The Ghost August 2016 Issue: The Devil's Band

The Ghost August 2016 Issue: The Devil's Band

A Screenplay by Daniel Rodriguez

When an underground band descends upon the city, The Ghost must solve a case with a murder so haunting and face an enemy stronger than he. Who are Monkey Paws? Who is the killer? Can the Ghost win?

The Ghost August 2016 Issue

The Devils Band

By Daniel Rodriguez

Ghost: I hear voices. They tell me to do things. They cry out for vengeance and justice. Only I can answer their call. The dead must find rest. They shall be avenged. I am "The Ghost".

Announcer: The Ghost!

FX: Wind

Announcer: Fighting for the supernatural, defying those who would take advantage of spirits, and keeping the boundaries safe. When the dead can't speak!

(Music; something mystical)

Announcer: Born able to communicate with the dead, Rick Hart, Private Eye, has established an agency secretly dedicated to serving those who passed and keeping balance in the two worlds. Should there be a murder most foul, should there be a grave threat to the powers that be. Then prepare for an otherworldly encounter with The Ghost!

FX: Clock counting down the time till it rings midnight.

Announcer: The fates have set. The time has come for the fantastic mystery ride of paranormal proportions, The Devil‘s Band. Brought to you comercial free by LunaSense

Seth: My name has been fortold for many generations and out time is coming.

FX: Hand slamming on wood.

Seth: Repent and follow. These are the words that have been passed on all the way to the beginning. Every major religion founded on the idea of God follows this creed. Some kill, some murder. I say again though, REPENT! Through me, and the words I give, we will move forward into a new age. Who believes.

Crowd Member: I do.

Others: (Agreement)

Seth: And who beleives in me!?

Crowd: (loud agreement)

Seth: We have seen the wicked ways of the world and it is soon set to die. We will swallow it whole and the good, will nourish us and make us complete. And the bad, the evil, the vile, the impure will be spat out into the nothingness from whence it came!

Crowd: (Agreement)

Seth: Our culture is changing. Our country, founded by the divine is dying. The Godless are among us and they taint this holy ground with their trivial pursuits of the flesh, of the drugs and the money. This aint what I preach. Is this what you have been taught?

Crowd Member 2: No sir!

Seth: No Sir is right! This sir! It is WRONG!

FX: Applause

Seth: Now let us be quiet and reflect.


Seth: Now, today I would like to talk about music. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is the source of ill tainted fruit, that festers and eats the inside of our society like a parasite until all that is left is a shell corpse and a family of hades within, like the devils music. What do they sing about? Love impure. Wanting that girl next door, their bodies. Drinking and having fun. Breaking the rules of society, GODS RULES! They turn out children into impuire monsters who only care about base desires! This will not be tolerated.

Crowd: Agreement

Seth: This will not stand!

Crowd: Agreement


Fx: Thump

Crowd: (Murmer)

Justin: Oh my god. Someone help him! Help. He…he…he is dead.

Dramatic Music

Fade into

FX: Music Rock Jingle Notes

DJ: You are listening to the Cities only undeground radio station. WWTG. Keep listening to get your tickets to the hottest band coming to town, MONKEY PAWS! That is right, Monkey Paws, after their tour of Canada, are making their way to the rounds of stateside. We will be giving these tickets to the hottest banking underground band at the end of the hour, but first lets welcome our guests for today…MONKEY PAWS! (Fakes cheesey fanfare for a good set of seconds)

Scarlet: Are you done?

DJ: Okay it is time to meet the band. With us first. Would you like to state your name?

Tomboy: You can call me tomboy.

DJ: And…you’re actually a boy. Is that correct?

Tomboy: Yes, why wouldn’t I be?

DJ: I just mean with a name like Tomboy… it would make sense.

Tomboy: I am male, boy denotes that I am male. Tom is a male name.

DJ: Tomboy you are the backup vocalist.

Tomboy: That is right.

DJ: So onto the important band members, we have drummer extraordinaire…

Ericsmith: Ericsmith.

DJ: Mr Smith.

Ericsmith: One word.

DJ: Ericsmith. So your last name is Smith?

Ericsmith: No I am a professional, thus smith, my human name was Eric…so smush them together and I become an Ericsmith by trade.

DJ: I have heard you hit more beats per second than the world record holder, is that true?

Ericsmith: I cannot confirm or deny that. But I perfer to be in sync with the song, my ability to fast play has no meaning in our band. But yeah, I am second to none. And I have perfect rhythm.

Litchen: And I am Litchen, the second guitar.

DJ: Anything to say to your fans?

Litchen: No.



DJ: Well you aren’t background for nothing.

Scarlet: We are beating around this bush too long. I am the lead vocalist, guitarist, song writer, muse, and god, Sir Scarlet.

DJ: (Aside) Can he say that on the air? (Ahem) Well Sir Scarlet, quite a rag tag team you got here.

Scarlet: Each one has been crafted.

DJ: Your music…its different than what is currently out there. How would you describe it.

Scarlet: Unique.



DJ: And what is unique about it?

Scarlet: It comes from my soul which fires the lyrics into pure perfection.

DJ: And now, lets take some callers. Caller, you are on the show with me and Monkey Paws!

Caller 1: Oh my gosh. I am so excited to…

Scarlet: Next caller.

DJ: What?

Scarlet: I do not have time to hear minions fawn for me, when I can do that at the show.

DJ: Okay caller, you are on air, what have you in store for us.

