The New Adventures of Edward Thurston (Act 1)A Screenplay by Daniel RodriguezSherlock Holmes Vs Jack the Ripper with a Twist. An original tale by Daniel Rodriguez.EXT. GRAVEYARD - TIME PASSING FROM DAY TO A STORMY NIGHT DR. EMILY HUNTER (V.O.) I now read from the lost files of one Dr. John Watson. The camera moves around, as if searching for a proper grave marker to find. DR. EMILY HUNTER (CONT’D) I once spoke with my companion regarding the great “Ripper” case that had stumped all of the most finest of minds. To him, even a puzzle deemed impossible became a simple science. I must now make note that during our off adventures, Holmes himself made a simple remark claiming that he had finally beleived to have found the identity to the White Chapel Horror, “Jack the Ripper.” By this time the facts of the murders had become so alarmingly bizzare and sensationalized, I myself could not tell where the facts of these cases stood to be from one man, and which victims were misclaimed. By now it has become dark and rainy. DR. EMILY HUNTER (CONT’D) Soon after, my freind and companion, Sherlock Holmes met his demise at Reichenbach Falls facing off with the sinister Professor Moriarity. The unsolved to this day. Flash as lightning strikes, highlighting all the victims, real and alleged of Jack the Ripper. INT. CLASSROOM - DAY TEACHER Scholars however debate the authenticity of this remark by John Watson, even some claiming it to be a forgery. However, as compiled and edited by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, there must be a valid reason why this peice of writing did not make his collections. Anyone want to take a guess why? A Student (traits unknown) raises his/her hand. TEACHER (CONT’D) Yes? STUDENT So was Jack just smarter than the police? TEACHER Well I don’t know about... STUDENT And what type of blades did he perfer? What were most effective. TEACHER What? STUDENT Why did he stop? TEACHER Well... there are... Eerie music starts...the child is showing tell tale signs of... 2. STUDENT Why only prositutes? Personaly, I would... The camera zooms down, the child is drawing a picture of some sort. TEACHER ...we are talking organs here. STUDENT I can understand why he would go after the heart but... The conversation is becoming inaudible, tne teacher is clearly getting scared. The child makes a smirk. Time has passed and so has the scary nature of thsi conversation. TEACHER Moving on. Student goes back to drawing. STUDENT (humming the theme song, “the chase”) Hmmmm hmmm hmmm..... The picture student is drawing... is over the dead teacher, killed by student, Ripper style. The humming fades into the music “The Chase” the theme song to this movie. 3. Begin opening credits. NEWSPAPER HEADLINES FROM JACK THE RIPPERS RAMPAGE PAN OVER THE ROOM OF 221 BAKER STREET As the music is going around, the world is seemingly changing. Certain Holmesian artificats are looked over. MORE HEADLINES: HOLMES SUCCESSES AND THE RIPPERS MURDERS. The camera pulls out of the room ultimately and...the world has become modern. End opening credits. INT. EMILY’S DORM - DAY A degree, framed, is being hung up on the wall. DR. EMILY HUNTER (Woman in her late twenties), finishes hanging up her degree, looks at it, and with pride, smiles. DR. EMILY HUNTER I was once the late Emily Hunter, achieving high success in my field, am now Doctor. I recieved my degree just a summer ago and look forward to making a name for myself in my field. To help me, the head of the department has granted me free room, board, and all the amenities littered around in on campus. 4. (MORE) In the coming weeks, I look forward to using these resources as I work on my new thesis. Already several sources have turned an ear to me and wondered when I would publish, and perhaps to whom. INT. FACULTY LOUNGE Teachers are huddled around talking about the going ons of their new semester teaching. PROFESSOR 1 So, how goes that... DR. EMILY HUNTER Study? PROFESSOR 1 Yeah. I been hearing good things. DR. EMILY HUNTER There would be good things unfortunately it is not going at all. PROFESSOR 1 Oh? DR. EMILY HUNTER I really am not sure what to focus the subject on at this point and time and to be honest, my focus is lacking. PROFESSOR 1 A good place to start is to find out what interests you. DR. EMILY HUNTER Well... PROFESSOR 1 So tell me...Doctor Emily Hunter. DR. EMILY HUNTER Just call me Emily. PROFESSOR 1 Have you decided on taking up my offer? DR. EMILY HUNTER Well, not yet, I think I would rather finish this project before I take on teaching high level. PROFESSOR ORAN Hey, you thinking of writing a good research paper? DR. EMILY HUNTER Maybe? PROFESSOR ORAN You should introduce yourself to Edward. He lives next door to you. DR. EMILY HUNTER You well acquainted with him? PROFESSOR ORAN You could sya he is the kind of person one remembers. I helped set him up with a room. Same building as yours if I recall. DR. EMILY HUNTER Edward? INT. EMILY’S DORM - AFTERNOON Emily is watching from her room. 6. DR. EMILY HUNTER (V.O.) I first noticed Edward Thurston during what seemingly was a shouting marathon that was taking place outside my window in the distance. EDWARD THURSTON is talking with a group of people in the distance. DR. EMILY HUNTER (CONT’D) He closed his eyes, thought, and then said what seemed like a brief sentence, the crowd dispersed. They walk away while Edward seems to look to himself. He walks towards her building when he stops and turns and looks at Emily. EDWARD THURSTON Doctor Hunter? How goes your new thesis? She jumps. DR. EMILY HUNTER Um... EDWARD THURSTON You are Doctor Hunter are you? DR. EMILY HUNTER You can call me Emily. EDWARD THURSTON Doctor Emily then. I think a person who has acheived the highest marks in one of the most difficult fields should be honored with their proper title. 