Invisible    love  Chapter 8

Invisible love Chapter 8

A Story by DREAM-catcher13

I can simply remember the inimitable of 14 January, Saturday, today. The day that was important to me. Today will become one of the significant memories for Jasper, it was the day to say ‘goodbye’ to all his friends, included me. It was an important night for me because it’ll become the one last day, to have Jasper in Forks, with me. To commemorate the experience we been through for almost four years, to commemorate how he makes me smile all the time, since a smile was never easy to appear on my face since the day when my mom left me, to commemorate how we spent our time together and share everything that happened in our life, he gave me too much memories which I could never ever forget. He was so important in my life, and he meant a lot to me. He was the only person who never gave up on me, never gave up interpreting my thought. Today, Jasper successfully became the person who I can absolute reliable on, care of, and felt precious of him.

The worst thing I did to him was deluded him. I could not forgive myself because I lied to him. I admitted I will not be the best friend he ever had, but a good listener and a loyal companion. I wanted to be by his side once he needed me, I wanted to be the one he will first think of when he needed help, I wanted to share my happiness whenever there’s something worth to be happy with, and I wanted a lot a lot from Jasper.

I knew that I have to say goodbye to him, today. He’ll be leaving after the party, and it’ll be hard to see him again. Raven, me, will whimpering cry once he leave, but I couldn’t let him worry about me. I knew that he’s being special to me, meant something to me, but I will have to let go in one day. I knew that…

My dad knocked on my door and went into my bedroom softly. He was carrying a beautiful box, with a white ribbon on it. He left it on my bed without saying a word and left the room. I was surprised who gifted a gift by placing in such beautiful box. I crawled slowly to approach the box. I opened the cover in a slow motion. I saw a white dress in the box, silk, lace production with sequins on it. It was indescribable…All I can describe with were beautiful, amazing and dazzle. I saw a card on top of the dress and I knew it would give me an answer of the person who gifted me a beautiful dress. I took the card and read the message in the card.

‘White represents the pure.’

I wondered who would be the mailer. Maybe Ken? Maybe Jasper? Or Amanda? There’s a lot of people might be but I think I will knew it soon but the tricky part was that I wasn’t going to the party. Just then, my dad knocked on my door again. He went in and I knew he had something to say.

“Dad… I’m sorry.” I know he was still mad at me. I wasn’t dared to meet his gazed.

“Raven, I wasn’t angry with you.” A sense of happiness suddenly emanated from my heart, I jumped off my bed and hugged my dad.

“I’m sorry, dad. I’m really sorry.” I hugged him tightly.

“Ray…come here. It’s okay. Promise not to lie to me again, ever.” Dad released me and held my hand instructed me to sit down. I nodded and grinned.

“Who gave you this? It’s… beautiful.” Dad agreed that dress was awesome too. I shrugged and looked at him.

“So…are you going to the party?” I shook my head and he nodded lightly but I couldn’t comprehend what does that motion meant by.

“Ray…Jasper wishes you to be there for him although I don’t really like him.” He grinned and became serious.

“Why? He’s nice and he is…” I wanted to continue but my dad interrupted.

“I know, I know he’s the one who makes you smile again. I appreciated him, but I just don’t like him.” Dad shrugged.

“Dad…” From my dad’s tone, I can see he’s serious that he doesn’t like him much and I couldn’t understand what my dad was thinking.

“Ray, go. Go to the party. He’s your friend anyway. I won’t stop you, but tell him thanks for taking care of you.” He grinned, and I nodded. Then, he left my room speedily. I think repetitively that if I should be in the party, should I?

I was busying in the kitchen for the whole afternoon. It was the first time to bake a cake. Initially I thought baking a cake was just a piece of cake to me, but formerly it needs a lot of patient and talent to make it. The first few time I was failed. I finally got success on the third time. I baked a cake for Jasper, meant that I didn’t broke my promise. It was Jasper favorite cake, chocolate cake. It doesn’t look flawless but the appearance still looked nicer than a lot of elementary. I guess? I laughed.

The clock will stroke seven in ten minutes. I was still sitting on my bed, thinking the same question repetitively. The longer the decisions I make, the hesitation in my mind grew harder.