Caller 2: Your show at the Aquarium was crazy.

Scarlet: The Aquarium, yes, two hundred people packed in a 32 maximum occupancy room. That is how we get our shows off the ground.

Caller 2: It isn’t intense for you?

Scarlet: Monkey Paws only does intense, we demand the same thing from our fans.

DJ: Okay, caller, you are…

Voice: You will find nothing but fire awaiting you at your next show. We will purge this city of your influence and purify this country. You will be sent to the darkness at your next show unless you cancel and disband.

DJ: What? Who is this?

Voice: It is the will.

FX: Hang up.

DJ: Must be a prank caller.

Scarlet (Shaken): Must…be…

Fade into

Song On Radio: A fist for the faaace. A fist for the faaaaaace.

Linda: (fondly) ahh.

FX: Heavy knock on door.

Linda: Yes Boss?

FX: Door Opens.

Rick: I am sorry but can you please turn this vile trash down.

Linda: (Shocked) Vile Trash?

Rick: Yes. You see I am trying to connect the last pieces of the case together but all I picture is punching people in the face. It is not good for the clients you see.

Linda: Punching the client in the face? Oh I am sure they will love that.

Rick: This case is very important to me and I need to see just how it all fits together so…I would like some silence.

Linda: This place is drab. It needs some energy.

Rick: We can talk about this later. If you arent going to turn it off, can I ask that you turn it down.

Linda: (Playfully) No.

Rick: I…I am the boss right?

Linda: Last I check I keep this place running while you look pretty. Um, I mean…

Rick: I get it, you do a lot of leg work to keep this place running. Just keep your focus and don’t let your bad vices ruin mine.

FX: Door closes.

Rick: That woman.

Malina: A fist for the faaaaace.

Rick: What-what?

Malina: Such a fun ridiculus line. A fist for the faaaace.

Rick: You like that?

Malina: In what world do you not?

Rick: I am sorry, but I like my listening to be nicer on the ears and easy on the mind.

Malina: You like good folk songs with indepth characters and events. Your easy listening can be chaotic at times and frankly, your love of Jazz can be unsettling.

Rick: You are trying to make a point.

Malina: You tend to have an open mind about a lot of things. You kind of have an out of the box way of thinking.

Rick: Which helps us solves cases left and right.

Malina: But your taste in music is weird, and in some ways archaic.

Rick: What do you mean weird?

Malina: You don’t accept out of the genre work. If it isn’t mainstream or it isn’t Jazz, you just don’t give it a listen.

Rick: Now listen here.

Malina: You are not listening.

Rick: Are so.

Malina: Rick, give Monkey Paws a chance.

Rick: What kind of name is Monkey Paws?

FX: Door opens.

Rick: Yes?

Linda: Monkey Paws?

Rick: What about them.

Linda: You just said they were vile trash, so why are you talking about them?

Rick: You opened that door pretty quickly.

Linda: Do we have a case with them?

Rick: No. No no no. Thankfully there is no world in which Rick Hart, private detective, has to be hired by a band with no good sound.

Linda: it’s a new sound and from the underground.

Rick: If it is underground, how is it on the radio?

Linda: Well you see, they are coming to town.

FX: Door knock.

Linda: Do you want me to grab it? It could be a client.

Rick: Show them in.

Fx: Walking.

FX: Door opening.

Rick: Private Detective Mason. It has been awhile.

Mason: Private Detective Rick, I see your logic skills are in order. After seeing that it was me, to deduce that it was none other than I, you astound me.

Rick: Okay, enough babble, what can I do for you.

FX: Walking in.

FX: Door closes.

Mason: Well thank you for letting me in first of all. And second. I just thought you might find this interesting. Aparently I have been stuck in a bit of an economic rutt being that crime is low and wives are currently having a run of being faithful to their rich husbands.

Rick: I have been stuck on one case for the whole month it seems.

Mason: Can’t solve a case?

Rick: More like this one isn’t going anywhere and nothing new is coming in. I feel you man. I might have to increase my rates if I want to make ends meet if this is the current path of the city.

Mason: Why we chose to make jobs out of the evil in this world, I can’t help but wonder what evil we must be.

Rick: Do not start getting philosophical on me. So tell me why I think the private sector being not as fortuitous would be interesting?

Mason: Glad you asked that question.

Rick: You asked me to ask it. Right?

Mason: Well you see I been taking on odd jobs lately.

Rick: Odd Jobs? Nothing shady I hope.

Mason: Most honest work I believe either of us have done in awhile. You heard of the band Monkey Paws?

Rick: The Music band right?

Mason: I mean yes, I said they were a band.

Rick: I mean we were just listening to them on the radio.

Linda: Are you a fan?

Mason: I wouldn’t touch the stuff. But they did hire me as their security advisor for their show in town.

Rick: Okay that is interesting. Have your ran a security detail before?

Mason: I am approaching this like a case. You see there have been a set of threats against the band and against the show. The venue is pretty small but the way they are doing the production value would make security a logistic nightmare. Not only that, but we believe the calls may be stemming from a generic “Mothers Against…:” movement.

Rick: Those dumb ladies would boycott toothepaste if they had a reason.

Mason: The manager brought me on and…

Linda: You are going to the show? I mean, you get to be there?

Mason: Yeah.

Linda: Oh this is great.

Rick: It is.

Linda: Rick, you should come with us.

Rick: With us?

Linda: You see….I got tickets.

Background FX: Raucus crowd thumping.

Guard: Five minutes till show time guys.

