A Chapter by Damian Vincent Henry

Paperface gets advice from a man in prison who was by now tired of living the way he did and wanted to change his life, but this only made Sebastian more angrier and angrier.


They had destroyed their only defence. Though they usually all carried weapons but the warden had done a shakedown so they didn't have any weapons to defend themselves. Two armed guards were in the area however to try and stop the priosees getting in. The 2 doors were no match for the prisoners with an array of
weaponry many had gone into the workshops and grappled things like power drills and hammers. Ther warden watched one prisoner bash a workman to death with a clipboard.
He had stolen from the warden's lawyer who was researching.

Then the worst happened. The lead prisoner in that rush had a shotgun. That being Blood Skin;
But rather than simply open the doors he blasted them open with the shotgun.
It was the end of the warden's protective custody prisoners. His guards had stopped many but the armed guards eventually fell and many of the prion sees had got their
hands on tazers which they used on armed guards. 20 of his 26 protective custody prisoners died. A few before the other prisoners got in. The riot was crushed. 141 deaths by the end of it. Two of the warden's 6 armed guards had cleaned out the entire min/med sec canteen. 20 cooks died, 1 armed guard died 2 knocked down, 30 guards died 3 dogs died and most of
my admin staff died as well as a few other including some visitors. Soon word had spread to the side where a surprisingly rival of Sebastian Ross were held. And he was the ruler of the entire block where he was held. Actually the entire prison. But because he was a prisoner just like the other men. What made him so different and special was he was the only prisoner who was both a prisoner and a warden. He was that very same man who Paperface met when he came out of the orphanage, and became initiated into their gang.

And word had reached this man who had nothing but a smile on his face when he heard that Sebastian Ross was the cause of such a massive riot, when actually he was not to blame. But a certain comfort perhaps stirred his heart while one of his men brought him the news that a riot had broke loose and when heard that Sebastian of all people were actually a prisoner, he was actually happy.

And meanwhile, over half the deaths were prisoner deaths. There was also a lot of damage done. 200 prisoners were awaiting solitary 460 were in need of medical attention with 141 dead bodies.

Later that day, the leader of the 'Dead Bloods' came to Sebastian and he had a warning for both Blood Skin and Sebastian. But fisrt decided to tell them about the day he was arrested. He told them that at first, inside, when he learned how the system stacked everything against gangs and gangmembers, he said he got real angry. He did most of his first five years in solitary, “the hole.” But came to find out that his violence was hindering his progress, more than helping. So he had to seek alternatives to violence. He said he had a spiritual awakening. And had to change his entire mindset.

I grew up in the projects and growing up they never had a lot of money nor clothes. They of course had one another and there were days when they'd go sleep hungry.

It was then when he turned to Paperface and said, 'I knew your father, he was one cold hearted son of gun. He was one of the first boys on the block who actually killed someone and had no remorse when doing so."

Paperface was stunned when he heard that come out of this man's mouth.

'How do you know you're speaking to his son?' Asked Paperface.

The man smiled and said,' you sound just like Zayn; you know it was a few blocks from where Raymond Washington founded
the Crips. It wasn’t Beverly Hills. Yeah, he lived there."

"You're still not answering my question, how do you know I'm the son to this Zayn?' Paperface asked.

'You have the exact facial structure of his, but you probably have your mother's eyes', the man said.

Sebastian had this look of disbelief on his face, and for a split second Sebastian had this somewhat of a smile on his face, that vaguely showed.

"So he thought racially when he was coming up, right, my brother! �" I mean he mustve been aware that there were racial divides in that country', Sebastian said.

Look man! I don't know what it is with you whites and your privilege, because I used to look at white kids and the way they looked at the world and how I looked at the
world', the man said angrily...

"Well...When I look at the world, my thing was all survival, and I used to look at not colour but who had the hatred to be able to force the hand of a God and actually become Gods themselves', said Sebastian.

"I don't know what you're getting at but to me it was like you whites were comfortable. The world was hostile to us. It wasn’t
hostile to you and your people �" it was almost like your world, your place!' The man exclaimed, but with a straight face.

He told Paperface that at one time his mother had to have him bussed, they had to start a bussing program to desegregate the
schools. She got the bright idea to put him on a bus �" why, he said he had not know, with his attitude! �" to a man his father one day met in the train and since then, that man became his mentor, his teacher, that man taught him so many things in life and he became an educated man and it was all thanks to Ishmael.