No, I should go. I don’t care how people think of me. Jasper needs me to be there. I wanted him to be happy, I wanted to make his party memorable and let him perceived the memories he should took it away with him. I wanted to be part of his happiness, that’s all I wanted.

The hesitation didn’t have to influence my decision. I picked up the dress from the box and changed it on. The dress was perfectly fit on my body, it perfectly showed out the curved of my body. The dress was above my knees, comfortable, and makes me looked beautiful. I stared at the mirror enjoying the beauty of the dress, and then I went and sat in front of my dresser. I tied one braid on the fringe of each side my hair, I clipped it up and it held my hair perfectly. I never used to put up any cosmetic on my face, but I wanted to be pretty tonight, the last night, together with Jasper in Forks.

I’m late. It was 7.30 now. I walked down to the foyer. I saw my dad was sitting on his favorite recliner, he seemed like he’s been waiting for me for a long time.

“You looked stunning.” Dad smiled.

“Dad, I looked weird, do I?” I feel shameful.

“No, Ray, beautiful, perfect. That’s all I can say.” He smiled like I usually looked ugly.

“Thanks, do you think I will be alright at the party?” I asked weirdly.

“I’m sure you’ll pressured every single girls there.” He smiled and walked towards and grabbed my hand.

“May I have the honour to drive you there?” He was funny. I nodded and grinned.

“Pleasure.” We walked out the house and my dad was so into his ‘acting’ stuffs. He even opened the door for me. I grinned and went into the car. I can felt the nervousness shuddering from the bottom of my heart and my heart was beating fast. Once my dad’s car halted in front of Jasper’s house, I can definitely felt the joyful atmosphere in the party. There were people laughing, running, playing, around.  Suddenly, I saw people staring at the car but I was too afraid to get down.

“Ray, relax. Trust me, you look perfect.” He smiled and patted on my hand.

“Dad, I’m not afraid of this. I’m just not used to the crowded place.” My hand was shuddering gradually.

“Raven, go. You can make it.” I nodded and I opened the door and went down. I never used to wear high heels but tonight. Even though I was shuddering but I can still felt the stability of mine were good enough. I felt abnormal. I never used to get people’s attention. I saw Zach, Eddy and Tiff were staring at me widely. I stopped in front of them, and smiled reluctantly. The music which was broadcasting a second ago had ceased. The person who was playing the role of DJ tonight was Gilbert. I felt like running away from the scene and ran back the place that can fit me down. I heard someone talking suddenly, but I’m not sure who it was.

“What’s going on?” Jasper walked out from the house and started asking about the tranquil at the outside. But the whole scene was still remaining the same, until Jasper found out I stood motionlessly.

“Raven? Is that you?” Jasper walked toward with his wide gigantic smile. He hugged me tightly in a sudden and I can’t even ventilate. He released me from his embrace after a minute and he gazed at me. I found out everything were back to normal now. Everybody began to move.

“Hey.” Tiff came over and pushed me lightly. “You looked awesome.” I smiled at Tiff when he praised me.

“Thanks. You too.”

“Seriously, you looked …gorgeous. I never thought you would dress like this, like ever.” Zach said and Eddy nodded with smile.

“I think this dress looked bad on me when everybody was staring at me. Like I’m an alien coming from the other planet or something.” I whispered as Jasper giggled when he heard what I said.

“You can try to dress a little special when you’re normal.” Tiff said mischievously. Everyone laughed. I shoved his back lightly.

“Jasper, this is for you.” I handed him the box where I placed the cake in.

“What’s this?” Jasper asked curiously.

“A promise” I grinned and he took it from my hand.

“What’s that? What’s that?” Tiff asked with his insidious smile.

“Is that a cake that made by you? Seriously?” He was right. I nodded.

“It wasn’t any cake that looked nice, but I hope you will like it.” I said vaguely.

“I like it, thanks.” Jasper smiled happily and handed the cake to his mom.

“Enjoy Ray, you’re late. You miss the first dance and I like your necklace.” Zach mentioned it purposely and implied all of them to leave. Jasper was staring at me...

“You really are beautiful.” Jasper leaned forward and whispered beside my ear.

“Thanks, you too. Handsome. What first dance that Zach was talking about?” Jasper giggled and requested me another question.

“I thought you weren’t coming. You make my party perfect now.” He smiled and I shrugged.

