Alpha issue 2

Alpha issue 2

A Story by DanielGalford

Chapter or issue two of alpha. Enjoy maybe if you like it that's great.

Issue 2

Manhattan New York. December 14th, 2020 10:17pm

John's motorcycle raced through the streets. He felt alive as he swerved in and out of cars. He felt the wind pushing against him as he rode, he saw the lights zipping by. He felt free, he felt wild. In this moment he was the wolf,The Alpha. He was able to successfully sneak into the the Police station and acquire all of the things he needed from the S.W.A.T units armory. This was not the first time he had done it and odds are would not be the last. John's father is the active Lieutenant in the S.W.A.T for Manhattan's midtown district. Months ago John had stolen one of the security cards and a key from the night janitor. It wasn't hard for him to make a copy of the card and return the original in enough time before the janitor could get a new card. John would sneak in through the vents on the roof by shooting a grappling hook from one of the neighboring roof tops. He had found a blind spot in the security cameras layout and used it to his advantage. He would even hack the computer, which was conveniently placed in the same room as the weapons, and change the the inventory reports so that no one would notice the theft. He did this every few weeks or so. The last time he had done it was three weeks ago on Thanksgiving.

John was having a great night. He had stopped some gang members from robbing a deli, restocked some inventory, and even stopped at his favorite hot dog stand on the way. The old man who worked it didn't mind the mask since one night four months ago when John saved him from some thugs trying to rob his stand. He received free hot dogs for life. So all in all John was having a good night and it wasn't even three o'clock. That's when the communication device in his ear went off. "Alpha, there's been a silent alarm triggered at several banks in mid town. I figured since you're in the area you'd want to handle it." Michael said.

"Are the police handling it?"Alpha asked while cruising toward midtown after he was already half way back to his base

"Yes, but get this! The police handling the alarm at 1st New York City Bank on Fifth Avenue reported being attacked by, and I think I heard this right over the scanner, a moving statue." Michael said unsure how his brother would respond to that.
A little confused, John responded "Okay I'll head there. I'm three minutes out. Suit up and be there in less than ten minutes, I might need some backup on this. Leave the dogs at home. We can try out some of those new maneuvers we've been working on."

"Awesome, Fang is out of the penalty box" Michael replied slightly enthusiastically.

"With how sloppy you were last time in the field don't make me regret this."
"I swear you won't! Okay over and out!" Michael replied while John could hear him hastily getting into his outfit. This would be his first night seeing action in a month. Around 5 months ago John had the come down with the flu. Even superheroes get sick every now and then. Unfortunately he had fallen sick on a night when one of their Informants had told John that a major drug deal was going down on the docks in Red Hook. Michael, not allowing his brother to go out in his condition forced him to go to bed, partly by words and partly by slipping sleeping pills into his ginger ale. Michael had figured he had been his brother's training partner, he knew how to use the weapons, he knew how to command the wolves, so he dress in a modified version of his brother's costume he made to fit his larger frame. He went out that night as The Alpha, and much to his brother's surprise and his own pleasure he performed very well. He dropped in on the drug deal at the perfect moment. He managed to take several pictures of the deal while it was happening. It was one of the Brooklyn's top cocaine dealers Sean Mathers also known by his street name Mr. Wall Street, cause he had as much dirty money as any CEO or all stockbroker on Wall Street. He had been meeting with several gang leaders from all over the borough. There was at least 12 men in all, once you accounted for all the the gang leaders and their lieutenants. Michael was text book. He had implemented all of his brother's tactics. He killed all the lights. Then turn on all the blinding brights of their modified Jeep, affectionately nicknamed the Timber Wolf. When two Lieutenants came over to investigate the car they found it empty. And then they were both met with knock out darts to the neck from behind one of the crates. When five more were sent to search around the crates they were systematically separated and incapacitated by Michael and the Wolves. That only left the Five that were guarding the money and the coke. And Michael was able sneak behind them and take to move out by sneaking under the car and shooting them in the ankles with the tranquilizer darts.

