Chapter Two.

Chapter Two.

A Chapter by nora

This one is a flashback to four years previously, to Scout in the eighth grade.



Chapter Two.
yellowhouse-1.jpg picture by xxmusicxluvrxx
                Summer time, 4 years previously.
                I stared at my reflection in the tiny yellow mirror propped up on my dresser. I piled my hair up on top of my head, and then dropped it so it lay in long, loose brown curls. Sighing, I picked up some eyeliner and quickly put it on as the sound of a car pulling up came through my window.
                “Scout! Come down here!” Mom’s voice screeched up the stairs. “That boy is here!”
                That boy. That was how my mother referred to Tommy Landers, a boy from my class who had asked me to the End-of-Year Dance in the 8th grade. I rushed down the stairs, my light dress swished around me.
                “Bye, Mom,” I shouted before walking out the swinging door. Tommy was standing there in his suit, shifting from foot to foot on our small, screen-enclosed porch. He smiled when he saw me, taking in my pale yellow sundress and made-up face. I smiled shyly back and took his hand as we walked back toward the pick-up that his father drove.
                Before hopping in, I glanced back at the house behind me. It was small, painted a pale yellow that glowed as the sun hit it. The porch’s screen needed cleaning and the grass needed cutting, but it was a charming little house nonetheless.
                Tommy and I swayed slowly as the classic slow dance came on, played by a band from the local high school. As I turned to the beat, I caught a glimpse of the boy singing. He was sitting on a stool, strumming a guitar while his band members played chords on the piano, and softly singing the words to the most beautiful song I had ever heard. He had dark hair, cut short, and well-muscled arms. He couldn’t have been older than a sophomore. I felt a little guilty, dancing with Tommy while staring at this boy on the stage and feeling very strange about him.
                “Do you want any punch?” Tommy’s voice made me start.
                “Yeah. Sure.” I headed toward the refreshment table, glancing back at the boy a few times.
                Waiting for me was Angela Crowley, my best friend since the fifth grade. She was average height, and pleasantly plump with long blonde hair and pale blue eyes. She was pretty; much prettier than me. She grabbed my arm and dragged me a few feet away from Tommy and her date, Brian Harrison.
                “He kissed me!” she squealed happily.
                “Who do you think? Brian, of course!” She was positively glowing with excitement. “He just grabbed my hands and pulled me into a corner and kissed me right on the mouth!”
                I smiled for her benefit, feeling a bite of disappointment that Tommy hadn’t made any effort. “That’s great. Wait, Ang,” I whispered as she turned away. “Who’s that guy singing? Over there.”
                “Oh, that’s Andrew McKinnon. He’s my brother’s friend. Come on, Brian and Tommy are waiting.” She pulled me back to the punch table, then disappearing off with Brian.
                I had wanted to ask more about Andrew McKinnon, but she was already gone. Instead, I danced a bit more with Tommy and laughed at his jokes.
                Later that night, I hugged him goodbye after he dropped me off. I looked into his eyes, and suddenly, Tommy kissed me, right there on my front porch. That being my first kiss, I wasn’t quite sure if I was doing it right, but I must have been okay, because he smiled at me and wished me good night.
                Present Day.
                We pull into a hotel on the side of the highway, and I dread the coming hours. I leap from the car with lightning speed and scoop my brown hair up into a ponytail. Nate comes around the car and takes my hand, leading me through the entrance.

© 2009 nora

Author's Note

ehm, parts might be a little confusing. pretty much, it just shows part of what she's doing now, and when she first saw Andrew :) enjoyy!

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aww her first kiss and she is thinking of andrew im intrugued :D

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 13, 2009




Hello :) My name's Nora. I like daisies because they're happy and friendly. I love music, mostly of the emo variety. I wish to be a writer. My favorite book is The Perks of Being a Wallflower. .. more..