“You did make it perfect. So, do you mind to have a dance with me, my beautiful lady?” He chuckled and lifted his hand to me. It was the same scene on the beach. I landed my hand on his palm.  He smiled and does the exact motion that he had done on beach that night. We started to move our way to the dancing central and Gilbert spontaneously chose a lyrical song.

“How’s everything going? Are you leaving tonight?” I asked purposely.

“Everything’s fine. Tomorrow.” I felt relieved when he mentioned it tomorrow. I grinned while our body still following the melody of the music.

“Hey, what’s the first dance thing?” I asked.

“That was actually Greece’s idea. She asked me to choose a girl at the party to dance with so the party will officially begin.” I nodded because I wanted him to continue.

“So, I chose Amanda as my partner. I wanted to thank her for helping me so much but if you’re here, I’ll choose you.” Jasper explained and he laughed. I smiled too, meanwhile I saw Amanda looking at me with her friendly smile and she waved to me.

The music stopped and Jasper released my hand. I left while he was chattering with the other friend. I walked to Amanda and she hugged me tightly just like Jasper did.

“I’m glad to see you here. This dress looked nice on you. You look beautiful.” She smiled.

“Thanks, you looked great.” Amanda looked happy.

“Did you gift me this dress?” I asked her.

“No, why?” Amanda frowned.

“Someone sent it to my house. I thought it was you.” I frowned when she said denied.

“Will it be Jasper?” Amanda asked without jealousy.

“I don’t think so. He probably should have told me once he saw me. Who might be?” This is really freaking me out. Who will be the one who gifted me such wonderful dress? Amanda apparently had forgotten what I’m concerning about.

“Raven, you know what, Jasper invited me as his partner to dance for the first dance in front everyone.” Amanda half jumped with her agitation smile.

“That’s nice. I hope you enjoyed the time.” I grinned.

“I did enjoy. But I sure he won’t be inviting me if you’re here.” Amanda looked upset.

“No, he will. I’m not a great dancer.” I laughed.

“Aren’t you sad that he’s leaving?” I asked Amanda.

“I’m sad, of course. I really hope he’s not leaving. I like him.” Amanda admitted and my heart ached a little.

“His father forced him to, not like he wanted to.” I knew Jasper doesn’t want to leave.

“Why did his father do that to him? It’s so mean.” Amanda was too naïve that she just thought of the exterior of the entire incident.

“Emm, I need to find the guys. Can I excuse for a minute?” Amanda nodded while I saw the expression of her eyes.

I walked around the area to find Zach, Tiff, Eddy and Gilbert. Gilbert was missing already. He’s not controlling the music instead he was just rolling the disk on the player. I don’t even saw shadow of any of them, so I went into the house. I saw Aunt Allie were busying in the kitchen, so I decided to notify her that I was here. There’s no sighed of their existence, so I went upstairs to search for them. Finally, I found four of them were playing in Jasper’s bedroom. I knocked on the door and went in. Four of them stared at me again, exactly the same expression when I stepped into the scene of party just now.

“Hey, stop staring at me with those faces.” I complained and looked annoying but they still looked at me at the same way without any movement.

“I’m leaving.” I turned to the door and four of them were laughing.

“What now?” I turned to them again and look serious.

“Okay. Guys, don’t tease our prettiest girl tonight.” Gilbert chuckled. I looked speechlessly as I knew they were still making fun of me.

“Raven, don’t act to be cool.” Zach looked at me and started to look serious.

“I’m not acting, I have something to say to you guys, but all of you were just playing fool with me.” I felt I’m really pissed off with them.

“Okay, let’s be serious. So, what do you want to say?” Eddy sat up straight on his bed and grinned. Four of them finally paying attention on me, and I sat on the bed.

“Jasper is leaving tomorrow.” I said and I looked down.

“We knew that. He told us.” Zach nodded and said.

“Are you guys coming tomorrow to send him a serious farewell?” I looked up and moved my gaze on them.

“Yea, absolutely we’re coming. He’s one of us, including you. Are you coming?” Zach smiled. I smiled when I heard him said that I’m included. Since a little while I haven’t heard that we’re five all together. I didn’t answer immediately because I don’t want to cry in front of them.

“Don’t tell me you’re not coming? You’re late today, you have to come tomorrow, to compensate.” Tiff said sadly.