Manager: Okay! You guys go out there and give a big show! We are going to be raking in money on this one.

Eric: You mean you will be making money.

Tom: Yeah, after tonight we need to have a good talk about our contracts.

Manager: You are free to be replaced.

Eric: We can always start our own band.

Manager: You can’t market yourself the way I can. You wont have my connections. You would be free playing at a cheap shopping center until security kicks you out. Now lets talk making money!

Rory: Sorry I am late.

Eric: Our lead singer! What has taken you so long.

Rory: Do I have enough time to full make up?

Manager: We were thinking of having you wear a mask tonight.

Rory: For?

Manager: You see, we have a last minute change. We open with Burn With The Flame, but for our second song, The Hanging of McGee, we have you hang yourself from the rafters.

Rory: What!?

Manager: It would be epic. People would remember. The stuff of legends. Hanging victim sings dirge of the dead, live!
Rory: But…

Manager: You are free to leave. I got three people lined up to take your place.

Rory: But none of them can write music like I can.

Manager: That vault of thirty unproduced songs that you signed over? Okay, I will have the guy go over the details with you before you head out on stage. Have a great show and try not to break a leg.

FX: Door slams.

Rory: That man will be the death of us all.

Eric: I get rent paid so I am happy.

Tom: And I was able to take my girl out last night.

Litchen: Me too.

Rory: Oh hey, didn’t notice you there.

Litchen: (Fading out) No one ever does….

Eric: So, your girl, she out there tonight.

Rory: Yeah.

Eric: Your song?

Rory: My song?

Eric: For the soon to be Lady Scarlet.

Rory: Ah… I finished the song yeah. The recording is in my duffle bag.

Tom: Do you think he will find out? The boss is very strict on us doing outside work.

Rory: Every time I write a Punch in the Face, I need to vent. And She is my perfect muse. One day, I will play her my music. My real music. Not this Fire and Flame garbage.

Tom: But no one does it like you.

Rory: Come on boys. Don’t you picture closing your eyes and having a different audience out there, one that wants to be gently rocked into a sweet ecstasy of nice sounds with lyrics about loving your fellow man and a soft stroll in the park rather than the dark place of their minds we send them night in and night out?

Tom: So quick, you got a guitar, play us a song for her.

Rory: A song for her? Okay.

Music: One Letter To Another (First Verse Only)

That sweet fairy whispers a song in my head.
Words that tickle the ear and grow from my heart
Yes, that’s right
We knew all along, didn’t we.
That moment we held hands and you laughed

You said

Guard: Its Time!

Rory: Okay We are on our way.

Background FX: Thumping (louder) With Clapping from audience.

Guard 2: Hey!

FX: Running.

Guard 2: Who is there!?

FX: Running away/

Guard 3: Did you see something?

Guard 2: I think I saw someone messing with the wiring

Guard 3: Keep an eye out. The catwalk isn’t a place to be running after shadows. You might fall.

Guard 2: Maybe it was just a trick to the eye.

Voice (Soft): Death…salvation through death.

Guard 2: Huh?

Guard 3: Yeah no one is up here. Lets go.

Rick (Shouting): How can you enjoy this?

Malina: This is the best moment of my life.

Rick: But they are bad!

Linda: I am so excited to see them live.

Malina: Enjoy the show brother!

Linda: Enjoy the show boss.

Opener (on mic): Are you guys ready!?

FX: Roaring approval

Opener: We have no opening act tonight, we are going strait to the meet and potatoes. Get on your feet for the greatest sound of the underground. The warped sensation that is MONKEY PAWS!

FX: Deafening Roar.

Rick: Can I go home now.

Malina: WOOO!

Rick: Its not like they can hear you, you are a ghost afterall.

Linda: AWOOOO!

Rick: And you. Behave yourself woman. You represent my agency in public.

Linda: You are such a dullard!
Rick: I will show you Dulla…

Sir Scarlet: Let us get right to it!

FX: Drummer’s opening rhythm.

Song: Burn With The Flame

Burn with the flame
Burn with the flame
The fire is rising higher and I cant breath
Smoke is fading all out and I want to scream
That thing we once had
Is now in the trash
And I need to leave.

Come with me and settle the score
Now we have that thing, we once fought for
So be mine, and we will…
Burn with the flame
Burn with the flame
Find what is left.

And now, it is getting quiet in here.
And so, the cool wind is more near
The sound of nothing will be a friend.
And I must stay

Come with me and settle the score
Now we have that thing, we once fought for
So be mine, and we will…
Burn with the flame
Burn with the flame
Find what is left.

Years have passed
Nothing is left
A man named me
Is ashes in a grave
That is all, a memory none remember
If I had a word to say
You now..

It would be nothing.

Come with me and settle the score
Now we have that thing, we once fought for
So be mine, and we will…
Burn with the flame
Burn with the flame
Find out what is left.

Come with me and settle the score
Now we have that thing, we once fought for
So be mine, and we will…
Burn with the flame
Burn with the flame
Find that nothing is left.

End Song

FX: Applause.

Rory: Okay. Time for my disappearing trick. Keep them distracted while I climb to the rafters.

Tom: You will be alright?

Rory: My girl is out there. I can’t afford to look silly in front of her.

FX: Running off.

Tomboy: Okay Fans!

FX: Roaring.

Tomboy: Our leader isn’t feeling it. So I need you to get off your feet. Summon the man. Let me hear it. Scarlet! Scarlet! Scarlet!