7. DR. EMILY HUNTER And you are? EDWARD THURSTON I am Thurston, Edward Thurston. I live in the room adjacent to yours. While I have studies to do, I would be honored to discuss your senior paper with you. DR. EMILY HUNTER You read it? EDWARD THURSTON But that topic must wait for another time, I have an appointment I must attend and I cannot afford to be late. He disapears beneath her field of vision. She looks at her screen. DR. EMILY HUNTER (at the blinking I icon on the empty document) you taunt me? INT. LECTURE HALL - NIGHT HOST is giving a lecture. Among the crowd are eager students, teachers, and Emily. HOST And this can be done with a stronger innovation and a higher investment into our future. Thank you for your time. 8. The crowd stands and applauds. Emily looks not so enthusiastic, but she stands and applauds vainly. MOMENTS LATER DR. EMILY HUNTER Doctor... HOST Oh, Ms. Hunter... oh wait, you got your degree, no? DR. EMILY HUNTER That is right. He enthusiasticly shakes her hand. HOST I am glad you were able to come to this event. I was just discussing your work with a colleague of mine the other day. I heard you were given a grant to work further on your studies. DR. EMILY HUNTER Um... HOST I look forward to your findings. DR. EMILY HUNTER ...thanks. HOST Anything wrong? DR. EMILY HUNTER It is nothing. 9. Pause. Cut to. INT. EMILY’S DORM - NIGHT Emily slams her door shut and locks it. She leans back and lets her legs give weight to her body at the door. The light from the computer is on. Blank screen still. DR. EMILY HUNTER I need to get out. She looks around. She leers evily at the screen. Then at the door. Close up of the door, the outside world is intimidating. She slowly walks to her bed, trying to shrug off the horrors of the day. She crawls inside. Her eyes close. DR. EMILY HUNTER (V.O.) (CONT’D) Later on that night... MOMENTS LATER The door bursts open. 10. Emily wakes up. Edward runs in the room, searching randomly and franticly. EDWARD THURSTON Where is it? DR. EMILY HUNTER Who is there? Emily slowly comes around the corner to see a figure in her room. EDWARD THURSTON I will talk to you in a second, I am amid an ancient crisis. Emily recognizes him. DR. EMILY HUNTER Mr. Thurston, what are you... He denotes the room she came from, he goes there. EDWARD THURSTON This will be but half a moment. It doesnt take half a moment. DR. EMILY HUNTER What is this about!? He is getting frusturated. EDWARD THURSTON Your old papers. I know you keep a record of them. Aha! 11. He finds a library. DR. EMILY HUNTER Why are you looking for... He thumbs his fingers until... he grabs a file. EDWARD THURSTON Winter of last year, 520 I beleive. DR. EMILY HUNTER The Final? EDWARD THURSTON Midterm. DR. EMILY HUNTER Oh. He takes it out and places the paper on a desk as he reads it. DR. EMILY HUNTER (CONT’D) I shant call campus police because? EDWARD THURSTON I clearly have no intention of acosting you, plus, you are an expert in Shotokan. I perfer judo myself. DR. EMILY HUNTER How did... EDWARD THURSTON I recognized the opening posture, very distinctive. Clearly not something taken from your average self defense course. You must have been doing it since you were young. 12. DR. EMILY HUNTER As to my question. EDWARD THURSTON Can it wait until after I finish the findings. If you ask me to leave, I will leave, however... He closes the folder. EDWARD THURSTON (CONT’D) Allow me the honor of being your guest for a minute longer and I beleive the entire profession will benifit with what I have found. DR. EMILY HUNTER And what have you found. Edward grins. EDWARD THURSTON I beleive you have pointed out a hole in criminal profiling. Through my research I suspect, with your work as evidence, that a case perpetrated in the 1920’s may have found an official suspect at last. DR. EMILY HUNTER Nineteen...twentees? Mr. Thurston, what is this!? Edward and her face off. EDWARD THURSTON I... She looks into his eyes. There is a dark circle under them, his bags are showing. 13. DR. EMILY HUNTER You havent slept in... He looks almost embarrased. DR. EMILY HUNTER (CONT’D) My god, you have been up for days! And... that glaze... EDWARD THURSTON Astute of you to notice, although this I am not so fond of. DR. EMILY HUNTER What poison have you put into yourself. EDWARD THURSTON I assure you it was not recent. DR. EMILY HUNTER How long ago? EDWARD THURSTON Twenty Five hours ago, maybe some twenty minutes added on. DR. EMILY HUNTER You are lucky I feel more so to be merciful tonight. Plus with your lack of sleep...go to bed. Just go. EDWARD THURSTON Very well Doctor Emily. What I have found tonight has been most benificial and I assure you, this help will not be something I will forget. DR. EMILY HUNTER Sleep, now, you will do before I take extreme measures next we meet. 14. EDWARD THURSTON And on that time, I shall call via a knock on your door. He bows out, completely different, more calm, in his mood. He walks out the door and closes it behind himself. Emily moves to lock the door but notices it is already locked. INT. HALLWAY Edward pockets the lock pick and walks to his room and closes the door behind him. INT. EMILY’S DORM - MORNING Emily looks out her window. DR. EMILY HUNTER (V.O.) I did not see him for the rest of month. INT. CAFE Oran is speaking with Emily. ORAN That is so like Edward. DR. EMILY HUNTER How so? 