“I’m coming. I’m sorry guys. Jasper and I had a misunderstanding last week.” I said honestly to them.

“What? I never heard that Jasper and you had an argument, ever.” Zach was probably surprised.

“Yea. It’s just a small case. It doesn’t matter anymore.” I implied them not to ask anymore.

“Wow that is a big news to us. Raven, you should tell us.” Gilbert sighed. I think I made a disappointment.


“Just let it pass. We’ll bear to take care of you.” Tiff smiled. I thanked them for being well to me, but it made me guilty. I neglected all of them where I’ve spent too much time with Jasper.

“Thanks, I love you guys.” I acknowledged in front of them.

“You know we love you, just don’t need to say it out. It’s kind of shameful.” Tiff always teased me. I went to give each of them a hug, and all of them embrace me with their sincere friendship.

The party was soon got over. Everyone left with their happiness and wished Jasper the best for his bright future and new home. Jasper embraced everyone who came to his party as his appreciation. Amanda cried when Jasper thanked her and hugged her. Jasper spent a few minutes to appease her mood. I can see how Amanda liked him, how sincere of her heart was. Jasper really was person who worth to have people treated him, liked him even loved him with most sincerity. When I was about to leave, Jasper stopped me.

“You’re not leaving now right?” Jasper looked into my eyes with his sad expression.

“Jasper, it’s late. My dad probably will angry with me if…” I couldn’t continue my words once I looked up and meet Jasper’s eyes.

“We supposed to share the cake.” Jasper pressed his lips into a straight line.

“Jas…okay.” He’s doing the right thing. I wanted to see his expression when he ate my cake. I wondered what it would taste like. Jasper whispered from the stairs and four of them ran down from his room. I thought they’d left earlier than me.

“So, can we try that cake?” Eddy said and he patted his stomach.

“Oh, please, no.” I was afraid that the cake would taste so badly. Just then, Aunt Allie walked out from the kitchen and wiped off the water on her hand with a tablecloth.

“Oh, Raven! I knew you’ll wear it. Do you like it?” Aunt Allie smiled widely.

“Aunt Allie, you gifted me this dress?” I was shocked that the person would be Aunt Allie.

“Of course, I made it for you.” Aunt Allie chuckled and smiled.

“Thank you, I love it so much. It’s very kind of you. Thank you!” I walked to her and hugged her tightly.

“Aww, as long as you like it. I knew it will be perfect on you.” Aunt Allie hugged me too.

“Mom? You made it for Raven? Why didn’t I ever saw it?” Jasper asked suddenly.

“Yes, I knew Raven is your girlfriend. It will be hard for a long distance relationship. I made it to recoup her.” Aunt Allie covered her mouth with her hand and giggled.

“What? We’re not …” Jasper implied me to stop but I don’t know what I am doing.

“Mom, why don’t you get some sleep now?  It’s late. We should go, in the afternoon.” Jasper nodded and she understood, she went up to her room without asking anymore question.

“Thank you, Aunt Allie.” She smiled at me and disappeared.

“Let’s have the party start buddies.” Tiff said mischievously.

“Cake, you idiot.” Eddy said and Tiff nodded with giggled.

“I’ll go bring it.” I said and I went into the kitchen and brought the cake out with the box.

“Open it, Raven.” Gilbert urged me.

“Jasper, open it.” I said shyly.  Jasper walked beside me and sat on the chair, he opened the box slowly. He took out the cake with surprised. Everyone looked surprise.

“You made it all by yourself?” Zach pointed at the cake and smiled. I nodded and I looked at Jasper.

“Thanks, it looks fantastic Raven.” Jasper smiled.

“I tried my best. I hope the taste would be okay.” I really wished it would be. Jasper took a few plates and forks from the kitchen. Jasper rationed the cake for us, but everyone didn’t began eating the cake but to looking all around. I guess they were worried the taste of my cake will turn out really bad taste. Jasper didn’t waited for any of us and he took a bite.

“How was it?” I asked, but Jasper didn’t say anything but he gestured the others to try out. They tried a bite and stopped, and stared at me.

“Raven, you should try.” I obey their command and took a bite. I felt there’s nothing abnormal but it even tasted good. I stared at them and frowned. All of them laughed loudly in a sudden.