That left only three and the were met with The Alpha. After the had backed away from the cars with the money and drugs Wall Street ordered the two men to open fire on the cars. Once to two men were out of bullets they were sure that they had killed whoever it was attacking them. They had heard ghost stories about the wolf-man that had been terrorizing the gangs of Brooklyn for the past six months but they thought he was just a myth. They found out tonight he wasn't just a myth or a dream he was a very real nightmare that they were now living. A small device is tossed at them from behind the bullet hole ridden cars. Before it could hit the ground it detonated in their faces. It was a flashback grenade. Both me could barely see or hear anything and that was probably for the best. Michael had rushed them. He attacked them with a Black club he had molded after a baseball bat, the only difference was it was lighter yet denser. He stuck one man once in the stomach, then hit the other man in the face by swing the bat up into his chin, he was out cold. While the first man kneeled over in pain Michael hit him over the back. He was done. As Mr. Wall Street stood there in disbelief he quickly composed himself. " I guess the stories are true." He said while pulling his gun out of his jacket. He pointed the gun at Alpha and grinned. "So there is a fool dressing up like it's Halloween and coming after the bad guys. Well let me tell you something a*****e, this isn't a comic book, I still have the money, I have the drugs, and I have the gun. So guess what? I win. So before I put one right in your chest you got something to say?"

Michael let out a grin. And through the fake fangs that act as a voice changer he said "Yeah, Sick' em." And before the six foot five inch gangster knew it, he had Fen' fangs in his forearm and Azula's in his right shoulder. As he screamed out in agony while being mauled by the wolves, Michael walked over and said "mercy" the two wolves stopped their attack and backed off. Michael looked down at the now crying drug dealer and laughed, which sounded demonic through the fangs. He then gave his own form of mercy knocking out Mr. Wall Street in one punch. He then rounded up all the passed out Lieutenants with the help of Fen and Azula. After they were all tied up Michael left his brother's calling cards on all over them. With his razor sharp claws he craved and "A" on their foreheads.

He then celebrated with the dogs. " I knew you guys would understand English just as well as German" he laughed while petting and rewarding them with treats. He drove home after he called the police with one of the thugs' phones and emailed the pictures of the drug deal with their untraceable email account. When he got back to the lair his brother woke up and was furious at him for his recklessness but after his Michael told him everything that happened John just smiled and said " okay, fine. Welcome to the game, partner."
Michael wrapped his brother in a big bear hug. He was so happy that he could finally join John on his missions and feel like a part of something bigger than just listening to the police scanner and being John's training partner.a

"So what does my code name get to be?" Michael asked

"How's about Beta?" John offered with a smile.

"Uhm. No" Michael returned disapprovingly "wait I've got it." He said while walking over to the equipment wall. He reached into one of the draws and pulled out a can of spray paint. He sprayed two white dashes down the front of his bulletproof vest.

"Call me Fang!" Michael exclaimed while jumping on the table to show himself off. Both wolves howled in excitement. "Alright, Fang it is then." John said with an approving smile.

December 14th, 2020
Meanwhile in Newark, NJ

You have landed in Newark airport. Enjoy your visit.” The voice over the loudspeaker jostled Vivian out of her sleep. She was such a heavy sleeper she slept through the entire seven and half hour long flight from England to New York City. She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank God I’m home” she thought.
​It’s been three long years since Vivian has stepped foot on American soil. She was very reluctant to go, but it was one of those situations where she had to and it was hard for her to regret it. She learned a lot about herself while she was there. She walked off the plane,her legs felt like logs as she shuffled off clenching her carry ons. She looked out the window to the taxi runway and wondered what home would be like. She let her thoughts wander…
​as she could feel her fingers touch her necklace she snapped herself back to reality. "If he wants to see you, then he will see you and he'll somehow know that you were coming home." She said softly to herself. Her fingers still floating on her heart shaped necklace. He always knows these things.

Vivian had traveled to England in hopes of finding a distraction. What was a better distraction than pursuing a phD of education at Oxford? She was always told she was a smart girl, that she was dedicated, driven. While she was in college she spent the winter and summer sessions at Columbia University, so she graduated in two years with a degree in physiology. While in England, she spent three years living by herself in a tiny flat. She had no real interest in making friends while in England because she knew she would be coming back home. She kept herself busy. She was doing research in the behavior of young adults. She would also kept up with incredibly rigorous track and field training. She didn’t have a coach while in England. He was her coach back home. But he wasn't with her in London, and they weren't talking. So she just trained herself. She even had some success racing on the European circuit. She found other ways to keep busy. She rededicated herself to her dance career. Growing up she was quite the ballerina. She was able to perform in the university's rendition of Swan Lake. She was the lead and she was very well reviewed. But that didn't fill this void that she had felt. So she turned to another of her childhood loves, archery. She was a natural. As a child she was taught by her grandmother during the summers in the woods behind her grandmother's house. Her muscles had clearly remembered well the art of shooting and after a few close shots, she was all bullseyes. These acts all seem manauntness enough to keep her mind off of home and the one she left behind.