15. ORAN That child seems to come and go on whims that are beyond comprehension. I would say there is a level of randomness to him however I think this is more of a case of method behind the scenes if you will. DR. EMILY HUNTER So him disapearing... ORAN He took three weeks off my class, insisting that he do all the work soley from the internet. I would have objected but he seemed to have read the assignments and stayed in close contact. DR. EMILY HUNTER What about him barging into my room? ORAN He has an extreme style of a personality. Other than that, he is harmless. Everything he does, has a reason, or atleast I would like to think so. DR. EMILY HUNTER You trust him then? ORAN I would say he is more dependable than trustworthy. By the way, did you decide? DR. EMILY HUNTER Yes, I am very interested in helping you with your work load. I will leave you my schedual for the coming weeks so we can work around it. 16. INT. CLASSROOM Emily is now infront of student. DR. EMILY HUNTER As you know, Doctor Oran is sick and so I will be taking over for today. Now, I looked at her schedual and if you wish to correct me, I will start where it says she left off, we will be talking about the effects of the Medulla Oblongata. A STUDENT 1 is talking with STUDENT 2. STUDENT 1 Whats that? STUDENT 2 Its an invite of some sort. STUDENT 1 To what? On her laptop, there is a screen for an invite. She clicks it. The laptop screen goes to a haze and then a shadow of a figure comes. MASTERMIND There has been a murder. The two students lean in. 17. INT. FACULTY LOUNGE DR. EMILY HUNTER A murder? ORAN Yeah, aparently its the new craze. They look into the website. DR. EMILY HUNTER So how did you... ORAN I got an invitation the other day. I been hearing students talking about it for weeks. DR. EMILY HUNTER Sounds like it a rolling stone gaining momentum. ORAN Among other things. Its addicting. DR. EMILY HUNTER You mean? ORAN Well, I did want to see how you could do on a first class, but I wont lie, I was home doing a little snooping. DR. EMILY HUNTER I don’t know what to say to that one. ORAN I used a sick day. 18. DR. EMILY HUNTER So is it always a murder? ORAN Last month it was a kidnapping. Cut to. INT. EDWARDS ROOM Edward puts on a coat. DR. EMILY HUNTER (V.O.) So, how does this work? INT. FACULTY LOUNGE ORAN Well, you either sign up or you get an invite. INT. EDWARDS ROOM Edward puts on dark shampoo into his hair. INT. FACULTY LOUNGE DR. EMILY HUNTER And then? 19. ORAN The “Mastermind” briefs you on the situation, a virtual crime is committed and he occasionaly fills the player in on the new developments. INT. EDWARDS ROOM He sits down and looks in the mirror. He takes out make up. INT. FACULTY LOUNGE DR. EMILY HUNTER So, its like being a detective? ORAN You ask for specific information, interview witnesses, look over testemony, crime scene photos, and lab results. INT. EDWARDS ROOM He is applying the makeup in extreme close up to his skin. INT. FACULTY LOUNGE DR. EMILY HUNTER How have you done? 20. ORAN I...haven’t solved a case yet. At the end, he asks for the players to submit their solutions and they have to go line by line how it happened. But thats not the real objective. DR. EMILY HUNTER What is? ORAN Finding out who the man is behind the shadow. INT. EDWARDS ROOM He applies lipstick. INT. FACULTY LOUNGE DR. EMILY HUNTER You mean... ORAN Who is... INT. EDWARDS ROOM A final dab of some stuff and... Cut to... A GOTH figure looking in the mirror. 21. ORAN Mastermind. The first person to figure out his true identity, wins the entire game. EXT. DORMS - EVENING Emily walks by. Gothic Edward passes her. EDWARD THURSTON Evening Doctor Emily. She doesnt recognize him even enough to give him a glance as she absently goes by. INT. EMILY’S DORM She looks at the website. DR. EMILY HUNTER I don’t know... She logs off. As she does, a new Email message comes up on the bottom right of her computer. She clicks on it, its an invite from the website. DR. EMILY HUNTER (CONT’D) Why not? She clicks accept. 22. Her screen goes black. Mastermind apears. MASTERMIND Greetings Doctor Emily Hunter, and welcome. I am Mastermind. The world you are about to enter is one of mystery and logic. The rules are simple. Solve the murder, go over all the clues you can find and use your skills given to you to solve the crime on the alotted day. You will be playing against every other would be sleuth given access, each mystery you are able to solve is a score up the leader board. The first to 100 points wins, each mystery solved is graded depending on your performance. The mysteries will change depending on the game but if you can solve a personal mystery, you will win the prize. Find out my real life identity, and the world will be yours. Now, Doctor Emily Hunter, as of 0200 PM, Wednesday, the 22nd of last month, there has been a murder. Emily looks on as the screen is giving her different info. She looks curiously at it, and then starts tapping on the keys. LANDSCAPE OF THE AREA The sun rises in speedy time and the college world buzzes with activity. 