“Nice.” Jasper laughed and nodded to me.

“Oh, play huh?” I stood up and immediately dipped some cream from the cake and ran over to Jasper. I dipped the cream on his face and all of them began with their insane ‘cake party’, started to dip the cream from the cake and threw each other. We have a lot of fun that time, how I wished that moment could halt for a long time. I missed the time that we used to play together. It’s been a very long time since we spent our time together. After finishing our cake fight, four of them went back, leaving me all alone stayed back to help on the cleaning the fatal event. Jasper was helping her mother to clean up the kitchen while I was busied cleaning up in the dining room. I took the dishes into the kitchen after completed the job in the dining room. Jasper was busied wiping the stove and everything so I took off my high heels and walked to the basin and started washing the dishes.

“Thanks.” Jasper suddenly said.

“What?” I turned and saw him standing right beside me.

“Thank you for making things perfect for me.” Jasper touched my shoulder. I turned off the faucet when I finished washing the dirty dishes and looked at him. I saw him staring at me, into my eyes. Both of us hold our motion and gazed into our eyes. After a moment, he suddenly moved and walked to the stove and started wiping again.

“Sorry.” Jasper said without looking at me.

“You’re acting weird, Jasper.” I recumbence on the fringe of basin and looked at his rear.

“Ray…there’s something…never mind. I’ll send you home.” Jasper left the cloth on the stove and walked out from the kitchen. I followed at the back and to the car.

We didn’t talk at all when we were in the car except the vanishing radio was kept on scattered around our ears. The only thing that attracted me to start staring at Jasper was the necklace on his neck.  The key looked beautiful in the dark. The darkness of the surrounding made the key emanated the slightest of fluorescence. The earnest expression of Jasper when he was driving made me felt uneasy of him. I knew there’s something he wanted to talk about, but he was afraid. I couldn’t force him to tell me if he wasn’t even planning to tell me about it. The car stopped at the side of the road, I glanced out from the car, and it wasn’t even my house yet. I looked at him and he was staring at me again.

“What happen? Are you …” Jasper went out of the car and stepped on the pavement. Then, he went to the boot of his car. I wondered what he was finding or taking.

“Jasper…” I didn’t realized what happened because I was thinking while he was driving. I tried to keep in silence before he opened the door for me, forcing me out because he wanted to kick me out of his car.

“I need to show you something.” Jasper frowned and he said when he went back into the car.  He took a big envelope on his hand. He handed me an envelope and I opened it without hesitation. He looked nervous while I was opening the envelope rapidly. I took out a sketchbook from the envelope and I opened it pages by pages. Every pages were the portrayal of my every expression, smile, laugh, cry, and angry and some of it was the portrayal of me reading books, talking to somebody and more.  I raised one of my eyebrows when I saw one of the portrayals of the scene in the beach, when we were dancing under the bright, round moon.

“Jas…” I looked up at him. I felt warmth and touch in my heart. I don’t know what shall I said. I saw his expression became relax and then he grinned.

“You did this?” I asked him doubtfully. He nodded but he looked disappointed because I questioned his work.

“I never knew you were so good in arts.” I was extremely shocked that I didn’t really find out Jasper was talented in arts.

“Nahh, I just love to draw about you.” He grinned and he took the sketch pad from my hand. He flipped to one of the pages at the back. It’s a portrayal of Ken and me. He was at the edge of the corner, watching us, drawing us.

“Why did you draw this?” I asked curiously which I don’t really got it.

“Emm, nothing.” He looked down at the portrayal and sighed.

“Do you have something to tell me?” He shook his head instantaneously when I asked.

“So, why did you give me this?” I have to know until to the bottom of this. I’m tired of listening the word ‘nothing’ from him.

“It’s hard from me. It wasn’t the perfect time for me to tell you.” I frowned and he sighed repetitively.

“What it is so hard for you to tell me the truth? Are you trying to hide the ‘nothing’ from yourself or even me?” I began to look annoyed. He ignored my question and restarted the ignition and drove but I knew he changed the direction. It wasn’t the way to my home. I kept silent and held the sketchpad on my hand tightly.