She Skyped her parents every other week. It was very difficult for them to see her go, but they supported her. They always did, with whatever she pursued. Every once in awhile, they would ask her about him. And she would always give the same answer, “He’s good. He loves being a vet.” She wondered if he actually did love it.
​It was very difficult leaving him, but he was the one who suggested it. Going to Oxford was always a dream of her's, but she applied just for laughs. Then one day she woke up to a breakfast made by him and under her favorite coffee mug laid the acceptance letter. On top of the acceptance letter was a post-it note, hand-written by him, with one word: Go.
​That was the last night they spent together in the apartment they shared. He made lunch for the two of them as well. And then he told her that he needed time. He was shaken. He had just lost his grandfather whom he loved dearly; the man had practically raised him. And that same night he was mugged. He never really spoke about that, and that concerned her deeply. He always told her everything until then. From then on out he was different. He was quite, brooding. He acted like he didn't want to be with anyone. She knew this wasn't true. She knew that when he he said everything he had to to push her away what he was really saying was "I need you to let me do this"

She didn't know what it was that he needed to do she just knew he needed to find himself in whatever it was. So She didn’t ask any questions. She did what he asked her to, took his suggestion, and went to Oxford. Even when he said it was over between them. He didn’t explain why, he just said that he couldn't be with her anymore, that they weren't good for each other. Heartbroken, the next week she flew to England.

But she knew their story was far from over.

Vivian walked off the plane and went to collect her bags. She wondered if he knew if she was home. She wondered if her parents have spoken to him at all. She wondered what his mission was. What it was that he needed to do to find himself. She hope he accomplished it. She knew that He is the type of person that once he puts his mind to something, it will get done.
​She gathered her bags, and bent down to open one. In it contained only one container. In it was snapshots, pictures, souvenirs, knick-knacks, and letters. Tons of letters. The top of the contained read, “For You.” Vivian breathed a sigh of relief seeing that it was still intact. If he ever came back, or if she ever found him, maybe she could catch him up on three years that they missed.
​She zipped her bag, walked out of the terminal, and flagged a taxi. Within seconds, a bright yellow car zoomed down the strip. The cabbie helped her pack her bags, and as she climbed in to sit down she said, “Brooklyn, please.”

Back in Manhattan John arrives outside the bank. The glass doors have been shattered and he sees the bodies of several police officers scattered on the floor. John walks over to cops and checks if they're alive. They all have pluses. John continues to investigate. This is an old building. This is the oldest bank in New York, however it's security is state of the art. For anyone to break in here they would have to be professionals. And from the looks of it they appear to be violent professionals. Upon reexamination of the police John notices no bullet holes. He sees bruised one some of their arms and faces. These men were beaten but left alive. John notices one of the cops still had his rifle in his hands. The the nozzle of the gun appears that it was gripped so hard it was crushed.

"Fang, are you on your way?" John spoke into the his earpiece.

"Yeah I should be there in 3 minutes" he replied

"Okay no need to hurry, it looks like the thieves cleared out but things are definitely a little off here. I'm going to go check the vault to see if the robbers left any clues." Alpha said as he walked down the stairs toward the vault. The hall the vault had statues over all the previous owners dating back to 1655 however John. Upon reaching the end of the hallway nothing seemed out of place. Vault was shut and there was no sign of forced entry. Out of one of his pockets John pulled out a small spray bottle and sprayed the floor, as he stood about ten feet from the safe door. The spray revealed a series of interlocking laser wires.