23. INT. EMILY’S DORM - MORNING She gets off the computer. She has to shake off the all nighter. DR. EMILY HUNTER (comparing notes, her mind preocupied) The murder happened between six and ten, but the police report has conflicting causes of deaths. The coroner even has stated that his opinion of the matter... and the murder weapon could be either blunt or sharp... She looks at the time. She gets her bags and gets out the door. INT. STAIRWELL She is walking downstairs DR. EMILY HUNTER But that doesn’t explain the DNA evidence.... Someone is lying but whom... She makes her way down to the first floor and leaves through the front door. EXT. DORMS Emily is pacing forward when... A group of GOTH’s are hanging out. 24. GOTHIC KID A That poetry reading was full. GOTHIC KID B No, you just wrote a bad poem. GOTHIC KID A Half those people couldnt understand rhyme, meter, or the beauty of a perfect stanza if it was a sonnette. GOTHIC KID C Seriously, you like that stuff? Gothic Kid C gives a Unknown Goth a strange ciggarette. GOTHIC EDWARD (takes a drag) It makes me feel. He exhales. GOTHIC KID C You earned that applause. GOTHIC KID A You werent bad for your first time. Wanna do somethink outside tonight? GOTHIC EDWARD Sure, name the channel and I will be there. Gothic Kid B laughs and punches Gothic Edward in the arm. Emily looks at her watch. No time to be late due to some losers. She moves forward. As they part around here time freezes. 25. GOTHIC EDWARD (CONT’D) Morning Doctor Emily. She does not make a single note of this as then she passes and turns the corner. As the gothic kids seem to leave out of view she stops. DR. EMILY HUNTER Mr. Thurston? She turns around. The gothic kids walk off, no trace of Edward. She looks almost past the camera to reflect when... Cut to. WRITING DOCUMENT The icon is blinking. Words start typing. DR. EMILY HUNTER (voice matching words) I found time, once a fearful affair. Soon after Proffessor Oran gave me leisure and room to work on campus, I found the weeks bluring together. EVENTS UNFOLDING As spoken by Emily 26. DR. EMILY HUNTER These were made simpler still by the complex nature of the Mastermind Games. I found myself being in front of witnesses questioning them, looking for that one hidden peice of evidence in a crime scene, or what just felt a little off about that autopsy report. No better pleasure to my week would be given when Mastermind himself had an update to the case that would rock the foundation to everyone’s line of thinking. The more I saw that shadowed face, the more I became obsessed with finding out who was leading half of the campus students and staff on these goose chases. Around this time I noticed strange behaviours in Edward Thurston. His life began to take a clockwork aproach. On Mondays, he would hang out with a group of artists, or rather egotistical driven individuals who saw their craft as definative to their art. On Tuesdays he would hang out with more social creatures although if I were to classify them I would say they would belong to the kingdom of punks. Thier nature is best described by their need to outdo one another and the never ending jabs they give but dont seem fond of taking. Wednesdays and thursdays he belonged to the goths. And then, for the rest of the week, he would hide in his room, never to come out. INT. DORMS- HALLWAY OUTSIDE EDWARDS RROOM The camera just stays there. As if allowing us to ponder that something is happening inside that room, but we have no idea what and no imagination would ever help us find out. It ominously zooms out. 27. Fade to black. MASTERMIND GAME RANKINS We scroll down to see who is ranked among the highest for solving cases. Doctor Emily Hunter is well ranked. Her score has improved from its last month. (She has solved the last two cases as have 4 other people.) INT. EMILY’S DORM She frawns evily at these people keeping up with her. She is noting the names of her advesaries. A counter apears in the screen. NEW GAME STARTS IN.... the numbers start counting down. The gaming page fills the screen, the countdown has become metaphysical counting down the beggining of the next act. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. MASTERMIND Appears. 28. MASTERMIND (his famous catchphrase) There has been....a Murder... INT. EMILY’S DORM - NIGHT The phone rings. Emily picks it up. DR. EMILY HUNTER ...yes? ORAN Emily! DR. EMILY HUNTER Oran? What is it? ORAN There has been a murder. INT. BUILDING HALLWAYS - NIGHT Emily and Oran are walking. We are behind them, following them. ORAN Are you sure you are up to this? DR. EMILY HUNTER I have worked with cadavers before. ORAN This is completely different. 29. DR. EMILY HUNTER You want that second opinion or not? ORAN I just want to make sure. The door swings open. INT. LAB Emily and Oran walk into the lab. The victim is still dressed up and put on a slab. OFFICER There you are, sorry to haul you up so late at night. ORAN It is alright. Let’s have a look. OFFICER They dug her out of the water. They tried to do CPR on her, but it did not seem to work. DR. EMILY HUNTER And this is murder how? OFFICER They saw someone push her in. But no one got a good look. ORAN Being that they didnt have enough time to save her as she was already too deep, we suspect it’s probably drowning. 