That was his first real contact with a white man who saw the world not through colour but to seeing that potential killer in every young man and woman out there. Everything was different through his eyes, and he said he wanted to be like Ishmael, it's what he strived towards . But he wasn't the only student of Ishmael, he said there were others and they were all taught the same things, and that was 'how to kill and how to heal because only through mercy shall one obtain victory and with that appears the reward of immortality" and this man had a vision. That's why he turned his house into a school where he had trained many young pupils to kill with class and disappear in the blink of an eye, not leaving any trace of them behind. The school didn’t look like jail, it looked like college. The staff didn’t talk to
students like inmates in the wards. They however all wore identical swordfighting masks with white uniforms numbered from 1 to 100. He said he used to wonder when he saw them: “Who are they? And why were they all numbered?” But when he got to his room and shared a room with Zayn-Ishmael's best student. He began to understand why he was there because Zayn had explained everything to him and at mornings they were being taught, to fight and even kill if necessary. He told Paperface that one of the things his father was not, were a people's person. He said his father tried to kill him on countless times, but that helped to infuriate him and it was that which led him to become more of serial killer than just an ordinary. They were thought they were more than just human, that they were immortal, and that the world was theirs for the taking and itfelt like that because in their world they were privileged. And it was all thanks to Ishmael 'The Fisherman' Hill.
He said somemthing happened, and a very close friend of Ishmael had betrayed him, but this only led to a hatred which caused Ishmael to lose the house and becoming more and more influenced to start his own gang, and thus he did. They got into the gangs gradually. A lot of people believed you join by going through a ritual, but most people who were caught up in the gangs grew up in that particular
community so it was like an evolution. But to join Ishmael's gang you had to be more vicious and had to do many illegal things, and that was the day Zayn decided to leave and was never heard of again.
Because of the limited resources available they were in the streets a lot, with no type of structure. Their psychotic banter soon grew into delinquent behavior. Their loose
group got called 'Pale Horsemen" everyone started to fear them and it was actually named after 'the Grim Reaper" that was believed to be names so because of the souls it took/ in other words: reap.

'Listen I don't have time for these sob stories, you're now really making me feel alamort', said Sebastian aggatated...

"So as I was saying!I would have been around eighteen or nineteen years old. That was when we started doing little petty delinquent behavior like vandalism, or stealing fruit off people’s trees', said the man.

He said they were just going on this little voyage around the community they were staying in at that time, getting to know themselves and their environment. They would play against other neighborhoods and streets in football, basketball, baseball, and that’s how they really got to see their strength and gain the respect of a lot of other gangs, because they were pretty good at doing bad. They'd fight really brutally. They fought on the blacktop and had to break when traffic
drove through. As they grew older, this loose bunch of kids became legends at causoing chaos. Their delinquent behavior earned them a reputation as 'Purgers."

Then theyjoined up with the "dirty mutts", as part of a fraction called 'the Red Savages" and that’s where his criminal behavior got real serious.
He wasn’t one of the main people in the Red Savages then. Back then he was
just a member who did some of the stuff that gangs do:
Hefought, he ran with the crowd sometimes. But other times he hung with other people and did other things. He
was trying to fit in. But he got caught up with the justice system as a juvenile, because with gangs it was first about
fighting with fists, sticks, pipes, chains, box cutters, and stuff, but then guns entered the picture. He didn’t know
where they came from or how they did, but people started coming up with guns, so they had to acquire guns. By this time, he was about twenty-four years old, and so he had to go do burglaries to get guns. He got caught for two of these burglaries and went to juvenile camp and that’s where he started to get pretty shook up. Delinquent
behavior, that’s not something he wanted to do.
So he went to prison and there he met his mentor and teacher who started everything, the man who'd become the infamous 'Fisherman" but because he was there for killing a rival gang member, he got a certain status and soon Ishmael had sent for him. He had a lot of anger on his
shoulders. Everything he had thought about, his goal to be financially endowed by twenty, was over. The sentence was fifteen years to life. He was obviously angry at the system, at our community, at the whole social structure.
He saw how limited his choices really had been. You play things over in your mind, over and over, and try to figure out what other course you could you have taken. And every time he fought it he came back to the same thing. He could have let him walk away and tried to leave the gang and even the state, but he was concerned of what the men would think, because they were now his family. Sometimes the gang killed a family member just to bring you back for the funeral, so they can hit you. Or hecould have let that rival gangmember go and try to follow up on him later; but you can’t go into their territory and try to hunt them down, that never went well.
So he started blaming the structure. He looked at things that didn’t give him a fair shake, like the educational system. Intervention programs didn’t exist in his life, perhaps in prison but not out there, in his community, not as they should have. And there was the economy: one
person born rich and another born poor; one born white and another born black. He thought this world was just so bloody unfair. So it caused him to become real bitter when he was in prison. And hs bitterness led him to have a scar that remained visible over his grass green eyes, and eventually he knew that they'd sooner or later probably call him 'Scarface" and so they did. He then threw myself into the gang and became one of the leaders inside. He swiftly rose through the ranks. He did his first five years going back and forth to isolation, because of his attitude. He was fighting mad almost every day and he
was catching disciplinary riders for having made weapons. He never actually got caught for an assault but he did some, including race riots, anything you could think of. And he was the cause of the riot that took place. Mostly those were against the 'Slum rats" . Their rival gang.