John thought out loud "The theft didn't blow or pry open the vault, and he couldn't have cracked its code because he would of set off the lasers and that would have made it impossible to open the without knowing the advanced security codes. So someone would have had to of just popped into the safe without opening it." John said as he reached towards his utility belt. "That's very strange, but I doubt it's as strange as you." John said with a grin as he turns and launches a grenade at the last statue, one that appears to be a marble teenage girl. The statue raises its hand to defend itself as the explosion knocks it off its pedestal to the floor. She stands up, she raises her hands to see that they are slightly cracked. "How did you know?" She's asks amazed.

"I know the current owner of this bank is Daniel Owen, not a fifteen year old girl." He says harshly.

"I'm seventeen!" The girl scoffs as she places her hand on the stone statue to her right. Her hand begins to glow blue for a moment as the cracks begin to heal.

"How did you do that?" Alpha exclaimed as the girl stepped back on her pedestal. "You like that? You'll love what else I can do." she says as she jumps down from the pedestal, rocking the floor. She walks over to John who tries to land a punch but his hand comes back ringing from having connected with pure stone. She continues to grab him, lift him over her head and launch him 30 feet through the air across the room.

Just as John collects himself Fang comes jumping down the stairs, twin clubs in hands. "What's going on here?" He asks as John helps himself up.

"It took you long enough." John said as he shook off being tossed like a rag doll. The two young men stared down the girl made of stone. She smiled at Fang who couldn't take his eyes off her. He had never seen anything like this. This wasn't an ordinary criminal, a robber they could ,and a few punches on and then leave for the police. No this was a superhuman, the first he had ever seen. John was not as shocked as his brother. He had seen some pretty bizarre things in his travels around the world.

"How are we going to handle this?" Fang asked. Alpha was silent for a second while the girl smiled and cracked her neck. "Well?" She taunted. Alpha grinned and looked at his brother. " give me a three count and then come in swinging." He ordered

"Do you think that'll work?" Fang asked. "Yeah do you think that'll work?" The girl repeatedly mockingly

Alpha turned to her and "yes" and he through a flash bang gernade as he charged in. Fang thought to himself and observed as he prepared to charge in. One Mississippi, the girl is disoriented by the flash. Two Mississippi, my brother lands on her face after running and jumping off the wall. Three Mississippi, he flips off her face and drops two grenades as he back flips. As they both explode Fang charges in. The girls stone covering is cracked and chips of it are pealing off to reveal clothes and even some skin. Fang can't see this as connects one of his bats with the right side of her face knocking of a slab of stone. He brings down the other bat on her shoulder, cracking the stone a little more. He pivots to the side as Alpha come flying in landing a strong kick to the back of the girls head and another large part of the stone covering her head falls off. Their coordinated attack seems to be overwhelming the stone girl as she stumbles trying to gain her balance.

"Don't let her touch anything!" Alpha yells as the girl reaches for the wall only for fang tossing both of his bats one to the stone half of her face, the other to an unarmored part of her stomach pushing her back. As the girl throws a punch at Fang hitting him in the stomach and sending him into the wall she is still rocked. She can't believe these two normal guys are giving her such a beating. She's taken on a whole unit of police before and a gang army and walked away without a scratch. She began to wonder if she would even walk out of this one alive. The wall! That's what she needed. If she could just touch the wall she could absorb its stone and re-armor. Then she'd wipe the floor with these two want to be superheroes. As she reaches for the wall she can feel a sharp pain in her neck and then nothing at all. Alpha pulled the needle out of the exposed portion of the girl's neck as he laid her unconscious body down. The stone shelling disappeared in after a shining blue light made its way over the girl's body.

"What the hell is she?" Fang asks as he looks down at the girl confusingly. "I'm not sure. We can find out more if we bring her to the lair." Alpha says as he begins to examine the girl and then looks back at the safe. "She might be strong enough to take down the police and maybe even pry the door open but that doesn't explain how the alarms from inside the safe were set off without the door being opened." Alpha posed this observation to his partner. "Do you think she might of had a partner?" Fang asked

Just as the two vigilantes were thinking out loud about the case at hand they heard a sound similar to a gunshot. It was like a firecracker went off and in the direction the sound came from a young man was standing there. He didn't walk past them. They didn't notice him come in. The brothers bother stare at the man confused. " who are you? How did you get here?" Fang asked. The enraged man ignores him. "What did you do to my sister!?" He yells. "Sister?" Fang asks.