It was 2.15a.m in the morning, the day which Jasper going to leave. I tried not to think about it but it was hard evidently. He drove to the beach beside the Crabby Night Restaurant. I wondered what he wanted to do. He then went down the car and off to the beach. I kept on my pace on him and went down as long as I was still taking the sketchpad with me.

He stood at the verge of the wave impact line. I walked towards him and halted behind him. He didn’t talk which I know he suspected me to start the conversation first. The volume of my voice seemed it had been turned to the mute control button. I stood there with my shuddering body, blew by the chilliness of wind, watching Jasper’s back makes me felt the tears were turbulent, desperate to splash out from my eyes. I controlled my depression and waited for Jasper to prepare to tell me the truth or waited for ….

“Ray?” He turned and looked at me.

“Are you ready to tell me the truth?” He sighed and I knew what he meant. He still insisted with his decision.

“Yes.” He said in a sudden and caught my attention. He took of his necklace as he walked to me. His hand ran over my neck and took off my necklace. Then he walked back to his place where he stood just now.

“Don’t throw it!” I yelled. What an idiot I am? I heard Jasper laughed a little once he heard I shouted.

“I wasn’t throwing it. Come here.” I walked beside him and looked at his hand. The ray of the moonlight illuminated on both of our necklaces. It looked like a perfectly match under the moon. The radiance of the moonlight irradiated the perfectly match of Jasper and me, just like our ornaments were.

“Can you see how perfectly that is?” I smiled.

“Yes. You can see what I can see.” He smiled and he looked at me.

“Yes, it’s really perfect.” I smiled and my eyes turned into a moon like shape and looked at the beauty of our necklaces. Jasper took the key pendant on his necklace and he gave me back my necklace. I hold it carefully with my hand, and he lifted my hand and put on my right chest where probably my heart fitted right in there.

“What are you doing?” I asked which I think I vandalized the ambience. I kept in silent again, waited for him to continue. He took the key from his necklace and put on his left chest.

“Ms. Campbell, do I have the honor to unlock the lock that you have locked up for years in your heart? To bring you happiness, blissful moments in your life”

Every of the words just pierce into my heart and carved into my mind. How I wish I could cry loudly in that moment. But who will cry in the middle of night and be known as a psycho? I don’t want to destroy the ideal of the moment. I look at my necklace and closed my eyes. ‘Mom, did you hear that? The person I loved just vindicated in front of me with his every sincere commitment.’

“Yes.” I smiled with tears and Jasper hugged me instantly.

“I did it!” Jasper whispered and sigh of relief to himself but he got me heard it. He hugged so tight that I made me suffocating. His embrace was meaningful to me, to my life. In that moment, I know I wanted nothing more than Jasper. From this moment, started from this minute, Jasper entirely involved, became a part of my life. I never wanted to release him from me as I knew I needed him so much in my life. He meant too much for me. We embraced for a very long moments and he let off and move his hand to my waist. Our eyes look through each other, we smiled to each other with joy and happiness.

He lifted up one of his hand with his necklace and directed me to take up my necklace that I held in my hand. With his smile, Jasper interpolated the keys into the lock on my necklace. The lock had been unlocked and a subtle radiance ray came out from the lock.  It was a ring.  A ring was hidden in the locker. My eyes went wide when I saw the ring, I was thinking how did a ring was being hidden in a pendant. It was totally impossible. Jasper grabbed the ring and showed it in front of my eyes.

“Ray, I hid this ring in the lock before I gave it to you. I wanted to show you someday, and I did.” I guaranteed Jasper’s smile would never lost on his face.

“Jasper…What…” I could hardly make the right words out from my mouth.

“I told you, you were extraordinary to me, since the day we met. I know this could be crazy for you, but this is serious for me. I Love You, this is the fact. In these entire three years. I’m in love with you. Crazy to have you in my life, I never desire a person so much in my life, except for you….” Jasper blurted everything with his truly facts. I didn’t and I never will a doubt on him.

These could be insane for people to think that high school love never arise true love, but Jasper and I was the pair of the yes. Skipping from all of my thought right now, a scene just flashed in my mind, reminding me something important.

“Wait…” I said suddenly. I knew Jasper thought that I am going to back off and denied everything.

“You were leaving tomorrow. And…why are you telling me this, tonight? Why? Why tonight?” The madness appeared on my mind in that moment, I’m really outraged with Jasper, right now. But sadness was the big part instead of the madness.