Background: Crowd starts to chant Scarlet.


Background: Chanting gets louder.


Background: Max capacity.

Music: Opening notes to a song

Tomyboy: Lets do this.

FX: Rope stretching

FX: Collective gasps.

Rick: Oh my gosh!

FX: Crowd roaring in aproval.

Linda: He just hanged himself! I don’t believe it.

Rick: Quick we need…

Malina: The song is called The Hanging of McGee. not surprised Sir Scarlet would pull off such a stunt.

Rick: Then why are his feet kicking?

Malina: His feet aren’t, don’t you know how magicians pretend to hang thems….

Tom: Come on man, open with your lines….

Eric: Rory?

Malina: His feet are….oh my gosh! Rick… Hes…

Rick: Everyone out of the way! Someone get that man down!

Music Dies.

Tom: Rory! For God’s sake!

Eric: Someone get him down! Now!

Rick: Come on, move…move…there are so many… people…

Malina: Rick.

Rick: Ugh…

Malina: Rick…

Rick: Help me.

Malina; RICK!

Rick: What!?

Malina: He is no longer moving….

Background: Audience dies down to silence….

Woman: (Screams)

Fade out.

Radio Host: Last night, a concert for the ages was turned into a concert of terror as the lead singer, Sir Scarlet, head of the up and coming band Monkey Paws hung himself after the lead into the second song. Was this a suicide? An aciident, or a macabre publicity stunt, the police are answering no questions. More to come.

FX: Click.

Linda: Rick, may I come in.

FX: Door opens.

Rick: Hey, what can I do for you?

Linda: Well actually…

Rick: Are you okay? Is it about yesterday?

Linda: We have a client. When you are not done talking to yourself. Can I show her in?

Rick: I wasn’t talking…show her in.

Lady: Hi.

Rick: And you are.

Lady: I was going to be Mrs. Green.

Rick: Rory Green’s wife…or fiance. I didn’t know he proposed.

Linda: Who?

Rick: Rory Green is the person who was murdered at the concert last night.

Linda: The hanging…

Rick I take it you would like me to investigate your fiances death?

Lady: That is correct Mr. Hart. I heard you have a very decent track record.

Rick: Decent, I like the sound of that. Very well, I will take your case immediately. Linda will call you later and we can work on what our rates will look like.

Lady: Thank you Mr. Hart.

FX: Door Knocks.

FX: Door Opens.

Rick: Oh joy.

Mason: Rick.

Rick: So. You have come as well.

Mason: It is a fiasco. I need help solving this case.

Rick: Mason, since when do you need help?

Mason: It is my head on the chopping block…(whispers) I was supposed to be security, they want to punish me for this. So I told them I would help solve it.

Rick: We usually don’t cooperate on cases.

Mason: Make an exception.

Rick: Okay. Everyone. I am on the case. But now, I need my office to myself so I can focus on the evidence at hand.


Rick: I mean everyone. Out. Linda. Take a break, you earned it. Rick Hart is on the case!

FX: Walking.

Linda: But Rick…

FX: Door closes.


Rick: Okay, Mr. Green.

Malina: Sir Scarlet.

Rory: So you will help me Mr. Hart?

Rick: You said you were to perform a staged hanging for a song.

Rory: The hook on the cord broke strait off. I heard it snap the moment I jumped.

Malina: You don’t seem so edgy.

Rory: Edgy?

Malina: I mean Sir Scarlet. He is edgy.

Rory: He is just a character that helps sell albums and tickets. This is me.

Malina: But you are so nice.

Rory: Thanks. I am sure my lovely fiance to be would agree with you. It is why she stayed with me all this time. I can only imagine what having to act like a stranger in front of her for the fans has been like for her.

Malina: Interesting I am sure.

Rick: Now tell me about this malevolent force.

Rory: It is really nothing more than a feeling.

Rick: I must admit I felt a dark presence in that concert hall the moment I stepped in but I thought it was the raucus crowd’s energy.

Rory: It had to be when I was on stage. I swore through the first song, even though we were playing loud. It was just that. I mean, it feels weird to say this, but I could hear laughing coming above me. When I finally got up there, Tomboy, I mean Tom was revving the crowd my brain was screaming not to do it.

Rick: So why did you jump with the harness.

Rory: Our boss demanded the show to be this way. He said, if I hung myself for the opening solo for The Hanging of McGee, then we would become legends. Or I could be fired.

Rick: Sounds brutal.

Rory: I would like to believe I knew what I was getting into.

Malina: I have a feeling you did not really.

Rory: Oh, I have done some crazy stunts before. I played a guitar on fire. We used water and little spots of plastic to protect it from destroying the guitar or moving on to me.

Malina: I heard rumors of that one but I wish I got to see it.

Rick: So anything else you think that might connect your boss to this case. After all you did say the hanging was his idea.

Rory: I heard a rumor but… I don’t want to believe it.

Rick: And that is?

Rory: The boss did have an insurance plan set up incase one of us was incapacitated or worse.

Rick: Then I believe it is time we meet the man behind the legend.

Dramatic Music.

Fade out.

Manager: No! You stupid monkey!

New Guy: Tell me what I am doing wrong?

Manager: Look, Rory Green, Aka SIR GOSH DARN SCARLET would never move as lackadaisical as you do.

New Guy: You want me to sing and play the guitar, I can do that. Just give me a second to get the beat down. This is my first day!

Manager: And Monkey Paws must rise from the grave!