30. DR. EMILY HUNTER ...But the lips aren’t blue. ORAN I wanted to make sure this was a drowning case. DR. EMILY HUNTER Let me see. Her fingers cascade along the head...then neck. She takes out the hair that’s blocking the view. Sure enough the neck is broken. ORAN Notice something? DR. EMILY HUNTER Yeah, she had her neck snapped. Hard too. Whoever did it tried to put it back but... ugh. I think I am getting sick. ORAN Thank you for your time Doctor Hunter. Officer, could you please make sure she makes it home safely? DR. EMILY HUNTER Um sure. ORAN Please, try not to feel to bad about this. Emily looks like she is slowly losing her composure and the shock is fluxuating beneathe the surface. The officer walks her out. 31. OFFICER First murder victim doc? INT. HALLWAY Emily is about to go into her room when she hears a knock at the door. She turns around. A young woman is knocking on Edward’s door. The door opens and she comes in. Emily heads into her own room. DR. EMILY HUNTER (V.O.) I began to slowly find myself getting disenchanted with the fiction of the Mastermind series. As my mind began to linger on the dead bodies that these cases were inspired by, people of all walks began to come and go without rhyme or reason from Mr. Thurston’s room. On the 8th day of the eleventh month, my curiosity got the better of me. Closeup of a knock on Edwards Door. Edward opens the door. EDWARD THURSTON Doctor Emily, I am suprised you have found time outside your revolutionary work to come and see me. With haste, I bid thee to come in. 32. INT. EDWARDS ROOM Emily finds herself strangely lured in. Edward points to an open chair. There is a girl there, from the gothic crowd. EDWARD THURSTON And for the finale, I bid thee to sit. No doubt you have noticed an elevation of social callers at my door. I apologize doctor if they have been of some distraction to you. DR. EMILY HUNTER Not at all Mr. Thurston. EDWARD THURSTON Anything I can get you to make you feel more relaxed. I can see that perhaps my overzealous nature has caused you some tense reaction. DR. EMILY HUNTER Water please. Edward gets up. He moves to some water and starts pouring. EDWARD THURSTON I am glad you have come today, for although I promised I would knock on your door, I have not really found a decent enough excuse until today. Edward gives her the glass. DR. EMILY HUNTER And what may that be? 33. EDWARD THURSTON Unfortunately to my dear guest, my findings and opinions can be a bit harsh. I am in the need of a feminine and relatable opinion. This is Dcotor Emily Hunter. Doctor Emily I would like to introduce you to Maven Redhair. DR. EMILY HUNTER Maven... EDWARD THURSTON Be so kind as to make no judgement on her lifestyle. Emily is silent. DR. EMILY HUNTER Very well. Nice to meet you Maven. EDWARD THURSTON Now, Maven comes to me with a problem. I know personally that her boyfriend, Lord Red, a monicker he went by, she took hers upon going through a non conventional marriage ceremony two months ago. MAVEN (trying to act normal and keep her composure) It wasn’t really a marriage. We just read a book together and he wrote me a sonnette and we vowed to change our names... EDWARD THURSTON Yes. Such is fashionable with this particular breed. However her boyfriend has disapeared. DR. EMILY HUNTER I am sorry. 34. EDWARD THURSTON (cold, almost ignorant of the damage) I am not so sorry. For it was commonly known among most of the counter culture group that he would often use her to score some level of drugs. Basicly she became his means of exploitation. I simply think stating that when her well dried up he left to find some other access. Maven starts to break down. EDWARD THURSTON (CONT’D) Hence I would like your opinion. DR. EMILY HUNTER Because I am a woman? EDWARD THURSTON Although you haven’t had a strong dating relationship with any individual you are well versed in the psychological nature of abusive relationships. DR. EMILY HUNTER What? EDWARD THURSTON Come doctor, I haven’t seen you once dress to impress an individual outside your formal attire that fits with the high class parties of your colleagues. Not a single gentleman caller. But I have read some of your work and I find your experiance will probably benifit my guest more than mine. Edward than lifts Maven’s eyes to his. He gives her a look of total compassion. 35. EDWARD THURSTON (CONT’D) Don’t worry. You can trust her. Just tell her everything you have told me. She is a doctor after all. Edward gets up and starts leaving. As he gets to the kitchen he notices how quickly Maven seems to have opened up and how concerned Emily is. Something feels right about this. DR. EMILY HUNTER (V.O.) And she told me everything. Time is passing through the conversation. Maven is getting emotional. DR. EMILY HUNTER (CONT’D) And as she began talking, I began to try and steer her mind to the truth she denied herself. She began to see it. Soon, so did I. He had known all along what this conversation would be about, and its resolve. By the time an hour passed, she looked different. Maven has subsided her grief, she has become a woman reborn. She just needed to open her eyes to what she always knew all along. MAVEN Thank you Doctor. DR. EMILY HUNTER Just call me Emily. MAVEN Can I call you if I have problems? DR. EMILY HUNTER Sure. 36. Maven gets up and leaves. EDWARD THURSTON I must admit, that was impressive. Knowing her, I was expecting a two hour conversation. DR. EMILY HUNTER Just how do you know about my research into abusive relationships? EDWARD THURSTON I have them on my computer. DR. EMILY HUNTER How did you? EDWARD THURSTON I asked one of your former professors for a recomendation on the subject, he gladly gave me some copies. DR. EMILY HUNTER Mr. Thurston? EDWARD THURSTON Yes doctor? DR. EMILY HUNTER Why have you been locking yourself in? What is with the people coming in and out of your room at all hours? Edward thinks for a second. He then looks at her and has a faint smile. 