

A Poem by Dominique Lambright

How much I value family


Family & Friends


Feelings you get when you know you have wonderful people in your life who care

Amazing moments where you get a chance to say “good times good times”

Making sure you get a good education and have a roof over your head

Illnesses you could never get through without them there supporting you and praying for it to just pass

Loving almost everything about you, not only because they are your family but also because they have learned to accept you for whom you are

Year after year they are with you the whole step of the way, always encouraging you to be the best you can be

& never putting you down intentionally to make you give up or quit on a dream

Fooling around whenever you get together no matter when the last time you saw them was

Receiving them in your life and staying there for numerous years if they are true

Involving them in family events as if they were family because they are just that close to you

Endless phone calls when they need someone or you need someone to talk to

Never ending jokes

Dating and either realizing you were meant to be only friends or finding they are the one for you

Sentimental moments shared throughout the years that have pasted and the years to come


© 2013 Dominique Lambright

Author's Note

Dominique Lambright
Honest comments, please and thank you.

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Added on March 2, 2013
Last Updated on July 9, 2013
Tags: family, love, relationship


Dominique Lambright
Dominique Lambright

Milwaukee , WI

I am a creative and very active person. I like doing a lot at a time. To keep busy. I am goofy. I am multiple ethnicity but I am majority African American. I am a college student right now and cannot .. more..