Every once in a while it would be against the whites, but not too often. The whites were disproportionally few in
prison and they usually paid the Latinos to fight their fights for them. They’d give them drugs and they’d fight. So it was basically between the 'Slum Rats" and the 'The Devil's Coons."
They made knives from anything they could: glass, plastic, paper, sticks. They made spears, zip guns, bombs, gas,
explosives, and all kinds of stuff. By then Scarface was trying to learn it all
and he did learn most of it. He learned a whole lot more criminal skills in prison than he had outside, and basically
within a short four-year period. Then, in his fifth year, he really had to do some soul searching. All that he was blaming on everybody else was only half true, well not even half. Maybe 85 percent of what
happened to him he did have control of. Some of what he was blaming on the social structure was authentic, but the majority of it, he had sold himself out to it. He had
made decisions. Yes, he only had limited options within those decisions, but there were still decisions he made. A starving man, thinking about stealing that last piece of bread, even he had a decision to make, but it was a tough one, considering him starving. His family never visited because he no longer had any contact with them and the only family he had was the gang and they provided the basics, so his case wasn’t as extreme as the starving man’s. But in a sense it almost was because they
lacked the right structures and accountability and he was not able to turn toward positive reinforcements; they
weren’t intact, other than his mentor, and Ishmael wasn’t the one who had to live out and maneuver in these streets.
He owned the streets.

His father and mother separated right after he was send to Ishmael's mansion, and by then he was four or five
years old. Mentally he died when he was about fourteen. So he basically believed if there had been more positive influences out there, of course he would have done better. Learning to Hate the System and everyone else become an eye opener and a life lesson to him and it was thus a gang that he no longer wanted to be part of and had a difficulty of getting out.
But after about five years in prison he changed course. He became more politically conscious, about the whole enviroment he was surrounded by and its political structure. He became culturally conscious, and he had a spiritual awakening. This was all within the same
process. Talk about lacking the bare necessities �" when somebody locks you up in a room where there’s nothing
there but you, a space to think and contemplate and reminisce on your life, you start to put that system to real serious use. This was in the hole. In the hole you had to study to survive because everything had changed. Reliance on just his neighborhood wasn’t enough any
more. Now he had to understand the whole infrastructure of my neighborhood and then the political ramifications.
They’d coach you on it: “Why are you Black?” “What is this thing ‘Black’?”
When he grew up he knew he was of coloured skin, a Black man, but what did it really mean to be Black? And they started studying, believe it or not, and a
lot of the stuff they studied was on socialism and the Communist manifesto. This was informal instruction
from older guys in the Black Guerilla Family, a political group inside prison. For most African Americans, even if
you were a Devil's Coon or a Slum Rat those were the grandfathers, the scholars. They were the ones who taught they young ones and trained them, but Ishmael changed everything. To Ishmael there was no more Black Guerilla Family (BGF), and since most of them were locked up. He basically converted most of them to Red Savages.
For Scarface it was infuriating, because he had to learn about the degradations that his people went through. A lot of it
was like military training, teaching you why you should hate your enemy. And that enemy was not whites or Mexicans, it was the structure, the system that had created slavery and bondage and poverty. They’d say the majority of white people had the power within the system, but it was not being white that maked them the enemy. So in prison although they saw the Slum Rats as a focal point for a potential threat, they weren’t the threat �" the threat was the system itself that created that belief system in them of being superior. Their objective was not to destroy the Slum Rats; in fact, they saw them and the The Devil's Coons as a result of that system. They knew they
were struggling for their own too. They just really believed in separatism. As long as they didn’t cross Ishmael's boundaries, they weren’t taught to seek them out and try to destroy them. Their thing was to try to dismantle the system.
As a gang member, a Red Savage in prison, he didn’t buy into all the old BGF contentions, but he had to recognize some of the systemic problems to be authentic. He didn’t buy wholly into the racial thing. He recognized who the The Devil's Coons were, who the Slum Rats, as well as the overall systemic thing. But his enemy wasn’t just them, it was anyone who crossed up on what they, the Red Savages, were trying to do. They were trying to build a power structure for ourselves inside their community and within the country.

But there was always something missing for him. They tried to reinforce his hopelessness, because the system had full control and we had to fight for control. He always believed, or wanted to believe, that he had some type of control, but he just didn’t have the faculty or the full knowledge of how to really take control. African American children do the delinquent behavior in the city
because our feelings of hopelessness lead us to give themselves over to happenstance. They thought that whatever’s going to happen would happen, but in the meantime he's gonna get his. But he thought that it was the wrong way to look at it. He came to believe that the majority of things that
happened to you, you do have control of. It wasjust that small percentage of things from the outside that you don’t
have control over. Sometimes in extreme cases you hadto take some extreme measures. For instance to tell a
black child in the inner city, especially a gang member, that he had to learn to walk away, some things you just gotta walk away from, is almost tantamount to saying
punk the game, give up your manhood. As an adult, you learned there were things that are outside of your control, almost like the Serenity Prayer. So recognizing the
difference, you'd realize some things are outside of your control, and you got to surrender that to a higher power.

It was then where Paperface understood that in order to become a God, you'll have to realise that some men will do anything to gain IMMORTALITY

© 2015 Damian Vincent Henry

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Added on July 11, 2015
Last Updated on July 11, 2015
Tags: Wisdom, change, prison


Damian Vincent Henry
Damian Vincent Henry

Cape Town, Westen Province, South Africa

I was born in Cape Town, Westen Cape, South Africa. I live with my parents and two siblings. I got two dogs, well technically only one, but we adopted the other one. I am 23, and I strive to become th.. more..