37. EDWARD THURSTON This world...The gothic culture, the false bohemian groups, the poets, the actors, the auteurs, the jocks, and politcal folk, they provide for an interesting research, but I find myself without use for their company otherwise. I just do not belong to any of them. They come and go with their languagge, their talk. But they rebel against me. At the same time, they all come here. Sooner or later. They come through these doors, not to talk of better days, but to seek my counsel. DR. EMILY HUNTER Why? EDWARD THURSTON They think I see things they cannot. Often it is right infront of them, but to go out of their way for my help is somehow easier for them. DR. EMILY HUNTER Is it a burden? EDWARD THURSTON Yes and no. For every waste of time, there is a kernel of something tasty and unique. Those are my moments. Maven’s boyfriend for instance. I happen to know where he is. DR. EMILY HUNTER You did’nt want to hurt her. Is the truth that bad? EDWARD THURSTON Worse I am afraid. DR. EMILY HUNTER How did you find him? 38. EDWARD THURSTON connections. DR. EMILY HUNTER So you still use? Edward shares a sad smile, and nods. EDWARD THURSTON I shall congratulate you though on your tactful navigation in what would have otherwise have been a difficult situation for me. I do not picture me have being able to have handled it well. Edward goes and gets a coat from his closet. He then goes into the bathroom but does not close the door. DR. EMILY HUNTER Going out Mr. Thurston? EDWARD THURSTON The night is young. Though do not worry, I shall be high on life tonight, and fully aware of all my faculties. DR. EMILY HUNTER Should I be worried? EDWARD THURSTON I just have one final thing to do before I can put all my affairs to a rest. I shall contact you when I have finished in a few days. How do I look? Edward comes out, we do not get a glimpse of him. Emily is in shock. 39. DR. EMILY HUNTER I don’t recognize you. EDWARD THURSTON The answer I was looking for. By the way, can you hand that letter to my brother Oliver? He runs the Pi Theta house. If you have the time of course. Emily picks up the letter and then thinks to herself. DR. EMILY HUNTER Dear God. There is another one running out there. The figure leaves and Emily is alone. She looks at the letter and the empty place. EXT. FRAT HOUSE - DAY The place looks completely calm compared to the other facilities in the near area. A frat boy from another frat house is in his underwear talking to a tree in the background. Not important, just a funny touch to add. Emily looks down at the letter. It says FOR OLIVER. She knocks on the door and it opens. An overweight figure opens the door. OVERWEIGHT FIGURE Can I help you? DR. EMILY HUNTER I am here to see Oliver Thurston. Does he live here? 40. The figure ponders for a second then seems to debate. OVERWEIGHT FIGURE You may come in, but you will have to be a bit quiet. Wait till you make your way into the Talking Quarter before you speak to him. He shows her in. INT. FRAT HOUSE It is like a calm serene area. DR. EMILY HUNTER Forgive me if... Realizing she is making too much noise. DR. EMILY HUNTER (CONT’D) (quieter) What is this place? OVERWEIGHT FIGURE This is the quiet area. Here we spend time enjoying the calm nature and contemplating our studies. They go up the stairs. DR. EMILY HUNTER So who is this Oliver Thurtston. OVERWEIGHT FIGURE He is our founder. He is a bit strange for me, but he brought us all here. Just watch what you say to him. 41. DR. EMILY HUNTER Okay. They go to two big doors. OVERWEIGHT FIGURE It is in here. He will be waiting inside. DR. EMILY HUNTER But... OVERWEIGHT FIGURE He was expecting word from his brother, I suspect that is what you came here for? Emily nodds. OVERWEIGHT FIGURE (CONT’D) Then come in. INT. TALKING ROOM The door closes behind Emily with a loud clang. She looks around and the room is magnificent and spacious. Like that of a great monarch. The chair turns around dramaticly but not dramaticly is the face sitting in it. Oliver, young, a naive smile and a sense of buddist calm to him. He gets up and walks over to her, he then looks her over. OLIVER Good morning Doctor Hunter. 42. DR. EMILY HUNTER You can call me Emily. OLIVER Emily it is then. DR. EMILY HUNTER Mr. Thurston.... OLIVER Call me Oliver. Now sit, I am sure we have things to discuss. Oliver walks to his executive chair and spins in it breifly. He then waits for Emily to sit in the less comfortable, lower class chair. OLIVER (CONT’D) Let me see, my brother is so good at this, ahem, he is away on business no doubt and he has sent you here to deliver me a message that will likely contain the contents of his grand scheme. You havent read any of it have you? DR. EMILY HUNTER No. OLIVER You did strike me as a trustworthy person when I saw you. She looks around. DR. EMILY HUNTER The doors are heavy, why is this the talking room? Oliver smiles. 43. OLIVER Sound proof. We can shout, we can curse, we can party and no one outside would be none the wiser. Although with the chaps I have introduced to this place, it rarely sees use except when a fight breaks out. It is not easy to maintain a quiet atmopshere during these stressfull times. Oliver opens the letter. He goes over its contents. OLIVER (CONT’D) And how is my elder doing these days? DR. EMILY HUNTER I don’t know to be honest. OLIVER He still using? There is an ackward pause. OLIVER (CONT’D) And I take it his sleep hasnt been to kind to him either. Shame. DR. EMILY HUNTER Correct. OLIVER It wasn’t easy living with that as long as I did Doctor. Intantly his chair leans back, in the style of one would talk with a doctor. DR. EMILY HUNTER Why? 44. OLIVER My brother was born with a curse. It wasnt his to choose and he cant turn it off it seems. DR. EMILY HUNTER His brain? OLIVER Among other things. DR. EMILY HUNTER Other things? OLIVER He talks alot about you in our correspondences. Almost makes me jealous. I love my frat brothers here no doubt but, there is sometimes need for a good conversation among peers. I think that is why you fascinate my