Alpha launches a throwing knife at the man and right as it is about to dig straight into the man's shoulder, he disappeared. "What was that?" Fang asked. "The guy who robbed the money out of the safe." Alpha responded. Both men stood on high alert. It was quite. They both took a step forward. Fang had is back to Alpha to look in the other direction. Alpha kept his head on a swivel and suggested that Fang do the same. Fang turned his head to the left while taking a step forward. As he turned to the right he heard that same popping noise and with that the disappearing man was back. "I've got him!" Fang yelled as he lunged at him swing one of his bats across his body. As he finished his swing he hit nothing but air s man disappeared again right before his eyes. A look of pure rage on his face. Alpha turned back away from his partner. "We'll have to think of something better than that. We can't just attack him head on." He said. Fang stood back up straight, he lowered his two bats and asked "Well do you have plan?"

I'm working on it Alpha said as he walked closer to the body of their attacker's unconscious sister. "I'm working on it." He said as he turn his head to the sound of a wind moving and was meet with a boot to the face. He fell to the ground and laid there unconscious. Fang looked and the man and said. "How's about we handle this like men?" As he dropped his bats on the floor. The man teleported in the blink of an eye and was now right in Fang's face. "Not my style"he replied with a snicker and he began an assault where he would repeatedly punch Fang and disappear before Fang could really get a good hit in, just swings into empty space. Just as Fang dropped to his knees in defeat there was a pause in the attack. He took this moment to try to control his breathing and while he caught his breath he could felt someone behind him and that's when he felt the wire being pulled around his neck. He was becoming frantic. He couldn't breathe, now he knew he had to do something or he'd die. Be calmed himself, and slipped on his brass knuckles. With two quick punches he knocked the teleported off him. He sprung up ready to fight. The teleport stood up and wiped the blood off from his broken nose. Fang's kissed his brass knuckles for doing their job.

"Well I've had about enough of this." The teleporter said as he disappeared for a second and then was back in place with a gun pointed right at Fang's head. "Let's end this." The teleporter threatened as he cocked the gun. "I agree, let's end this." Alpha said from the side. The teleporter turned to see his sister still unconscious being propped up by this masked and costumed man holding three needles to her neck. "In this syringes is a high powered tranquilizer. She already has one dose in her. She's fine, she'll just be out cold for another two hours or so. If I stick her with these, well even you couldn't get her to intensive care in time. So you're going to hand the gun over to my partner. Then you're going to walk over here and grab your sister. Then you could leave, you can take the money you've stolen and leave."

The teleporter simply nods his head and hands the gun over to Fang. He slowly walks over to Alpha who is staring at him intently. Their eyes meet. There is both an intensity and an understanding in their stare down.the man stopped a few feet in front of Alpha. Both men continued to lock eyes for a few seconds longer, than Alpha nodded and handed over the thief's sister. The thief cradled his sister. Everyone could see her youth in this position, she was just a child wrapped up in something she was prepared to be in. Alpha internally felt horrible for threatening to take her life. He questioned whether or not he would have done it. If this man would have killed his brother in front of him would he have been able to control himself? Could he have stopped himself? Would he have wanted to?

"Until next time then?" The thief said and with his last words he was gone.