Tom: I can’t do this. I am going to get some lunch. Want anything?

Eric: I am good.

Litchen: I would like…

Tom: I’m out then.

Litchen: And my fade from existence continues….

FX: Doors Open.

Manager: This is a closed meeting! 

Rick: Rick Hart. I am here to investigate the murder…

Manager: Murder?

Rick: The accidental hanging of Rory Green.

Manager: Watch what you say! I can sue you…

Malina: We should be careful. He seems mad.

Rory: He is always angry. The man in insane.

Rick: So allow me to show you my cards before we begin to bet. I heard you…

Manager: What did you hear? That failure of a private eye. Mason was it? He was questioning me earlier. A lot about, “what he heard.”

Rick: So do you or do you not have insurance taken out on the band should something befall them.


Malina: I think you hit him in a soft spot.

Rick: I need an answer.

Manager: Gosh darnit.

Rick: Sir?

Manager: Yes. I took out a policy. But.

Rick: But what?

Manager: I can’t cash it in. Look, you want to know if I would have a motive. I guess the money that would have come my way would have been a lot, but we were set to make it big. A two year plan that would culminate on us renting out the major stadium downtown to a sold out crowd. That was what I was moving forward. Each show, we kept topping ourselves. Rory, god love him, Green kept coming up with new songs that just hit like crazy. And every other show, I kept throwing in ideas that would give the fans a reason to come back to the next four shows.

Rick: And?

Manager: The insurance would give me money, but it wont book the big shows. We need to keep moving. This hit, it will take months for the crowd to open up proper to a new lead singer. And I am not stupid, If I try and collect on those payments, that would mean I have a motive, and I am not about to be central to a murder investigation.

Malina: Sounds like he thinks it was murder afterall.

Rory: We have been under fire recently.

Rick: So you believe it was murder?

Manager: I didn’t say that, what I wanted to say…

Rick: You implied he was murdered. Not an accident, he was killed. I am not wrong and we both know this. Spill.

Manager: We have been getting calls, and written threats. We have always had them but…these past two weeks, they were angel of death vengeful.

Rory: It is true, they even called in on a radio interview and…I couldn’t stay in character.

Rick: Tell me about these threats.

Manager: I set the letters on fire more often then not but…The First. That is our biggest lead on who is sending them.

Rick: The First?

Manager: We have Mothers Against The Monkeys, Church of the West, The Risen Saint, and The First, all are against us. All have rallied, demonstrated, but The First, they are something else. You want to know more about them, try thirty miles west of the city, and cross the little town of Happiness.

Rick: And what will I find there?

Manager: Something that might make our next concert feel divine.

Background: Outdoor Woodsy Noises.

Justin: My friends. Welcome.

Guests: (Happy Murmering)

Justin: Now we know that the end is going to come sooner than many of us would hope.


Justin: I…

Malina: So, hiding in church.

Rory: I do not like this place Mr. Hart. I sense…

Rick: Wickedness.

Malina: I sense it to.

Rick: We need to listen to the sermon, I have a feeling we…

Guest: Hey.
Rick: Oh?

Guest: Who are you talking to?

Malina: Ladies and gentlemen, my brother who talks to himself.

Rick: I am just settling my conscience before I pray.

Malina: Ladies and gentlemen my brother who is so smooth with talking to himself.

Justin: DEMONS! I am talking about the eventual war with the…um…demons. They are among us. They walk in congnito. I wouldn’t be surprised iof there are some hidden even now in this very congregation. But we must hold fast to our faith. Our faith, not just blindly believing but following. We need to follow and take action. Because when the end comes, it will be us versus them. The wicked ones will step up their game. We have all seen this. We have all heard this. Have we not?

Audience: (Murmers)

Justin: Look to the concert in which that poor soul died. It was not a human who killed him, but evil. Evil that the sinner summoned upon himself. A group that spread messages of hate, vileness, a unity against God! They let the evil take them and for that the sinner was killed by his own demons.

Malina: Rick, this energy, I can’t find it, but its black. Full Black.

Rick: Let us leave this place when we can and return later. Rory, I may need you to stay back on this one.

Dramatic Music.

Ghost: Night has come. I feel its chill.

Malina: Rick. 

Ghost: Yes?

Malina: Demons can be real, are we dealing with one.

Ghost: We are dealing with something supernatural yes. That is why I figured Rory would be best back for this.

Malina: And what if it is just the dark energy of the deranged and not our killer.

Ghost: That man on stage. He was hurting. I could hear it in his voice. We must investigate this further.

Malina: There is the man over there.

Justin: Okay, bring him over.

FX: Truck driving

FX: Body falling.

Mason: Ow!

Malina: Its Private Detective Mason! Rick wait!

Ghost: This is posing a problem.

Justin: So, this is a spy of the enemy. What agency do you serve?

Mason: I am juust a private eye.

Justin: (As if listening for advice) Um, okay? Are you sure?

Malina: I don’t see anyone, but I can sense that presence over there. Is he talking to someone?

Justin: Very well the virdict from on high is clear. You are to be eliminated.

Mason: What?

Justin: You have a chance to repent.

Mason: Was it you who killed the man?

Justin: (strangely) No. No. No I did not kill him. He did not die by my hand. He died by the will of the on high.

Mason: I knew it, you are a crazy zeolot.

Malina: We have to do something now or else he is going to get hurt.

Ghost: Okay this charade is over.

Justin: Who is there?

Ghost: I am The Ghost.

Justin: You are real?