brother. I read your work myself. DR. EMILY HUNTER I am beggining to think the entire world has. OLIVER Increase your ego? DR. EMILY HUNTER Not at this moment. OLIVER I have to disagree on some of his apraisals of your work but that would be a topic best saved for antoher time. DR. EMILY HUNTER What was it like growing up with him? 45. OLIVER Well, you can imagine... DR. EMILY HUNTER Feeling inferior? OLIVER My brother was the pride and joy when he wasnt acting up. Father always thought of him as a certified genius. Mother paraded him infront of her friends. Beleive it or not he was a real prize at parties. DR. EMILY HUNTER Sounds to me more like they turned him into a trophy. OLIVER Which is exactly what he was. Father really didnt get to know him he failed to see the pain in his eyes. But I always looked up to him. He always went out of his way for me. DR. EMILY HUNTER Your brother? OLIVER Yes, Edward. I always looked up to him, although I think from a psychological perspective it was my destiny as his younger brother, a role to fit into. But the irony really comes from the fact that I was always a little bit smarter than him. Oliver has a childlike grin. DR. EMILY HUNTER What is he up to? 46. OLIVER You should go home now. I shall ring you in for tomorrow, we can talk then, but trust me, you will hear from him in a few days. INT. BAR Bar keep is talking with a bunch of sailors, foriegners stationed there. A lone figure walks in the bar. He stumbles on a chair. BARKEEP Hey, I will get to you in a second. FIGURE Take your time. SAILOR I could have sworn they were going to ship me out that night. SAILOR 2 You look so disapointed. I thought you said you couldnt stand her. SAILOR (like telling a joke) I didnt say I couldn’t stand her, I am just saying, I dont think I want to come home to a wife. FIGURE So, I take it you perfer british ladies? American women are so disagreable if I say myself. The two sailors look at him. 47. SAILOR 2 What did you say? FIGURE Forgive my rudeness, they kicked me out of the last bar. But, God Save the Queen! SAILOR 2 You are really asking for it. SAILOR 3 He is just pulling your chain. He wants to get a rise from you. Dont let him. FIGURE Ah, women. Great topics lads. I tell ya all kinds and all places. You for example. Figure points to Sailor. SAILOR Oh? What would I know? FIGURE Come on, we all have a missus or somethign back home. Am I right? Two sailors look kinda nervous at this suggestion. SAILOR Are you implying something? FIGURE I am saying we are men! Lets get merry! A round on me for these lads here. He points to the crew minus Sailor. 48. SAILOR I don’t like your attitude. FIGURE can always choke it out of me. Figure blows a kiss at Sailor. A look of shock goes on Sailor’s face. SAILOR How about we talk about this outside? Figure drunkenly gets up. FIGURE Dont worry, if I am not back in a minute, look for me in the river. He laughs silly like. The two walk out. EXT. BAR A group of Sailors are beating the figure. The figure can’t stand. Sailor is by himself. He pushes his friends aside and gets the knock out blow. As he is walking away... 49. SAILOR I can’t wait to get back home. Figure gets up. FIGURE So you are running away? The police are coming. POLICE OFFICER What happened here? The sailors point to Figure. SAILOR 2 He started it. Cut to. INT. JAIL CELL - NIGHT Figure sits in the corner. He looks around the room that is empty save himself. He sees the guard leave. Figure takes off his eye contacts, and instantly, his eye color is different. The camera shifts until he is staring at them and they in turn are staring back at him like the eyes of another individual. A mirror into the soul. 50. Edward quickly takes off the rest of his disguise and puts his hands over his head. There is a non existing noise. A quick glance and he looks at a dent in the wall. A second stare and a revelation, a psychic vision shows a person kick the wall repeatedly after throwing a fit. He looks at the bars and sees a person clammoring to be let out. VISION PERSON Get me out of here! He fades. EDWARD THURSTON Focus... He closes his eyes. EDWARD THURSTON (CONT’D) Shut them up. Focus at the matter at hand. Damn visions. Get out of my head! Instantly his eyes go wide, his jaw drops as if he is in a trance, his hands have sunk to the floor. EDWARD THURSTON (V.O.) (CONT’D) He killed her, we saw this, but lets focus on how! How can we prove it. He pulls a cufflink and instantly a vision is infront of him. 51. Edward plunges his eyes close, he doesnt want to be robbed of figuring out the solution himself. EDWARD THURSTON (CONT’D) I can do this! EDWARD THURSTON (V.O.) (CONT’D) Start with the cufflink grabbed from the sailor. He is touching it. EDWARD THURSTON (CONT’D) Gold. Real gold. Rare and expensive. He was missing another on his right cuff. I do not have enough at this time to prove his guilt but, if the second cufflink is where I think it would be, that would be enough for the police to... The vision fades... He smiles as he can now ponder his next plan of action without interuption. Fade to black. ORAN (voice only) Emily. Are you there? DR. EMILY HUNTER Yeah? ORAN We have a another body. Mutilated. Silence. 52. ORAN (CONT’D) Are you... DR. EMILY HUNTER I am fine. You... ORAN Come over if it is suitable. I don’t want to be alone for this one. I am warning you, this one is gives me dark feelings. INT. LAB The camera shifts around the two who are just staring around the body. The look on both of them is serious. ORAN What are your findings? DR. EMILY HUNTER I know this girl. I...she was crying last time I saw her. The camera cuts to the goth girl Maven, pouring her heart out in the previous scene. ORAN I need you on this one. I am sorry, but I do. DR. EMILY HUNTER Why? Oran’s fingers are brushing against a clear blade wound, a long one telling by how long the camera is panning. 