

A Poem by Criator

From the collection of “Bodily Observations”


I could fall off this Merry-Go-Round anytime,

Like a drunkard stumbling over their own toes,

Or perhaps I was spun in an office chair in my sleep.

My feet raced each other to the restroom door,

Brain cells swimming in the riptide about my skull

While a web of veins whip at my retinas.

But it was the cool gray walls

That caught me by surprise,

A solid right hook to the side of my jaw,

And another to the bridge of my nose.

My mother is to my right, 

And the tile is on my left.

A frothing well of acid sits in the vat my throat

As my tongue floats on a bed of bile. 

My stomach got caught behind my teeth

Punching through enamel prison bars,

And tumbling uselessly to the ground,

Like a freshly birthed newborn baby.

© 2022 Criator

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Featured Review

interesting read here Criator. Not sure what I make of it. The images are stark and riveting:
cool gray walls that caught me by surprise
my mother is to my right and the tile is on my left
enamel prison bars

certainly, lines that will tumble round in my head for a spell. Which is the whole purpose of poetry, so great write


Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


interesting read here Criator. Not sure what I make of it. The images are stark and riveting:
cool gray walls that caught me by surprise
my mother is to my right and the tile is on my left
enamel prison bars

certainly, lines that will tumble round in my head for a spell. Which is the whole purpose of poetry, so great write


Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on October 12, 2022
Last Updated on October 12, 2022
Tags: poem, poetry, dizzy, body, bodily, vertigo, criator, eyes, gross, vomit




Hello! My name is Criator and I write various kinds of stories ranging from short experimental stories to action, adventure novels to macabre or lighthearted poetry. more..