"Good job bro." Alpha said putting his hand on his younger brother's shoulder. The just smiled at each other. "Alright let's get out of here before the rest of the cops come." Alpha said. The two sucked up their bumps and bruises and left. The rode home on their motorcycles in silence. Tonight was neither a victory nor a lose. The were both just happy to have made it out alive.
Then went back to the lair and mended their injuries. Some bandages, some ibuprofen and some sleep and they'll be fine. As John wraps up his brother's ribs Michael said "they beat us down, tossed us around, made us look ridiculous, and then just disappeared. And we don't even know where they went or how to find them." He said this while clenching his fist. He was taking this to heart because he felt like they were out matched. "We beat a girl made of stone and out maneuvered a guy who could teleport. I think we did okay." John said with a smile as he applied disinfectant. "Regardless they still got away." Michael said between winces. "And we don't even know where they went." Wince "they could be across the country by now! And you seem really okay with this." He continued as John walked over to one of their computers. " I'm okay with this because we made it out alive against two super humans. And their in a penthouse on the lower west side." John replied while pulling up a screen on his computer that showed a map of the five boroughs with a flashing red light on a fixed point in Manhattan. "How did you...." Michael started. "I placed a tracking device in the girl's jacket before I handed her to her brother. I created a file and started a search for similar cases through the FBI's database. I've saved everything in a file called 'Touch and Go' we'll address this more tomorrow. I've got a feeling they're not going anywhere." Michael is both impressed and alittle confused. "Touch and Go?" He asked. John was putting his street clothes on as he responded lightly with "I think it's a bit catchier than 'statue girl and the teleporter'" Michael walked up to his brother a little dumbstruck. "What makes you think he's not just going to pop the two of them out of there and go across the country." He asked grabbing his brother by the shoulders. " John just looked at him sat down and started to switch his combat boots out for his sneakers. "Well there's a few things. One is what you said, they could be across the country right now. That's just it. They're not. Their settled down. Also it looks like they hit three different banks tonight. That had to take some planning which means that spot must be their base of operations for the time being. And what the guy said. Go looked at me and said " until next time then?" So I have a feeling he thinks they'll be staying in the city. So we'll work on how we're going to catch them, and bring them in but for now let's just go home and get some sleep." John said smiling at his little brother who finally seemed like he was coming to terms with this situation. The two young men got dressed and walked home

As they walk back into their house it's almost midnight.
"Hey I know it was a rough night but at least it's behind us now and we could just focus on a good night's sleep." John said as they walked through the screen door of their parents house. They spent their nights there when they got off early while their dad was working the night shift.
"Mom, we're home." Michael yelled. The boy's' mother would never sleep while her husband was working and her boys were out. That is why they try to cut their activities a little short on these nights. They both still new they had a responsibility to their family as much as they did to the city. " I'm in the kitchen boys. I've got food on the counter." She yelled as they were both taking their coats off, still trying to shake off the soreness in their muscles. "Thanks mom, we could use it we're both starving." John hollered back toward the kitchen. " I've got a bit of a surprise for you John" she said as the two brothers walked into the kitchen laughing at an inside joke about their mother's meatloaf being worse than a stone punch in the face from touch. As John walked into the kitchen still laughing his eye widened and his heart sank. In his kitchen, sitting at his table, was his ex girlfriend Vivian. This was the girl he had forced away as he started on the path to becoming this vigilante. He pushed her away because he knew he could not possibly love her the way she deserved if he could never give his all to her. It was never about putting her in danger. She was a big girl, a strong women, and if he told her the truth it would be her own decision on how to handle it not his. But he could never tell her. How do you explain to the person you love most in the world that their love isn't enough to stop you from going out and risking your life every night punching muggers and dodging gunfire. That wasn't a conversation he was brave enough to have. Even Alpha dogs can be scared of something.
"We should give you two some time, to catch up." John's mom says "it was great seeing you Love, I'm sure you'll be around." She said as she smiled at her, gave her a hug goodnight and walked upstairs motioning for her younger son to follow. Michael takes the opportunity to whisper into his older brother's ear "so much for a good night's sleep." Before rushing up to bed.
Vivian stood up, and without saying anything ran into John and hugged him. John could feel her slender but strong arms wrap around his shoulders. He ignored the pain and after a second or so of hesitation he wrapped his arms around her and the two just embraced each other for awhile. John rested his head on her's as he could feel her warm tears begin to soak into his shirt. He wasn't sure if he would regret this or not but in the moment he was just happy to have her in his arms.

Meanwhile elsewhere

Two figures are watching a recording of tonight's events on several monitors. "Do you think that they'll be good candidates, Doctor?" One if the figures asked.

A man sitting in his chair stares into the screens, replaying the fight between Alpha and Fang, and Touch and Go. With a smile the man continues to watch the footage. "They're perfect."

© 2016 DanielGalford

Author's Note

Please give feed back for this draft. These stories are going to get a little bit more out there as they go on.

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Added on March 11, 2016
Last Updated on March 11, 2016
Tags: Superheroes, comics, wolves, short stories




Hi Everyone, I'm Dan, and I'm really new to writing and honestly I'm not sure if I have any sort of talent for it. I'm a big fan of comic books and comic book movies and would eventually like to b.. more..