53. ORAN There is evil still on this body. Emily looks almost angrily at Oran, knowing full well what she is being asked of. DR. EMILY HUNTER Okay, we have deep cuts throughout the body, however I would say what ultimately killed her was the wound to the neck. ORAN (bluntyl) Her throat was gutted. Emily stops. DR. EMILY HUNTER The other wounds would have killed her eventually but I think we all can agree on cause of death. ORAN A second body. We may have to tell the police he struck again. DR. EMILY HUNTER I don’t think this is the same guy. She was found in an alley, right? OFFICER Yes. DR. EMILY HUNTER Plain sight. She was meant to be found. Emily holds a hand against Maven’s cheek. Emily sheds a tear. DR. EMILY HUNTER (CONT’D) Poor Maven, she had a future Oran. 54. INT. JAIL CELL Outside two officers are talking. Edward is inside, holding council with himself. COP They got a second one. Can you beleive it? A serial killer on campus? A shift in Edwards eyes, he is demanding more information of this development. COP (CONT’D) Her name? I think they said Maven Hair something... EDWARD THURSTON ...Redhair. Edward doesnt move. COP Cut up. Edward doesnt breathe. COP (CONT’D) They think she might be one of those kind of girls. 55. INT. LAB Emily is walking away from Oran, and the slab, towards the camera...the exit behind us. She is sad but perhaps something else is brewing. Cut to. INT. JAIL CELL In a rare show of emotion, Edward slowly bites his lower lip. EDWARD THURSTON (hauntingly) Maven Redhair is dead. He then regresses to catatonic as the camera zooms out. A NOTE IN ROUTE The camera is following a letter. It is being carried by a carrier and finaly falls infront of... EXT. DORMS The front door has a mail slot but the letter just stays on the tab. Emily is walking and turns the key, she then looks at her foot. A letter? 56. She picks it up, her soul still cold from the events earlier. She sees her name in the other side and it says, “Open immediately.” In it is a cufflink and a note. EDWARD THURSTON (reading the letter) Dear Doctor Hunter, in this evolope contains a rare customized cufflink, and a photograph. The photograph is of The Sailor and first murder victim are shown. He is wearing those cufflinks. EDWARD THURSTON (CONT’D) Take these items to the police as soon as you can, for the most efficient results, before sunrise would be best because our killer is getting ready to leave and never return to this great nation of ours. Post Sript. A friend of yours appears to be in a holding cell for overnight. If you could vouch for his credibility as a gentleman, that would be benificial. INT. JAIL CELL Edward is watching on telivision as news of a hostage situation is now coming in. He stands up and moves over and watches intently. 57. EXT. SMALL BUILDING Sailor is screaming as police are starting to come up. Emily is being pushed towards the frontlines by the police. DR. EMILY HUNTER What is this? POLICE OFFICER We followed your lead. Upon questioning, he took up a gun and ran in there. DR. EMILY HUNTER What have I done? POLICE OFFICER Military police are also getting involved. He is asking for diplomatic immunity. Good going. DR. EMILY HUNTER What is that sarcasm? POLICE OFFICER No, I mean I saw you at the atopsy. A murder being cracked by a civilian! DR. EMILY HUNTER I am a doctor, give me some credit. POLICE OFFICER 2 (loudspeaker) We have a negotiator coming. Are there any hostages? SAILOR Um...yeah? 58. DR. EMILY HUNTER I don’t want to have to look at another body, can we please solve this peacefully? POLICE OFFICER We already have a team getting ready to move in. Noises from a walkey talky. POLICE OFFICER 2 They seem ready to move in. INT. SMALL BUILDING Sailor is looking around. He is thinking of putting the gun to himself. Instantly a loud crashing sound. The screen goes white. We see he gets shot by a rubber bullet and hits the floor hard. He is imediately tackled. INT. JAIL CELL After watching the scene on telivision, Edward has the eyes of a hawk who is getting ready to devoir his prey. Outside a door opens. DR. EMILY HUNTER I am here to see Mr. Thurston. I beleive you have him here. Edward looks out. 59. The cop points to him. She looks. DR. EMILY HUNTER (CONT’D) Are you ready to leave? EDWARD THURSTON Of course. So how did you know that... DR. EMILY HUNTER I am a doctor, give me some credit. EDWARD THURSTON I am sorry to have insulted your inteligence. DR. EMILY HUNTER I am here to pick him up. Release him. They get the keys and he gets out. As they are walking out of the building... EDWARD THURSTON So when exactly did you figure out I was Mastermind? DR. EMILY HUNTER The day I met Maven. EDWARD THURSTON Ah yes...Maven... DR. EMILY HUNTER Would you like to see a crime scene? Fire instantly enters Edwards eyes. 60. End of act 1. . © 2013 Daniel RodriguezAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on November 27, 2013 Last Updated on December 4, 2013 Tags: mystery, adventure, Sherlock Holmes, Jack the Ripper, Holmesian, Psychics, murder, serial killer, reincarnation AuthorDaniel RodriguezPhoenix, AZAboutHello, my name is Daniel Antonio Rodriguez and I am a wannabe writer. I am 27 years old and have been actively writing for the past 12-13 years. I enjoy writing scripts and breaking out into niche gen.. more..Writing