Ghost: You heard of me even out here?

Justin: You are nothing more than a false idol that steals tribute for the lord. Kill him too.

Voice: Yes…kill him.

Justin: Kill him now!

FX; Punch.

Thug 1: Ugh.

Thug 2: Why you.

Ghost: You think you can challenge me?

FX: Scuffle

FX: Thump

Thug 2: Oooo..

Malina: You took care of them quick.

Ghost: Where did the preacher go?

Mason: He is…I think he ran?

Ghost: I can’t sense his presence anywhere.

Malina: He can hide his presence? Rick what sort of person are we dealing with?

Ghost: Mr. Mason, what brings you here?

Mason: I was trailing different orginzations when I found a credible lead that the threats were made by The First group. I figured I could sneak in when I was ambushed. It was as if they were suspecting me.

Ghost: Go back to the city. Tell the police what you know. Have them come here and arrest the preacher.

Mason: Will you be fine Mr. Ghost sir?

Ghost: Yes.

Mason: Any chance you will one day tell me who you really are?

Ghost: You are the private eye, you figure it out.

Mason: Okay. I will see you later, as our paths tend to cross more often than I look forward to.

Fx: Walking away.

Ghost: So, sis, no idea where he ran? His name? Or anything?

Malina: If he is smart he will go into hiding now.

Voice: You will not interupt my plans.

Malina: Who is there?

Ghost: It is that aura again. Show yourself!

Seth: You and your paganism will burn for an eternity!

Ghost: I see you!

Seth: And I shall send you there myself! (Roars in rage)

Ghost: I…sister….help…

FX: Body falls.

Music: One Letter To Another ( First Refrain)

Rory: This moment of ours, is that place in heaven
These arms of mine swing attached to yours
A playful melody
I wont let go
Please stay with me to
A letter from I to You.

Malina: Rick…wake up.

Rick: Huh? What happened?

Rory: Are you okay sir?

Rick: I heard…singing.

Rory: It is a song for my fiancee. I wrote it just for her. I always thought, before I died, that I would be able to have this song played on the radio, specially dedicated to her.

Rick: It is a nice song. Very…cheerful.

Malina: Are you okay brother?

Rick: You didn’t answer, what happened?

Malina: He used his aura to attack you. You were a vegitable for a good while. I had to fight him off and will you to get into the truck that brought Mason to the farm. We both barely escaped that one. You have been asleep for two days Rick.

Rick: We need a plan B. I am not used to having my spiritual energy overpowered by another. Whoever or whatever we are dealing with is extremely strong.

Malina: Or extremely driven.

Rick: Right.

Malina: But. If I was able to help hold him off for but a moment….

Rick: Yes?

Malina: Doesn’t it stand with your energy and power, and if we pool it together with Rory’s, we might be stronger than him.

Rick: Directly, yes.

Rory: What is this?

Rick: She is saying that instead of my idea of trying to protect you, we instead work as a trio and we should be able to push the dark force back.

Rory: Violence is not really my thing.

Rick: It wouldn’t be violence. It would simply be pushing your energy towards the light on a force that is responding with darkness.

Rory: Lightness against darkness?

Rick: Positive versus negative.

Rory: I always wanted to fill the world with positivvity. I just rarely get to being my job is what it is.

Rick: Mr. Green?

Rory: I just always wanted to make people smile. And while I know I do make my fans smile, I always believed the more positive energy you put out there in the world, the stronger the world would be to come from it. That is why I want to continue to write music that gives people hope and comes from a place of happiness.

Rick: And to think you are the lead writer of…whatever that type of music is.

Rory: Before I died, I am happy I was able to make a copy of One Letter To Another.

Rick: Was that what I heard?

Rory: Yes.

Rick: If any unfinished business you have, I promise, someone will listen to that song.

Rory: Thank you Mr. Hart.

Rick: Now, speaking of trio’s. I was thinking we need to check in with Mason. Maybe it would be a good idea to work with him on this case.

FX: Door Opens.

Rick: Who is it?

Linda: Rick! You are up and moving!

Rick: How long have you been here?

Linda: It is a Monday. You did give me the weekend off.

Rick: That is right. Why are you dressed like that?

Malina: I have never seen her dress that counter fashion before.

Linda: Oh. I was out last night.

Rick: And what did you do?

Linda: Monkey Paws had an encore show. And it was A-maze-ing!

Rick: But their lead singer.

Linda: Oh, the new guy is no replacement. But that is besides the point, the show ras packed and full of energy.

Rory: Mr. Hart. If at possible can I go and say my goodbyes first?

Rick: Are they still in town?

Linda: They have one more encore show tomorrow so I don’t see why not.

Rick: You are the best. Let’s go.

FX: Walking out.

FX: Door closes.

Linda: Rick? Where are you going…who is us?

Eric: Last night…

Tom: Yeah, tell me about it.

New Guy: It was A-maze-ing

Litchen: Anyone care what I have to…say…no of course not.

Tom: I just don’t know if we can keep up this energy.

Eric: Boss says after we finish here, he can give us a break and we can discuss what the future holds for the band.

New Guy: I just want to thank you all for letting me in on this at such a short notice.

Tom: As far as I am concerned you are doing us a good solid.

New Guy: Thanks.

FX: Knocking.

Rick: Knock Knock.

Eric: Come in.

FX: Door opens.

Rick: Hey everyone.

Tom: Mr. Hart?.

Eric: What are you doing here?

Rick: I am just here to pass along some messages from the deceased so to speak.

