The Cemetery At Midnight (Where Hallowed Ground Has Fallen Ill)

The Cemetery At Midnight (Where Hallowed Ground Has Fallen Ill)

A Poem by DK6

A Horror poem.

The Cemetery at Midnight

As the Sun forsakes the Earth-
And as the Night is given birth-
A stormy gale's wind and rain-
Shall make our world seem insane.

Upon a plot, upon a hill-
The Hallowed Ground has fallen ill-
Where once a blessed building stood-
Is nothing now, but frame and wood.

The withered trees of pine and birch-
Stand tall behind a rotting church-
The wood is rotten and decayed-
The altar's silver trim is grayed.

Before the trees, behind the chapel-
There is a single tree of apple-
But it no longer bares that fruit-
For it is dead without its root.

That single tree is to behold-
The mystic wonders of the cold-
The freezing rain and sleet and shade-
Undoing all that time has made.

There is a pass way in the trees-
Where anyone can walk with ease-
It leads into a clearing there-
That cemetery gates do stare.

A place where loved ones cried their tears-
Although the place is young in years-
The Sands of Time have seen it whither-
Where spiders crawl and serpents slither.

Within the cemetery ground-
The keenest sense would hear no sound-
The Hallowed ground with hollow spaces-
Where rotted corpses have no faces.

Cast in marble and in stone-
A single angel stands alone-
Though time has seem him fall from grace-
And wear has taken off his face.

Archaic headstones all about-
Though all with names they are without-
When alive, they were abased-
In Death their memories erased.

And as the clouds of storm and gale-
Strike down the grass with rain and hail-
Two lovers young, and joyous prance-
Into this place where shadows dance.

Two people who are young and lush-
The weather's chaos gives them rush-
And even in this dire weather-
Rain shall not pierce their coats of leather.

The two young lovers pass the steeple-
Pulled by desires known by people-
The passion held in youth controls-
All emotion in their souls.

Pronouncing words of love they wonder-
Through lighting great and booming thunder-
With mighty chaos in the skies-
They are lost within each others eyes.

The two young lovers see the pass-
This strapping lad and charming lass-
The two of them no longer fearing-
Hear voices calling from the clearing.

The voices emanating loud-
The souls all chanting form a crowd-
As the two young lovers go-
To that of which they do not know.

Through the open pass they wander-
While each others thoughts they ponder-
Intoxicated by their passion-
Thus their love should know no ration.

Out from the clearing hand in hand-
Before the Gothic gate they stand-
The voices calling louder still-
The starving souls that need their fill.

The two young lovers see the gate-
While in the graveyard lying in wait-
Are spirits of those who have died-
With tears of blood shed for them dried.

The rain lets up, the ground is wet-
And in each others arms they're set-
The two young lovers make a wish-
In freezing air so devilish.

For them the gate does open wide-
So they do enter, by side-
And in this dark and lonely night-
They show their love and passion right.

Archaic headstones all around-
With thunder's mighty, booming sound-
The two young lovers making love-
The shadows staring up above.

They feel upon them watchful eyes-
And hear each others joyous cries-
Within the graveyard fornicating-
For them the ravenous souls are waiting.

Upon the ground they lie together-
The chill of unforgiving weather-
In each others arms they lie-
As freezing rain falls from the sky.

The two young lover's passion sings-
So that they cannot see the things-
The hands up reaching from the ground-
To take their lives without a sound.

The moon is wane, and slowly falling-
The spirits are no longer calling-
The two young lovers lie there still-
Where Hallowed Ground has fallen ill.

© 2010 DK6

My Review

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Fabulous! Wow- I love the imagery, love the rhythmn, love the story. I love it all.

You set such an eerie scene with such a sing songy was a joy to read. The ending seems like a bit of a lesson, not necessarily about under age "fornication", but maybe more about respecting particular places.

"Pronouncing words of love they wonder-
Through lighting great and booming thunder-
With mighty chaos in the skies-
They are lost within each others eyes."

^^^^^ Favorite stanza, although it wasn't easy to choose. The entire poem is fantastic! Thank you for sharing :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

Cast in marble and in stone-
A single angel stands alone-
Though time has seem him fall from grace-
And wear has taken off his face.

Archaic headstones all about-
Though all with names they are without-
When alive, they were abased-
In Death their memories erased.

OH wow this is so amazing, I like this write alot.
This is so well written and full of imagery and detail.
amazing write.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 21, 2010
Last Updated on July 21, 2010



Imperial Beach, CA

I'm a seventeen-year old living in Imperial Beach, CA, been writing for some two years now, mostly structured poetry, but occasionally I'll do a short story. more..

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