“I’m sorry. I knew it wasn’t the best timing, but I really, completely, out of control…I just blurted out something that I wasn’t supposed to say…” His hand left my waist and turned his back on me. I pulled him back to face on me.

“Don’t dodge it. You’re supposed to tell me the truth. Jas…” He looked at me and he held my right hand.

“I know I have to tell you earlier, but I just couldn’t. Your dad…nothing. It was just not the right thing that I should have do.” Jasper sighed.

“Wait, my dad? What was this supposed to do with my dad?” I tighten on his hand that he held on me.

“Just don’t ask about it. I made a promise.” I glanced through his left hand, his hand held into a fist.

“Jasper, break the promise, for me. No, for us. Please.” I pleaded him with demanded. His lips pressed into a straight line and sighed hardly.

“He told me not to be close with you. He hopes that we were just friend. I was too overwhelming. I’m sorry.” His fist loosens a little bit, and I knew that was my dad’s fault.

“No, I was the one who supposed to say sorry. Argh, my dad. He just doesn’t know what he was doing.” I sighed.

“Not his fault, Raven. He was right, I wasn’t the perfect man for you, maybe. He wanted you to have the best.” He smirked.

“Jasper, you’re the best for me. We’d been through so much that never a person would have been through with me. I don’t care how forcibly it might be, I will insist in my choice. I have the right to make my own choice.” I used my hand and touch his chin lightly. He grinned and his fist was totally release.

“Don’t be so harsh, okay? I don’t want to cause any problem between you and your dad.” He sighed again.

“Okay, you won’t be the problem. I’ll explain to him. He’ll listen to me.” I patted his hand with my hand. He held me even tighten, and gave me a warm embrace.

“Crap! Where’s the ring?” I shouted in a sudden, and Jasper looked shocked.

“I don’t know.” Jasper grasped his head and shrugged.

“It should have dropped in somewhere.” I couldn’t find the ring in the sand. It’s completely crazy to find a ring in the sand at the midnight.

“You don’t need to find anymore.” Jasper looked extremely calm and he sighed.

“Did you found it? Where it is?” I was overreacting that I didn’t notice the ring was knotted on my right hand.

“How did you…?” I was so surprised that I didn’t saw Jasper wore it on my index finger.

“I was too afraid that you’ll deny me in sudden so I knotted it before you can refuse.” He giggled and pinched my cheek softly. “You’re cute.” He laughed and pulled me to walk beside him in his arms. We walked silently beside the beach. We sat at the middle of the beach, lying on the soft sand to enjoy the scenery of the sky. Jasper sacrificed his jacket to me because he was afraid catarrh might have a crush on me.

I couldn’t believe I didn’t went home last night. We spent the whole midnight together at the beach. Jasper lends his arm to me to regard as my pillow. I think Jasper’s arm was better than my pillow, a lot. At least I wouldn’t get insomnia or nightmares when I was lying on Jasper’s arm.

I bet Jasper didn’t get any sleep last night, his hand probably benumb the whole night. I woke up earlier than him. He was still sleeping soundly. I sat up and turned my face on him. He looked even more adorable and attractive when he was sleeping. I think I’ll never get to see this appearance for a long time after the afternoon. I couldn’t control the movement of my hand as I touched his face. He sniffed suddenly and he slowly widened his eyes. He looked at me with his smile and held my hand, which I used to touch his face.

“Good morning.” He was still lying, and he was still holding my hand. He took my hand to his lips and kissed with a delicate motion. I grinned as he sat up and leaned towards me.

“Did you sleep well?” He asked me. I thought this was the question I supposed to ask him. I nodded.

“Why aren’t you talking? Are you feeling okay?” His voice began worry.

“I’m good. I was just thinking when I will be seeing you again.” I tried to grin but I failed.

“Soon. We will meet soon.” He touched my cheek and held in into his arms. I really hope that we can meet soon, as soon as possible. But Arizona and Forks have a long distance, needed a plane to get there if I want. Jasper knew it was the time he had to send me home, because my dad might have scolded me, probably later. He grabbed my hand and took me to the car.

“I’ll go to you later. You should get packed.” I grinned while I’m getting out the car. He nodded and flied a kiss to me. It’s really sweet to have Jasper beside and he really never failed to bring me smile every moments when he was with me.