Eric: How so?

Rick: While doing my investigation, I am sure your manager told you about me. Anywho I am investigating Rory Green’s death and I came across some personal information that I am sure he wanted to be passed along.

FX: Papers moving.

Eric: These are…

Rick: Letters. He apparently spent a lot of time with this band that he wrote letters incase something where to have happened to him at some point in time.

Eric: This letter, its about my getting over my fear of women.

Tom: Hehe, you still havent kicked it.

Eric: Have too!

Rick: Also. I have not seen the fiance lately, she was supposed to get in contact with me but she dropped off the face of the…what is with the faces?

Eric: I hate to say this.

Rory: What? Did something happen to her?

Tom: This might be disrespectful of the dead so we tried to keep it quiet for awhile.

Rory: What?

Rick: What was it? I was left with a tape to play for her. It was a song he wrote for her.

Tom: That might not be such a good idea.

Rick: And why not?

Tom: She has been cheating on him. Just the other day, her and the stage hand both left town. When I confronted him, he said that he was worried the affiar might implicate him in the murder, so they ran.


Rick: I…

Rory: No….

Rick: Are you sure?

Rory: I don’t want to accept this.

Rick: I mean it could just be…

Tom: Harlot is too good of a word for her.

Eric: This had been going on for some time. Boss ordered it under wraps in fear that it might cause…

Rory: My song…for her…

Eric…him to quit writing music for us.

Rick: I think I need to leave. Thank you for your time gentlemen.

FX; Door closes.

Rick: Rory, I am sooo sorry.

Rory: Art.

Rick: Sir?

Rory: True art, it is worth the pain. I would write the most beautiful sympathy in the world, in ode to a muse most wonderful. Sprinkled with falling petals that each blink a hidden sadness. To know love, to have your heart destroyed and wrenched, it is worth it if you have a body worth celebrating. All I have created, I suffer sadness gladly.

Rick: I am sorry.

Rory: Why?

Rick: Love, I never truly knew it. I cannot relate.

Rory: Why is that?

Rick: If ever I open my heart, it would serve a distraction for all I do. All I do, it is who I am Mr. Green.

Rory: But doesn’t Rick Hart have any dreams?

Rick: If Rick Hart ever dreamt, it was as a child that life would be happy and filled with magic.

Rory: I dreamt that as an adult, it is why I write.

Rick: You are a good man.

Rory: Rick, don’t be afraid to dream.

Rick: Perhaps one day, if I am not dead before then. But I am not ready to give up The Ghost yet.

Fade Into

Background FX: Ceiling Fan

Mason: I was told to go to the police, but apparently no one in the community is talking and we havent established a name. I have no name to go on, and a vague night description is not enough. I can‘t just get the police to needless bust into a religious community. It would be a nightmare.

Rick: I agree.

Mason: So we need to identify the man. All I have are these photos. We need to go over them one by one..

Rory: Mr. Hart.

Rick: Yes?

Mason: What?

Rick: I see.

Rory: That is him.

Rick: I can’t believe I didn’t put it together. Mason, when was this picture taken?

Mason: Oh that is the old congregation when it started some long time ago.

Rick: Along time ago right?

Mason: Yeah. Why?

Rick: That kid standing next to the old preacher. There names are on this photo, no?

Mason: Well I was able to dig it up from the archives. Yes.

Rick: The kid, his name is Justin. He looks like he is about to hit puberty, add a growth spirt, and get rid of his hair…

Mason:…That is him..

Rory: That is the man who killed me?

Mason: When The Ghost saved me, that man there, I am sure it is him!

Rick: Find out where we can find him.

Mason: I will make a few calls. I will be right back.

FX; Running off.

Rick: Okay. We have a name.

Malina: It is the old preacher, isn’t it?

Rick: I have no doubt. He is possessed by a vengeful spirit of a priest with evil intentions. Mr. Justin, probably looked up to this man for along time, when he died, I have no doubt that the creature brainwashed him into becoming his vessil.

Malina: But it isn’t a direct possesion?

Rick: Correct, we cannot just excorcise it. That is why it is so strong.

Malina: So Rick, is it time for the final showdown.

Rick: The Ghost will not lose this time. We need to go all in. You both ready.

Rory: Yes.

Dramatic Music.

Fade out.

Justin: Thank you for coming.

Member: Thank you.

Justin: Have a blessed day.

Member 2: You too. Your sermon was great today.


Justin: They are all gone….finally.

Seth: You are growing weak.

Justin: Really, The Ghost was after us!

Seth: And many more advesaries will rise. But for every one that rises, we shall smite them down.

Justin: I still see him when I close my eyes. I heard him scream when the cord snapped. I see the fear in his eyes…

Seth: Stop being a coward. You need to have a stronger stomach in order to serve the lord.

Justin: But he was a man.


Justin: Yes…

Seth: Say it with me.

Justin: He was a heretic.

Seth: You sent him to burn in the afterlife. No. It wasn’t you. It was his own evil, you simply pushed along the nature of the lord.

Justin: I did….

Seth: This world is tainted and dark. We will clense it like a flame. No one but you will be my vessil to cleanse the filth from this earth.

Justin: and the guilt I feel?

Seth: That is not guilt. That is the evil trying to trick you into joining its cause. Fight it. Embrace the light I give you. That evil face you see of his, that is the demon trying to trick you into feeling sympathy for it.

Ghost: I never thought I would see this any time soon.

Justin: Who is there?

