sky and it fades to black

                       You know he’s never coming back.

But alas the night winds bring me dreams of you

               Happiness scattered throughout the stars

Silver strands cast out their light

               There is this…silver stars are oh so bright.

Alas alone my mind does ask

               Who is this girl in the looking glass?

        Twisted mirror…fickle heart…

                                      So time and miles will keep us apart

                                      My heart cries out…and I am lost to mourn my fate…

                Knowing my soul lost her mate.


Written 6/7/1965


© 2013 Cree Nations

My Review

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Featured Review

Such a beautiful, poignant piece; I really loved reading this; a truly wonderful poem it is.
The whole of it was like a whisper of sorts, a lamenting reflection and a chastising warning. Although I felt it was rather long and you could've ended it in several places, that is not to say any of it is not good or necessary. Everything from the repetition to the separation of lines and italicizing of words really added to the feel of the piece.
Lovely work~ ^^

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Cree Nations

10 Years Ago

Leona thank you so much for taking the time to read my writing and for the review.


So sweet Ms Che Davis your lovely and thoughtful poems transcends space and time . I like your last line . What a strong way to end it and leaving a first and lasting impression to my heart .

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A heart-breaking poem, Che. I felt your pain and hope that you have loved again and found that there was life after your first love goes his own way. I have experienced the mingling of stars and bars myself and know the agony of rejection and the subsequent rebirth of love.

You have written a lovely poem in a gently flowing stream of consciousness style that I greatly admire. Write on!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Cree Nations

10 Years Ago

Thank you Joyce. Actually No, there's been no other great love. This was/is the one. 50 years la.. read more
Ah, the cry of a soul, a sad and beautiful song sung from the heart.
I enjoyed this cleverly-written piece,
Thanks for sharing

Posted 10 Years Ago

A splendid read and write...Thank you for posting...:)

Posted 10 Years Ago

This poem was written many (many) years ago. Now when I look back on it I wonder how it was that my soul was already old at such a young and tender age. I fell in love when I was young and that one love has been a silver thread through all my years. Though we are not together in the physical realm we are together always.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Such a beautiful, poignant piece; I really loved reading this; a truly wonderful poem it is.
The whole of it was like a whisper of sorts, a lamenting reflection and a chastising warning. Although I felt it was rather long and you could've ended it in several places, that is not to say any of it is not good or necessary. Everything from the repetition to the separation of lines and italicizing of words really added to the feel of the piece.
Lovely work~ ^^

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Cree Nations

10 Years Ago

Leona thank you so much for taking the time to read my writing and for the review.

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6 Reviews
Added on August 21, 2013
Last Updated on August 21, 2013


Cree Nations
Cree Nations

Houston, TX

Hello, Where to start? I always have trouble with this part for some reason. Texan that's me. Religiously speaking I don't fall into any denomination. I believe in God and have the highest regard for .. more..

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A Poem by Cree Nations