“Raven!” I heard my dad shouting my name out loud. Within a few inches, he’ll be standing in front of me.

“Dad, hey.” I gulped. Jasper wasn’t leaving. Yet, he went out the car and extended greeting to my dad.

Oh No…

“Dad, I want to explain.” Jasper pulled me back and he greeted my dad.

“Hi, Mr. Campbell.” He was always being polite to everyone.

“Hi, Jasper. Nice to see you.” My dad pretended to be polite, or maybe he was sincerely polite to him, like he always does.

“Ray, what do you want to explain?” Dad turned to me suddenly.

“Emm… that… I… wasn’t home… yesterday…” I was stuttering in a sudden.

“Why are you looking so nervous?” My dad always penetrated my mood.

“Mr. Campbell. I wanted to declare something …” Jasper knew I couldn’t tell my dad so if how afraid he was, he’ll stand out for me. That was also one of the reason I fell for him. My dad showed him a strange expression that he’ll probably figured out something out by himself.

“Raven and I were officially dating.” Jasper masqueraded he was brave enough but he actually was afraid of my dad would gave him a punch on his face because of his breaking promise. Strangely, my dad looked even calm that I ever thought.

“Oh.” He said. He gazed at Jasper for a little while and moved to me.

“Is that true, Raven?” My dad asked me moderately.

“Yes, dad.” I wanted to tell my father how serious I was taking this, and I wanted to comfort the tension of Jasper. I held Jasper’s hand and proved. Jasper looked at me and grinned with comfort.

“Okay, then. You’d already choose. I’ve nothing to say anymore in this situation, I guess.” My dad sounded disappointed but I knew he loved me. He’ll let me do what I determined to do. He turned and walked back into the house without a sound. I turned to Jasper and told him to get back home as if he still has some time to pack his stuffs. After he left, I went back in the house. My dad was sitting on his favorite’s recliner, reading the newspaper with his coffee.

“Dad…” I was feeling uncomfortable with his over-calming. He didn’t answered till I apologized

“I’m sorry, dad.” He put down his newspaper and looked at me.

“Why are you apologizing?” He looked at me and frowned.

“I wasn’t home yesterday night, and about Jasper…” He gestured me to be silent when I said ‘Jasper’.

“The party huh? I shouldn’t have advice you to go.” He sighed for his regret.

“Dad…Jasper was…” He gestured again.

“I know Jasper was your best friend and I warned you to be friend with him, only friend. Can’t you take my words seriously?” He sighed and looked stern. “Why are you…?” I stepped out for Jasper. I couldn’t stand and couldn’t understand why my dad dislikes him so much.

“Dad, I need an explanation from you about Jasper.” I asked seriously. I heard him sighed.

“He treated you good, he’s attitude good, and he’s a good boy…” I didn’t interrupt him and let him continued until I thought that he’s done his words.

“But I just don’t think that he’s the best guy for you…” He finally told me the reason he think about Jasper.

“Dad, and you went to warn him?” Depression suddenly went up on my head. I saw he nodded to me to admit what he had done.

“I did it for you. I want you to have the best…I appreciate for what Jasper did for you, but he’s still not that guy for you to me…you understand?” My dad was mad mad crazy. Was he asking me to give up on Jasper? I know that was impossible…

“I want you to break up with him.” My dad commanded. I couldn’t.

“No! Dad, I won’t give up Jasper. Never” I knew he will mad because I refused and talked back.

“Raven, couldn’t you just take my advice?”

“Dad, why don’t you take mine?” I was an absolute bad daughter, I know. He turned and sat on the couch and I just walked back straight to my room. I knew the conversation was ended because there’s nothing more we can talk about

How I wished my dad could understand my situation and feelings and how much Jasper meant to me but he never will. Maybe someday or maybe not.

But the only thing I’m sure of,

I am consciously and unconditionally fall in love with Jasper. 

Thanks for __ Reading!


© 2014 DREAM-catcher13

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Added on June 5, 2014
Last Updated on June 6, 2014




I'm obsessed, I love to spend my entire day, sitting in front of my laptop, writing stories. I've never felt bored of it. I would like to share my stories to people around the world and don't hesitate.. more..