Ghost: Once again I have returned. It is I, The Ghost.

Malina: Is he actually communicating with….

Ghost: So, your vengeful nature has brought you in tune with a living human. It is a very rare occurance. Just how long have you been stalking this poor boy before you were able to finally commune with him.

Seth: Three years of yelling into his ear.

Ghost: That is commendable. Such dedication. Such Fanatacism.

Malina: I can sense he is charging his aura.

Ghost: Block it.

Malina: (Grunts) He is strong.

Ghost: All that hatred building up all these years. I did my digging. You had a heart attack in the middle of a sermon did you not? And this boy here, he was your aprentice.

Preacher: He served me well..

Ghost: Listen to me Justin.

Justin: How do you know my name.

Seth: Because he is evil. Do not pay attention to him.

Justin: Very well..

Ghost: You are a good boy. You know that right?

Seth: All his words are built on lies.

Ghost: I heard you felt guilty, is that right?

Justin: No. Guilty is for those who are guilty.

Ghost: Oh you are guilty. You killed someone. You choked the life out of them while they died in a state of fear and panic.

Justin: I…

Seth: A befitting death for a heretic. One who brings filth and darkness to the world.

Ghost: You killed him, in front of the woman he was going to propose to.

Justin: Well I am sure that…

Ghost: He loved her very much. He loves her still you know.

Rory: Rick, Your sister needs your help.

Ghost: (Grunts) I am trying to hold it off.

Justin: I… but he was evil.

Ghost: He was going to dedicate the rest of his life trying to make another human being happy. How is that evil?

Justin: But his music It was creating a collective darkness that was going to pollute the world…

Seth: Your power is indeed strong. I underestimated you. But my rage cannot be beaten.

Ghost: This is your chance. Justin. You are a good man, only an evil one would take the life with no regret in there heart. The spirit of your teacher, he is wicked. He clings to the darkness, the rage he felt when he died, and his regret. You have allowed him to anchor on to you. As long as you will it, he cannot leave this world. All you will continue to feel until the day you die, is his negative energy slowly eat away at your soul.

Seth: He is the king of lies!

Ghost: You know this to be true.

Justin: You are a liar Ghost.

Ghost: Have you ever felt happy knowing the love of your fellow man?

Justin: What?

Seth: My focus…what  happened?

Malina: His pressure is letting off. You are doing it!

Ghost: There is love in this world and there is justice. You felt it in your heart before, right?

Justin: Yes. But that man, the man I killed.

Ghost: His name is Rory Green.

Justin: No it is Sir Scarlet of Monke…

Ghost: Call him Rory. He is a human being with a name. And he is here with me now.

Justin: He is a hateful individual..

Rory: Tell him I forgive him,

Ghost: He forgives you for killing him.

Seth: (In pain) Ah!

Justin: He what?

Ghost: This is a song he wrote for his girfriend. He wanted to whole world to hear it. Rory wanted to bring a little extra light in this world.

Start Music:  One Letter to Another.

Justin: I…this song?

Seth: Don’t listen to it.

Justin: It is so peaceful.

Seth: He is an evil and wicked…

Justin: I….

Seth: ignore….

Justin: Oh my god! I killed a man! What….have I done!?

Seth: Get up. Get up. Get off your knees and fight. Kill them! You…Answer me!

Ghost: He can’t hear you anymore. Your power over him is gone.

Seth: But…

Ghost: And with that, I consign you to the other side. Farewell.

Seth: My work is not done…my….not…do….

Justin: I am so sorry sir. I never meant to cause you harm. Not like this… to kill a voice. To kill an angel… (breaks into tears)

Rory: It is going to be okay. It is going to be okay. I know you cannot hear or see me, but know that I am hugging you as best I can.

Music gets louder

One letter to another

That sweet fairy whispers a song in my head.
Words that tickle the ear and grow from my heart
Yes, that’s right
We knew all along, didn’t we.
That moment we held hands and you laughed

You said

This moment of ours, is that place in heaven
These arms of mine swing attached to yours
A playful melody
I wont let go
Please stay with me to
A letter from I to You.

A laugh, I cant help to hide the smile
A nectar
Sweetness that can never truly dull
You agree
May you never go home
For here we both belong

You nod

This moment of ours, is that place in heaven
These arms of mine swing attached to yours
A playful melody
I wont let go
Please stay with me to
A letter from I to You.

I see us old.
A house that time has not touched
You with your flowers
Me with the food.
I call you in.
We sit by the fire,
An old song playing
Like this until the end you ask.

As my ghost fades away, I whisper

A letter from I to you.

Dramatic Music

Fade Out.

Announcer: The Ghost and all characters are copyright by Supernatural Magazine Monthly. All characters living or dead are fictitious and all similarities are practically coincidental. All rights reserved.


© 2016 Daniel Rodriguez

Author's Note

Daniel Rodriguez
This episode may be a bit longer than I would have liked. That being said, I really enjoyed writing it. Feel free to give thoughts on it! Can't wait to hear from you.

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Added on August 1, 2016
Last Updated on August 1, 2016
Tags: Radio Drama, Mystery, adventure, The Ghost, paranormal, script, heavy metal, murder


Daniel Rodriguez
Daniel Rodriguez

Phoenix, AZ

Hello, my name is Daniel Antonio Rodriguez and I am a wannabe writer. I am 27 years old and have been actively writing for the past 12-13 years. I enjoy writing scripts and breaking out into niche gen.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Daniel Rodriguez